Six Reasons Why Mrs. Claus Refuses to Ride with Santa

You probably think you know the whole story of Santa Claus and his eight reindeers’ trip around the world to deliver presents. But believe it or not, it wasn’t always a solo venture. In the beginning, Christmas was more of a mom and pop operation.

It is true, Mrs. Claus used to ride shotgun to help to navigate and keep the reindeer in line while her hubby nipped inside to drop off the goodies. But things got a little out of control and now the missus won’t be caught dead riding with Santa.

The Truth Why Mrs. Claus Refuses to Ride with Santa Anymore

1. Santa is an awful singer.

Everyone knows Santa is jolly, but unfortunately, he also has the bad habit of singing Christmas carols off-key and air drumming while flying his sleigh. The embarrassment become too much for Mrs. Claus to bear when she overheard the elves snickering behind his back.

2. Santa never cleans his sleigh.

No matter how many times he promised his wife to clear out the junk from under the seats, every time Mrs. Claus rode in his sleigh she would find the floor littered with fast food bags and other trash. She couldn’t take it anymore when she discovered a half-eaten sandwich hiding in the glove compartment.

3. Santa is lactose intolerant.

Despite pleas from Mrs. Claus, Santa insisted on drinking all the milk left for him by the little children. This led to extremely pungent journeys. Santa thought he came up with the perfect solution when he traded in his enclosed sleigh for an open-air model, but it was still too much for his long-suffering wife.

4. Santa never admits when he is lost.

Although Mrs. Claus is perfectly capable of reading a map, Santa always claimed he knew a “shortcut” which would save them five minutes. Inevitably, he became lost but refused to stop and ask for directions. Just recently Mrs. Claus gave him a GPS navigation unit, but he hasn’t learned how to operate it yet.

5. Santa is a gearhead.

While Mrs. Claus admits there is nothing wrong with taking pride in your vehicle, she got tired of always hearing her husband brag about how much reindeer power his sleigh has. She hated when he flew at top speed but was particularly perturbed when he let her out, so he could drag race a griffin.

6. Santa is a distracted driver.

Everyone knows Santa makes a list with all the name of those who are naughty or nice. He is careful to checks it twice, but when he checked for a third and fourth time while flying his sleigh the missus got nervous. After a close call with a flock of storks delivering newborns while he was going over the list for the ninth time, she had enough of his irresponsibility.
And those are the reasons why Mrs. Claus will never ride with her husband again.

Don’t force your loved ones out of your car with your terrible driving habits like Santa! Learn how to become a better driver by enrolling in a defensive driving course. Traffic School by IMPROV® offers a unique online comedy driving school for students who want to improve their driving skills, receive an auto insurance discount, and/or dismiss a traffic ticket while having a bit of fun at the same time! Find out more about the online defensive driving course NY residents and others love to attend.

Officer Gives Heartwarming Surprise

If you have been wondering where all the humanity in our world went, all it takes is a bit of digging to find the good people. They are everywhere and there was recently a story that popped up from the St. Louis area. A man was driving his 5-year-old niece home from her chemo appointment when he was pulled over by a officer for a routine traffic stop. On the surface, this may not sound like a good story, but the situation takes a positive turn.

Matthew Manley was the man who was pulled over and when he saw the police car, he immediately knew what he had done wrong. He had been delaying the transfer of his new license plates for a bit of time and he knew that this would result in getting a citation, which is something you learn in a MO Driver Improvement course. Manley had been driving his niece back and forth to chemotherapy for cancer treatment every day which did not make the day any easier.

After the officer cited him a ticket for his license plates, he then went back to the police car and started rummaging through his trunk. Manley did not know what to think and even sent a text to his wife Dana because he was a bit scared! He was timid thinking about what was going to happen next. Manley was nervous until the police officer, Shawn Birdsong, returned to his vehicle and had a pink backpack in his hands. He gave the bag to Manley and said that it was for his niece and he hoped that it would help brighten her spirits.

Inside the bag was a note from the officer Shawn Birdsong to Manley’s niece that said he hoped she felt better soon. There were also some clothes, toys, and art supplies contained inside the bag. Manley was so moved by the act that he not only thanked the officer for his kindness, but he also shared the story on his Facebook page and thanked the officer again there. This was such a heartwarming act that meant so much to the Manley family and the little girl.

