Driving Safety

IMPROV® Traffic School brings you the best content on driving and vehicle safety!
We teach drivers education with a smile and we want you seriously safe on the road.

Most Recent in Driving Safety

How to Avoid Losing Big Money Because of a Fix-It Ticket

Have you ever had a burnt out tail light or some kind of mechanical problem that you knew needed to be fixed, but just…

November 5, 2014

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To Stop or Not To Stop?

Are Checkpoints Unconstitutional In The US? Did you know only 39 states allow checkpoints? If you are luck enough to live in: Idaho, Alaska, Iowa, Rhode Island, Wyoming or six of the states that prohibit roadblocks,…

October 24, 2014

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5 Ways to Get Out of Your Traffic Ticket

You pull over to the side of the road, disappointed. Now is the worst possible time for you to get a traffic ticket, and of course, that’s when it happens.…

October 15, 2014

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Avoid the Police by Knowing What They Can Hand out Tickets For

You see the red and blue lights flashing in the rear-view mirror. You say, “they’ve got to be after someone else, I’m not doing…

October 6, 2014

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Staying Safe on Labor Day

However you decide to get around this Labor Day, do it safely and have a good time! As the first national holiday after the Fourth of July, Labor Day is a long weekend where going to…

August 25, 2014

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GoPro Cameras Can Now Be Controled From Interior of BMW and Mini Through New App

The GoPro camera has captured those impossible to film moments for action enthusiast with the smooth quality of…

August 25, 2014

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More Scared of Flying than Driving? Think Again!

Last month it seemed that airplanes were falling out of the sky almost daily. In just eight short days, a Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down by a missile over…

August 15, 2014

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Quiz Time! Rate Your Road-Driving Skills

What happens when you hit the freeway ramp? 1. When driving, I like to: meditate or think about deep concepts while listening to my yoga CDs. (-1) shave my beard…

July 23, 2014

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Stress-Free Summer Travel Trips: Speed Traps and Trip Planning

Summer road trip anyone? If so, let’s do a quick run-down of the essential items that should be on your packing list! Bottled Water…

July 11, 2014

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Essential 10 Tips for Safe Driving (Especially for the 4th of July)

The first week of July, home to 4th of July weekend, is one of the busiest and most congested travel weekends of the entire…

June 30, 2014

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