Blog Posts

Driving Safety

NASCAR ‘No Drugs’ Questioned

At least one driver is questioning whether the NASCAR drug testing policy is up to snuff after a Sprint Cup was disqualified for testing positive for what has only been…

Inside of what appears to be a mall with palm trees and escalators.
Car Safety

Reckless Driver Crashes Dallas Mall

In Dallas this week police arrested a man they say crashed his pick-up truck into a local mall, destroying a double plate glass set of door,s a few kiosks and…


DUI In Florida Is Serious Business

Florida drivers face some of the most severe penalties for being convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol. In fact, the state boasts one of the highest conviction rates…

Automotive Technology

Electric Vehicles Slow To Gain Traction

For as much hype as has been received by electric vehicles, and the money spent to promote them to drivers eager for a fossil fuel alternative, US drivers have been…

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