The Facebook post eventually reached Birdsong again and he then called the Manley family to thank them. Since then, he has called back to check on the little girl 3 or 4 times. He has gone above and beyond his role by showing this compassion for the little girl. He had the backpack in his truck at the time because he was participating in Project Backpack St. Louis which puts together backpacks with comfort items and necessities for children. He saw it as the perfect opportunity to help make the day of this little girl a bit better, especially since she was going through such a trying and difficult time.

If you are looking to stay out of trouble while driving, consider taking a course through the best traffic school online and remember to show compassion to others all season long.

Where to Look for Traffic Cameras in AZ

No one wants to get caught breaking a traffic law and while the best practice is to always stick to the rules, it is
good to know where to slow down and take extra precaution in Arizona. The key to making sure that you do not get a
speeding ticket is knowing the speed limit when you are driving and paying attention to the road signs that indicate
this. However, it is also helpful to know where speeding cameras, as well as red light and right turn cameras, are

How You Can Get a Ticket in AZ

Not only can you get a ticket from the police officers that are monitoring the road, but you can also get one from the
cameras that are set up in various areas in Arizona. There are traffic cameras set up to not only monitor speeding but
also take a picture of a vehicle that runs a red light, doesn’t stop fully at stop signs, and other traffic violations.
Because of this, you need to know where to look for these traffic cameras, so you can make sure that you follow all the
rules of the road at all times.

Often, you will find that these traffic cameras are set up on the corners of major intersections. There may or may not
be signs that indicate the use of these cameras and if you do not take the time to look for them, you may not even know
they are there.

There are also various types of cameras such as red-light cameras, which are usually the ones found at intersections,
traffic cameras, which can be used to catch all kinds of violations at intersections, and speed cameras which can be
found at intersections but may also be found on the main interstates and highways in the area. These cameras are
designed to not only detect when you are breaking the law while driving but will also take a picture of you and your
license plate. If you are found to be in violation, you will have the ticket sent to the address where the vehicle is

To see a map of where some of these cameras are placed

Your Options If You Get a Ticket

If you are caught breaking the law and end up with a traffic ticket, you basically have two options: pay the ticket and
have points go on your driving record or take an AZ traffic school course instead of paying the ticket and have NO
points go on your record.

One great option that you have in this case is to take an online defensive driving course. You will be able to take the
four-hour course within the comforts of your own home, as well as take breaks as often as you like. The school will be
responsible for reporting your completion to the court as well as paying them your court diversion fee and state fees.

If you opt to just pay the ticket, your auto insurance will definitely go up. Taking a course through IMPROV®
AZ defensive driving school will keep your record
clean and your car insurance low. They also keep the material light and enjoyable so that you have a little bit of
fun while learning how to drive better… and keeping those points off your record.

Top 10 Car Gadgets Perfect for Xmas

Christmas is right around the corner and if you are looking for the perfect gift for the tech and car lover in your life, then there are a lot of cool car gadgets to choose from this year. These are some of the coolest gadgets you can choose from and your friend or family members will be able to use them all year long.

1. Dash Cam

You do not want to become a victim and when you have a dash cam in your car, you have an extra set of eyes. You would not only be providing a camera to the recipient of this gift, but you would also be providing them safety.

2. Smartphone Holders

Smartphone Holders – You can help your loved one keep their eyes on the road while keeping their phone within reach. With the right holder, they can even mount it to the most ideal place in their car, so they can see what they need while driving.

3. iPad Headrest Mounts

If you know someone who has children, this is the perfect gift. It will allow them to keep their kids occupied on long road trips and on the weekly trips they have to take them to the grocery store or to their latest practice.

4. Radar Detector

If you want to help keep your loved one out of the way of the law, then this is the perfect gift. It can be used while in FL traffic to monitor any police cars that are in the area and help them prevent getting any speeding tickets.

5. In-Dash Car Stereos

You may know someone that does not have a great car stereo. The in-dash car stereos have come a long way and you can now get an awesome car stereo for a car that is just like the ones found in the newer models.

