Cars Most Likely To Get A Ticket

Contrary to popular belief, drivers in red cars don’t get ticketed more often than their less-flashy comrades. Middle-aged males with a thing for foreign brands, on the other hand, had better watch out.

Men who drive a Volkswagen GTI or Mercedes-Benz CLS-63 AMG are twice as likely to get a ticket than the average driver. If they’re in a Hummer, they might as well plan on it–drivers of the Hummer H2 face more than triple the chances of a citation.

“It’s the combination of the male driver driving the big old Hummer and a mid-life kind of person feeling good,” says Bob U’Ren, senior vice president at Quality Planning, a San Francisco-based company that validates policyholder information for auto insurers. “That’s the magical combination that drives some of these things.

To determine the cars most likely to get a ticket, Quality Planning’s analysts looked at traffic violation data from February 2009 through February 2010, counting the number of violations racked up by different car models. To account for the difference in number of cars on the road, they averaged the violation count per 100,000 miles driven. Vehicles that have been discontinued for more than 10 years were not included in the analysis.

The most-ticketed car on the road, the Mercedes-Benz SL-Class, is a two-door luxury convertible–suggested retail price for a SL550 Roadster is $102,600. Drivers of these cars are four times more likely to get a ticket than the average person.

Luxury coupes and sedans dominate our list: Only one SUV (the Hummer H2) and two hatchbacks (the Scion xB and Volkswagen GTI) appear on the top 10, and no minivans or wagons.

In fact, according to Quality Planning data, 8 of the 10 least-ticketed cars are SUVs and minivans. U’Ren says that’s because drivers who carry multiple passengers–especially young passengers in car seats–significantly alter the way they drive. (For example, it’s likely many drivers of No. 3, the Scion tC coupe, aren’t toting kids.)

Our list of the cars most likely to get a ticket includes only two autos manufactured by Detroit’s Big Three, both of them discontinued: the Hummer H2 and the Pontiac Grand Prix. Drivers of GM’s discontinued sedan are almost twice as likely than the average commuter to be ticketed behind the wheel.

Another standout on the list: the Toyota Camry. Not known for its glamor or luxury (or looks, performance, style, etc…) it makes the list for reasons having little to do with its mainstream popularity. U’Ren says there’s a large segment of Camry drivers who are proportionally disposed for violations: older women, who are less likely to be driving with kids. It’s also important to remember that this segment includes the Solara coupe–a sportier version than the ho-hum Camry sedan. “Sixty percent of those drivers are female, and they’re a little bit older–50 years old on average,” U’Ren says. “That’s the profile of the type of person that would buy and drive a Camry and Solara–and drive it quickly.”

So, what to do if you do get pulled over for speeding? Don’t automatically admit guilt. Don’t assume you’ll have to pay the full amount of the fine. And make sure you’ve done research about what your options are when you speak with the police officer. Many states allow discovery requests, which let drivers get police department information about their particular traffic violation–details like officer credentials, the device they used to monitor speed, traffic flow status, etc. If certain discrepancies come up, they could help reduce or remove the ticket fee, says Bonnie Sesolak, the development director for the National Motorists Association.

“Pay attention to what’s going on around you when the officer pulls you over,” Sesolak says. “Certainly be respectful. You can answer his questions, but you only need to answer the questions that are pertinent to why he pulled you over.”

Or try chalking it up to the proverbial mid-life crisis.

If you happen to get a traffic ticket, chances are an online traffic school will help you with your insurance. Depending on the state a traffic school can even erase a point from your record.

Fighting Traffic Tickets – Is it a Good Idea?

