Blog Posts

A garage with a bunch of fancy collector cars inside of it.

Jay Leno’s Garage

You may recognize the title Jay Leno’s Garage as the popularized television show starring ex-Tonight Show host Jay Leno. Known as a car fanatic, Mr. Leno has a prime collection of automobiles, motorcycles, and other motorized…

A bright sun setting over the earths horizon.

The Best Time to Drive in California

The tormented know this feeling all too well. You’re jammed in the middle of rows and aisles of cars on a highway you’ve never driven on in California. You had…

A sketch like image of a busy interstate with signs that read "Ft. Worth," "Texarkana," and "Waco."

2018 Texas Traffic Laws

As is the case with most states in the union, Texas is always updating its driving and Texas traffic laws as technology, trends and other factors require it to. For 2018, there are a few notable…

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