6. Virtual Assistant

Know someone who loves Amazon Alexa or Google Home? Well this is the perfect device for them that works much the same way. They can connect it to their vehicle and then simple ask for things like directions whenever they need it or are lost.

7. USB Car Charger

If you know someone who is always letting their phone die, then a great option for them is a high-powered USB car charger. This is the perfect gift for the tech person who spends a lot of time in their vehicle and needs a lot of phone power.

8. Tracking Device

While this is not necessarily a car gadget, it can be used to make sure that the forgetful person in your life doesn’t ever lose their keys again. All they have to do is put the tracking device on their keys and connect it to their phone.

9. Back-Up Camera

Another great benefit of a newer car is a back-up camera. If you know someone that would love one of these but can’t get a new car just yet, then this is the perfect gift. They will love the benefits they get from this camera.

10. Emergency Escape Tool

This is a great gift for any driver. This tool will allow them to stay safe and get out of the vehicle even in the direst of situations. This is an inexpensive gadget that you could get every driver on your list.

If you are looking to not only have the best tech for your car or for your loved one, you should also consider taking a course from the best comedy defensive driving school, so you can become a safer and better driver.

How to Travel to NY’s Top Restaurants

There are a lot of different ways that you can travel to New York and in New York. When you are wanting to get to some of the top restaurants in the area, you have a lot of options that you can use. Whether you will be traveling to the restaurants on your own or with a big group of friends, you can utilize one of these top options for transportation within the city.


One of the most popular options to take within the city is the subway. One of the best things about New York is that they have an extensive transportation system that includes an underground subway system to get you to basically any destination in the city. If you are wanting to take the subway to get there, you will want to make sure you know the right trains take as well as the right stops. The subway stop may not be right at the restaurant location, so you will also want to know where to go once you get off the subway.


Another great way to get around the city and reach your restaurant location choice is by taking a taxi. There are taxi cabs all over the city and you can get in one at the drop of a hat. One of the benefits of taking a taxi is that they can pick you up wherever you are and take you to any place that you need to go. That means they can drop you off right at the front door of the restaurant if that is what you want. This does tend to be a slightly more expensive option in the city, though so you should be prepared to pay a bit more for the fare.


New York City is a very walkable city and if the destination is not too far, you can walk to the restaurant that you want to go to. This is an option that does not cost you any money at all and you may find a great store or dessert stop along the way that you may not have noticed before. If you want to enjoy a walk and you have a bit of extra time, all you need to know is make sure you know where you are walking to, so you don’t get lost and then put on your walking shoes.


Another great option for New York if you have a car is to drive on your own. This is very similar to taking a taxi, but you do not have to pay anyone a fare to get to your destination. Of course, driving in New York can be a bit challenging so unless you are a professional, taking a NY defensive driving course will help you safely drive in the area. When traveling with friends and family, everyone can save a bit of money on the transportation- so they can spend more at the restaurant.

No matter what option you choose for your transportation, you will likely have to use a combination of a few options, unless you drive yourself. NY defensive driving is the key to success, however, and you do not want to get on the roads without it. Also, taking an online defensive driving course will save New Yorkers 10% off their auto insurance for 3 years! You can safely navigate the roads and all the potential hazards on the roads of New York City while setting aside money for your favorite restaurants.

December 2017 Deemed by Donald Trump as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Did you know that, on average, a person in the U.S. dies every 50 minutes in a vehicular accident that involves alcohol? This statistic goes to show us that too many lives are being cut short due to people getting behind the wheel while under the influence. It’s time to make a change, and December 2017 has now been deemed by Donald Trump as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. This month is meant to increase the public’s awareness about the fact that it is our choices that lead to drunk-driving accidents.

It’s time we start making better choices and it starts with taking Comedy Defensive Driving.

There have been tireless efforts directed toward reducing impaired driving accidents over the past several decades. And even though for many years these efforts have proved to be of value, 2017 has proven itself to be a year in which these efforts are rendering useless. In fact, 2017 is the second year in a row that the nation has seen an increase in fatalities that are directly related to alcohol impairment. Last year, 28 percent of traffic fatalities were contributed to alcohol-impaired crashes and this percentage has since increased. It’s time that we reverse this trend before it gets worse.