Decide Whether the Ticket Is Worth Fighting First off, decide whether it’s worth your time to fight a ticket.   If a ticket means thousands of dollars in increased insurance premiums, risk of license suspension, or other serious penalties it may be worth the hassle…  however, fighting tickets is not simple  it may  not be always worth it. Below are some basic guidelines that can help you decide Understand the Law You Are Alleged to Have Violated Most police officers don’t really know the letter of the law – after all that’s what attorneys are for. An easy first step in fighting traffic tickets is to read the exact law you’re alleged to have violated, and break it down into elements. Once you’ve broken the law down into its components, if you can show that your behavior didn’t meet the exact prohibitions contained in the law, then you’ve gone a good ways towards showing that you haven’t violated the law at all. Here’s an actual stop sign law, with brackets to separate different elements of the law: “[A person] [operating a human-powered vehicle] [approaching a stop sign shall slow down] and, [if required for safety, stop before entering the intersection]. After slowing to a reasonable speed or stopping, [the person shall yield the right-of-way to] [any vehicle] [in the intersection] or [approaching on another highway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time the person is moving across] or [within the intersection or junction of highways], [except that a person after slowing to a reasonable speed and yielding the right-of-way if required, may cautiously make a turn or proceed through the intersection without stopping].” Some elements you can’t really challenge (you are a person after all), but notice that stopping isn’t actually required! It’s only necessary if it is “required for safety” and the law explicitly allows you to “cautiously make a turn or proceed through the intersection without stopping”. Chances are good that the police officer wrote down something like “rolled through intersection without a complete stop”. You can easily go into court, lay out the law, and demonstrate that you never violated the law in the first place. Will a judge accept this? Absolutely. This is precisely what lawyers do, they break down laws into elements and try to prove that some element wasn’t met. Remember, you’re innocent until proven guilty. Don’t Pay the Ticket, It’s Often an Admission of Guilt When you first get your ticket, do not pay it. In almost all jurisdictions, paying the fine is an admission of guilt. Instead, find out how you can get your day in court. Consider Traffic School Many jurisdictions offer an option to attend traffic school. In return, your charges will be dismissed or reduced and points masked from  your driving record. Explore this option by researching the law in your state. If you find that an online traffic school is a good option, request it from the prosecutor or judge.  Most of the jurisdictions that accept traffic school (sometimes referred to as a Defensive Driving Course) will also allow you to complete it Online.   Traffic School requirements range from 4-12 hours , which is still much better than some other alternatives. Common Defenses to a Traffic Ticket There are several typical defenses used when fighting traffic tickets. Many of the defenses below are based on your constitutional right to question the accuser . The Officer Doesn’t Show UpThe easiest way to win is to have the police officer not show up. Because you have a constitutional right to question the accuser, if the officer doesn’t show, you will typically automatically win. How can you increase your chances of getting a no show?

  • Postponing the court date can significantly increase the odds that the officer will not be present during the trial.
  • Never go with the date on your ticket. That’s usually a “gang date” for the officer, where the officer has scheduled all of his or her court dates at once. If you schedule for an extension that falls on a different day, chances are they aren’t going to come in on their day off just for you.
  • Try to choose a court date that is closer to the holidays or summer vacation days – this might increase the odds of your officer being out on vacation.

Camera Tickets and Hearsay People often think that there’s little they can do with a camera based ticket, but they’re amazingly easy to beat. Here are some tips:

  • Courthouses will rarely go through the trouble of bringing the video or picture to court, usually resulting in an automatic dismissal of the ticket.
  • Even if they do, there is no human subject to question other than the officer who viewed the tape. The second the officer opens his mouth, you just object “hearsay”. Hearsay is the equivalent of “so and so told me”, which courts consider unreliable evidence. After all, the officer didn’t actually see you do anything, rather the officer is relying on the observations of someone/something else. As a result, the officer can’t testify as to what you did wrong and obviously neither can the camera. It takes courage to do this, but it can work.

