Driving Safety

IMPROV® Traffic School brings you the best content on driving and vehicle safety!
We teach drivers education with a smile and we want you seriously safe on the road.

Most Recent in Driving Safety

Four Lifesaving Holiday Driving Tips

The American Automobile Association is predicting that more Americans than ever before will be hitting the roads this holiday. A combination of increased airfare and decreased gasoline prices are making…

December 19, 2012

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Holiday Travel Likely To Break Records

A combination of factors is leading the AAA to release a report that it expects holiday car travel to be the highest it has been since 2006. Among these factors…

December 17, 2012

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Insurance Companies Recruit Student Filmmakers For Driving Safety

New York Central Mutual Insurance of Edmeston is hoping student made videos will convince young people to focus on developing their safe driving skills,…

December 17, 2012

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NY Commuters Get HOV Options

In survey after survey, year after year, New Yorkers discover that they spend more time commuting than anyone else in the nation. This hardly comes as a surprise to folks…

December 14, 2012

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North Dakota Sees Leap In Traffic Deaths

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration North Dakota holds the dubious honor of not only being one of just 14 states who has seen a recent increase in…

December 14, 2012

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Two Months And Four Hog Crashes On Texas Highway

Texas State Highway 130, the Austin by-pass for Dallas and San Antonio traffic, and the nation’s first highway with an 85-mph speed limit, has been opened less than two months…

December 13, 2012

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Wrong-Way Drivers In NY Prompt Interlock Discussion

It began with wrong-way drivers and they lives they risk (and claim) each year but quickly evolved into a conversation about requiring all convicted…

December 12, 2012

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Florida Driver Gets His Sign

Last week a Florida man was pulled over by police after striking a traffic sign. All doubt as to whether or not the man actually hit the sign was resolved…

December 12, 2012

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Traffic Deaths In California Jump

California has tied with New Jersey for the dubious honor of seeing the largest increase in the number of people killed in a traffic collision in 2011. The National Highway…

December 11, 2012

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New York Cops Increase Holiday Patrols

This Christmas don’t risking going to jail just so you can have a few beers with your friends. Driving while intoxicated is illegal everywhere and this holiday New York police…

December 11, 2012

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