Understanding The Affects of Drinking and Driving


It is crucial to understand that alcohol-impaired driving affects all Americans. It was in 2012 that more than four million American adults stated they had driven at least once within the past 30 days while under the influence of alcohol. Some people think that having just one drink will not impair the judgment, but truth is, it can dramatically change the lives of many, including those who are driving while impaired, their passengers, their loved ones, and innocent bystanders.

President Donald Trump wants everyone to know that his Administration is devoted to raising awareness about the dangers that are correlated with impaired driving. His Administration’s goal is to eliminate drunk driving within all communities. The Administration is striving to reduce “hundreds of harmful regulations” in an attempt to support “our American companies as they create new technology that can help us address impaired driving, from ride-hailing services to advanced vehicle technology.”

Educating Ourselves


It was also during the proclamation of December 2017 as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month that Trump stated he felt that the responsibility to eliminate impaired driving lies within the hands and hearts of all Americans. By taking precautions to ensure impaired driving is reduced, we are showing one another that we truly care about each other. This is why it is so important to keep our friends, family, and loved ones from getting behind the wheel of a vehicle if they are impaired by alcohol.

How does Trump suggest that we start this mission to prevent impaired driving? He says it starts by educating ourselves and those around us about the facts of drunk driving. And this education needs to start in our schools, community organizations, and churches. When we come together, we can reduce deaths and eliminate this problem that has been going on for far too long.

Defensive Driving


Are you doing your part to help prevent drunk driving? Contact your local schools and community organizations to see how your efforts can go a long way in preventing impaired-driving deaths. Also, make sure you take advantage of a defensive driving course that can teach you about staying safe while traveling.

Is My License Suspended in GA? How to Fix?

When someone’s license is suspended, it means that it’s temporarily out of service. In other words, if you have a suspended license and decide to drive a vehicle anyway, you’re breaking the law. And in Georgia, the penalty for driving on a suspended license is an extension of the suspension by six months.

There are many reasons as to why your license may be suspended. There are also some things that you can do to ensure that you’re back legally operating a vehicle on said license, like completing a defensive driving course Georgia. This post will take a closer look at how to learn if your license is suspended and what to do about it:

Checking Your License Status

ga dds

First things first, how do you know whether you have a suspended license? The good news is that this is fairly easy to find out – all you need to do is check your record. This can be done by either contacting the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles by phone or by logging on to the Georgia DDS website. When you access your driving record, you’ll be able to view moving violations, points on your license and whether the license has been suspended or revoked. If you check your driving record and see that your license has indeed been suspended, the next step is to figure out why.

Why Is My License Suspended?

Your license may have been suspended for many reasons, but the reasons typically fall into four main categories: major violations, excessive license points, driving without car insurance and non-driving related issues. Here’s a brief rundown of each:

• Major violations: This includes the likes of vehicular homicide, committing a felony with a vehicle, fleeing police, a hit and run, a fraudulent license and improper registration, among others.

• Excessive license points: When you’re cited by police, points are applied to your license. In Georgia, if you rack up 15 or more points within a 24-month period, your license will be suspended.

• Driving without Car Insurance: All Georgia drivers must have valid car insurance.

• Non-driving issues: Things like unpaid child support or court-related issues can prompt a judge to suspend a driver’s license.

How to Fix a Suspended License

The fix for a suspended license largely depends on the reason for why the license was suspended in the first place. In most cases, drivers are required to pay reinstatement fees, which vary based on the type of offense that was committed, how frequent the offense was committed and whether the fine was paid in person or via mail. For instance, a license suspended due to a DUI costs $200 to reinstate via mail and $200 to reinstate in person.

There are a few other considerations to keep in mind when it comes to reinstating a license. For instance, if it’s been suspended because of excessive points, taking a defensive driving course in Georgia can help remedy this issue. Successful completion of such a course can trim up to seven points from your record. However, it’s also worth noting that you’re only permitted to reduce points by taking such a course once every five years. What’s more is that your license will remain suspended for the duration of time it takes you to complete the course. Be sure the course is approved by the GA DDS, our defensive driving course GA is for court-ordered or insurance discounts only.