Trial by Declaration In many states, you are entitled to a trial by mail. You submit your claim as to why you are innocent in a letter, and the officer must do the same. While officers will often show up for court because it is an overtime opportunity, trial by mail is pure paperwork, and they will often not bother to submit their side of the story. When this happens, you win by default. Should you lose by mail, you have lost nothing: you can still request an in-person trial, request traffic school, or pay your fine. The Sixth Amendment Requires a Speedy and Public Trial The sixth amendment guarantees you a speedy and public trial, and this can be an easy basis to avoid a ticket. For example, in California, a speedy trial is defined as 45 days from the time of the infraction. In many jurisdictions you must go to the courthouse in person to get a court date. Among those legal documents you are asked to sign, will be one in which you waive your right to a speedy trial. Do not sign this document. You cannot be legally forced to waive this right. What this means is that if the court system cannot fit you in, within those 45 days, (times for your state may vary) then your case must be dismissed. Tickets Based on Radar Guns Most radar guns need to be recalibrated every 30-60 days, and due to ignorance, lack of funding, or laziness, they rarely are. One solid argument for your case is to prove that the measurement device is faulty. In some states the officer must check the calibration after issuing the ticket – usually by using two tuning forks held in front of the radar, which vibrate at the frequencies for 35 mph and 55 mph. Verify whether this was done and documented. Check Your Ticket for Errors While courts will often excuse minor errors on a ticket ? a misspelled name or whether your car color is maroon or dark red ? if the officer cites the wrong law on the ticket, or grossly misidentifies the highway or your make of car, you may to get your ticket dismissed. Defenses That Don’t Work The following is a short list of common defenses people often make when fighting traffic tickets that just don’t work:

  • You claim ignorance of the law. It doesn’t matter how honestly you misunderstood what was required, it won’t work.
  • You argue that no one was hurt. The no-harm-no-foul rule doesn’t apply in court. The only exception is whether safety is part of the law itself, and you can argue that obviously you operated your vehicle safely because no one was hurt.
  • You complain that the officer selected you alone out of a dozen other potential violators. Admitting that you were in fact guilty, but that there were other guilty people present doesn’t help you. You can win a “selective enforcement” defense, but it’s very hard to do and requires that you demonstrate the officer had a specific and improper motive to pick on you. For instance if you filed a report against the officer and he just happened to pull you over the next day with a dozen other violators nearby, you may win.
  • You give the judge a sad story. It doesn’t work, judges hear this all day long and may doubt your honesty. At best this will slightly reduce your fine.
  • You claim the officer is lying. Between you and the police officer, the judge is more likely to believe the officer. Unless you have specific proof, it won’t work.

Hope: Intelligent Traffic System

An intelligent traffic system can now make future predictions of which route will be the best way for you take to avoid congested roads. In urban areas especially, this traffic system is going to be wildly useful.

While there are many routes a driver can take, it is not easy to predict which one will be the fastest. Researchers have developed an intelligent traffic system which displays information real-time about the best route to take, thereby helping drivers make the best choice on the road. Until recently, traffic information was displayed in the immediate past. The intelligent traffic system has gone one step further and will make real-time future predictions for drivers.

The researchers of a combination of universities such as the Institute of Technology in Georgia and University for Science and Technology of Shanghai have reported results obtained by using the intelligent traffic system. This is known as prediction feedback strategy (PFS). Researchers have shown demonstrations using the PFS and how it controls the flow of traffic. Even if a handful of drivers opt to use this information the traffic congestion will improve considerably. The most significant change that PFS brings about is the data provided on how to prevent traffic congestion in the future.

While feedback from the intelligent traffic system has been applied to systems with a two way route, researchers have attempted at applying it to a three way route, a more complex scenario. According to the model, drivers are given three route options to choose from. In the simulation model, the strategies are based on the overall time taken by the previous vehicle which is determined at the end of travel and the average number of vehicles on a particular road. This is then calculated with vehicles transmitting their location using a GPS to the control centre.

The newest strategy introduced by researchers, the PFS is able to predict road congestion in the future based on road congestion in the present. Compared to the two way strategy or using the model that makes predictions based on the immediate past, the PFS can overcome these other strategies and accommodate increased vehicle capacity. In earlier strategies the driver reported the road condition ahead of him based at the end of the two way route. This strategy will work well as long as there are no vehicles jammed behind the driver. PFS on the other hand, can make future predictions and effects of the route at the end of the traffic system.

As a person who works for an online traffic school I can’t even fathom how much this system can help congested areas I would suspect it would even decrease the amount of car crashes! Stay tuned to the Improv Traffic School blog for more updates on this type of technology.

An intelligent traffic system can now make future predictions of which route will be the best way for you take to avoid congested roads. In urban areas especially, this traffic system is going to be wildly useful.

