Blog Posts

Driving Safety

Florida Tracks Every Out-Of-State Ticket

In the state of Florida it is not just the traffic citations you receive in-state that you need to worry about. Florida also records every traffic citation you receive outside…


Caifornia ‘Young Drivers’ Web Site

Repeated studies have shown that young, inexperienced drivers, have the greatest risk of being involved in a fatal vehicle collision. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, vehicle…

Car Apps

Iowa Offers iPad Drivers App

In what might be the strangest pairing yet (given the ongoing debate about the dangers of distracted driving) the state of Iowa has released a new iPad app to help…

Car Insurance

Pay-As-You-Drive In Florida

State Farm, the country’s largest provider of vehicle insurance, is expanding its new pay-as-you-drive program to Florida where drivers who drive less can actually pay less for their car insurance.…

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