While there are many routes a driver can take, it is not easy to predict which one will be the fastest. Researchers have developed an intelligent traffic system which displays information real-time about the best route to take, thereby helping drivers make the best choice on the road. Until recently, traffic information was displayed in the immediate past. The intelligent traffic system has gone one step further and will make real-time future predictions for drivers.

The researchers of a combination of universities such as the Institute of Technology in Georgia and University for Science and Technology of Shanghai have reported results obtained by using the intelligent traffic system. This is known as prediction feedback strategy (PFS). Researchers have shown demonstrations using the PFS and how it controls the flow of traffic. Even if a handful of drivers opt to use this information the traffic congestion will improve considerably. The most significant change that PFS brings about is the data provided on how to prevent traffic congestion in the future.

While feedback from the intelligent traffic system has been applied to systems with a two way route, researchers have attempted at applying it to a three way route, a more complex scenario. According to the model, drivers are given three route options to choose from. In the simulation model, the strategies are based on the overall time taken by the previous vehicle which is determined at the end of travel and the average number of vehicles on a particular road. This is then calculated with vehicles transmitting their location using a GPS to the control centre.

The newest strategy introduced by researchers, the PFS is able to predict road congestion in the future based on road congestion in the present. Compared to the two way strategy or using the model that makes predictions based on the immediate past, the PFS can overcome these other strategies and accommodate increased vehicle capacity. In earlier strategies the driver reported the road condition ahead of him based at the end of the two way route. This strategy will work well as long as there are no vehicles jammed behind the driver. PFS on the other hand, can make future predictions and effects of the route at the end of the traffic system.

As a person who works for an online traffic school I can’t even fathom how much this system can help congested areas I would suspect it would even decrease the amount of car crashes!

Things To Do In A Traffic Jam

You cannot escape the inevitability of certain things in life: death, taxes and, if you live in a major city, being caught in a traffic jam. Traffic jams are something you just cannot avoid. When you think of traffic jams, what images come into your head? Images of hot days and dusty road congested with an endless queue of vehicles glinting against the warm sunlight. So here’s what you can do. You can either rant and rave and sulk the entire time bellowing unprintable words, or you can find some interesting things to do which will not only give you a couple of hours of entertainment, but the surrounding cars in the vicinity as well.  Being part of an online traffic school I advise you to choose the ladder. Once you’ve decided on the option here are some interesting tips to follow. Give yourself a complete makeover (if you are a woman). Take your makeup kit and start from the beginning; reapply foundation, eye mascara, liner, lipstick and blush on. Experiment freely, while ignoring the jokes and jibes coming from nearby cars.

Make a call to your boss or mum-in-law informing them of your predicament and mention that you will be running late. Flip out your mobile phone and text message as much as you like. There won’t be traffic patrol to pull you over this time around. Receive jokes and hear all the gossip until your battery goes dead.

Play all the games your mobile phone has to offer and set up world records that no one can come close to breaking. Become reacquainted with long lost family members and friends. Call up Aunty Jane and ask how Uncle Ernie’s ulcer is doing or listen to Aunty Emilia complain about heart palpitations. This is a good way to regain popularity with family members and learn more about medical diagnosis.

Begin a conversation with the old lady sitting in the next vehicle. She may be as bored as you. Get household tips and ask for recipes. You can jot down whatever she may be saying and publish these under your name. This might even make you famous on the primetime cooking channel!

Alternatively look out for a bored girl in a nearby car and begin a conversation about makeup, entertainment and soap operas. Get the latest gossip on love affairs, domestic battles and heartbreaks in the television world. Learn about the latest fashion, hairdos, newest hunks and villains, wedding ceremonies and funeral rituals.

Clean the glove compartment you have been putting off doing for a while now. Sort out your receipts, lottery tickets, chewing gum packs, tissue packs, various papers and parking tickets. If you have got hunger pangs, order a burger or pizza delivery. Give the location of where you are stuck at. Explain that the highway has become your second home now, at least during rush hours.

If you are still bored, improve your mathematical skills by memorizing number plates of vehicle plates in the vicinity, multiply these numbers and total them. Exercise your brain well!

Finally, when the traffic starts back up, don’t speed! If you do and get caught chances are a traffic school will help you with your insurance but JUST DON’T DO IT!

Scientist Find Your Brains Traffic Cop

Scientists have made a new discovery with a protein that is supposed to help brain cells direct traffic from within the brain. This protein is called MEC-17. Working for an online traffic school I call the MEC-17 your brains traffic cop. Scientists are hoping that this protein will play a part in their much research of various diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington. Scientists are already aware of the fact that degeneration inside the brain takes place due to the changes to microtubules which are tiny tubes situated inside brain cells. The role microtubules play is the ensuring of nutrients, proteins and waste being transported to its rightful destinations. These tiny tubes also help with cell growth and in signaling that arises between brain cells.

If a drug can have an impact on microtubules along its transport, this can lead to degenerative research of diseases. Scientists have now found that MEC-17 displays certain marks on microtubules. Marks created on these tiny tubes direct it where it should transport proteins and so on to which part of the brain and in what direction. Depending on whether it is a sending signal or receiving signal, microtubules showed more marks in some cases.

MEC-17 was first discovered during the study of human cancer cells and other organism’s nerve cells in zebrafish and C. elegans, a nematode worm. For instance, in research done on zebrafish, neuromuscular defects were noticed with the depletion of MEC-17 and in nematode worm, its sensation touch was affected. Now that scientists understand the use of MEC-17 a little better, it is hoped that research can lead to a drug being developed to block or to enhance it. I wonder if scientist will be able to develop a traffic school for our cells? LOL!

How To Avoid A Speed Trap

It may seem like every day is a battle while driving on the road. You race across town to get to places on time .. avoiding cars that are driving too slow or too fast. In most cases you may fall into the latter category since you’re always trying to make it to your destination on time.  And then BAM a speed trap…

Most of you may have experienced being in a speed trap and it sucks getting that hefty traffic ticket which usually derives you NO mercy especially if you’re going fast on residential roads.
Although we are in no way encouraging you to beat the system and go fast through town here are some tips on how to minimize getting caught in “THE SPEED TRAP.”

Note: We do not condone speeding.
1. Don’t speed. But if you are then look out for typical speed trap spots like heading down hills, rounding curves.

2. Utilize services online that will help you on the road. Folks are getting hip to speed traps around their town and are using the world wide web to help their fellow drivers:

The Speed Trap Exchange website [] helps you find speed traps along your route; before embarking on a trip do a little research and take the list with you.

Another tool to avoid speed traps and apparently favorite amongst soccer moms can be found at This application can be downloaded to your cell phone and will send you real-time alerts about locations of a speed trap. What’s even better is that it is hands free so it also avoids you getting a ticket for holding your cell phone to check. Visit for all the info.

3. Buy a Radar detector. Note to Truck Drivers: By federal law, radar detectors are illegal in commercial vehicles (such as trucks) in all states. Radar “jammers” are also illegal in all states.

4. Seems that the best tool on the road is to have knowledge of the road you’re traveling so educate yourself on the maximum speed limits in all the states you’ll be visiting as speed laws vary from state to state. Visit:

So enjoy the road with these little tips on avoiding speed traps but most of all drive safely … not too fast. Also, if you happen to need it online traffic school or defensive driving course could be the best way to fix your driving record.

Defensive Driving In Hurricanes

Mother Nature strikes when you least expect it … our Improv Traffic School Team has come up with some tips on driving during a Hurricane.

Driving Tip #1 DON”T DRIVE
But it you have to …..

Driving Tip #2 Make sure you have a full tank of gas before you hit the open road!

Driving Tip #3 Make sure you have flood insurance!

Driving Tip #4 Pack the following:

  • * Your cell phone [make sure it’s charged!]
  • * Essential Medicines
  • * Flashlights and batteries
  • * Old school Radio
  • * Food and water

Driving Tip #5 Have alternate routes of exit through your town in case your familiar roads are shut down for flooding.

Driving Tip #6 Let your family know, whether you get along with them or not, what your plan is so you have someone that has tabs on you!

Driving Tip #7 Don’t drive your bike during a hurricane! Watch this … wait for it around the 50 second mark!

Driving Tip #8 Watch out for high winds!