Another thing you can do is request a hearing to appeal the suspension if you believe it may have been suspended illegally. The request for the hearing must be completed within 10 days of the suspension and fees may also apply for the hearing.

Comedy Defensive Driving in Nevada

When most Nevada residents get a ticket, they either pay it or fight it in court. But little do Nevadans know that there are other ways that you can remove points from your driving record – and one entertaining yet effective way is by taking a NV comedy defensive driving course.

Why Take NV Defensive Driving?

• To shave points off your license, like we noted above, to keep your driving record favorable and your insurance rates manageable.

• Voluntarily, usually to proactively save money on car insurance premiums.

• Court-ordered: Typically, if a plea bargain is reached between a defendant and the court in a driving-related offense, a defensive driving course may be ordered as part of it.

This post will take a closer look at the advantages of taking a comedy defensive driving course. Here’s a look:

Point Reduction

Most people enroll in a defensive driving course when they don’t want a citation to go on their driving record. The more points on one’s driver’s license, the higher their insurance rates will climb. After all, drivers deemed to be more at-risk are going to pay for it one way or another. Enrolling in – and completing – a defensive driving course can essentially prevent a citation from going on your record in many cases. If you have anywhere from three to 11 points against your driving record in the state of Nevada, then you’re eligible to take a defensive driving course. Upon successful completion, drivers will have three points removed from their license.

Depending on what you were cited for, the points you accrue vary. For instance, in Nevada, you can be dinged for eight points against your license for reckless driving. Tailgating and failing to yield are four-point penalties. Even driving with your brights on can hit you with a two-point penalty. If you rack up too many points, your license may be suspended or revoked.

Fun, Entertaining Driver’s Education

So, what’s the difference between a typical defensive driving course and a comedy defensive driving course? Fitting to its name, a comedy defensive driving course blends entertainment with education. The defensive driving course that tops the list was co-created by the Improv Comedy Club with the goal of creating a curriculum that’s far from dull and boring.

Many drivers enter a defensive driving program just to get through it, pass it and get the points reduced from their license. But that doesn’t mean that the course has to be boring. The Improv’s curriculum is fun, exciting and engaging – and studies show that when students are better engaged and more enthusiastic about learning, they’re more likely to retain the information that is taught.

Contact Improv Traffic Safety Course Today

An Online Comedy Traffic School by Improv is DMV-licensed, so you can rest assured that there will be no hang-ups getting the necessary points removed from your license come completion. And you don’t have to take time out of your busy day to travel to a brick and mortar location – their classes are hosted online and can be easily accessed from a tablet, computer or smartphone. Don’t just enroll in any defensive driving course, enroll in one that’s fun.

In the state of Nevada, you’re only permitted to voluntarily take a defensive driving program once a year. Why not enjoy the course that you enroll in to make it more worth your while? For more information go to:

How to Get Points Off Your License in VA

In the state of Virginia, a point system is used to keep track of how well a licensed driver maintains his or her driving record. When points are added to a person’s driving record, this means a positive incident has occurred, such as keeping a clean driving record for a period of 12 months. The lower the number of points a driver has, the closer he is to losing his driving privileges. The lower the number of points the driver has can also lead to higher insurance rates. This is why it is so important to have points added when possible. One of the best ways to keep points from being deducted is to take a VA driver improvement course online.

How the point system works in Virginia

Before we dive deep into understanding how to get points added to a driving record, you first need to understand how the point system works in Virginia. When a person first earns his driver’s license, a clean slate of 0 points is given to him as well. For every year that he drives with no moving violations or suspensions, a point is added to his license.

The more points, the better, with a total of five points being the most he can earn. If, however, he obtains a moving violation or suspension, not only will he forfeit the ability to add a point to his license, but he will also incur a loss in points. The type of violation will determine how many points he loses.

Example of losing points on your driving record

Let’s say you have been driving in the state of Virginia with a valid Virginia driver’s license for four years and you have had no violations or suspensions; this means you will have a point balance of +4. During your 5th year of driving, however, you get a speeding ticket for driving 7 mph over the speed limit; this has a point deduction rate of 3, so your new point balance will be +1. During your 6th year of driving, you get a ticket for tailgating, which has a point deduction rate of 4, so your new point balance is -1.

How long does it take for demerit points to be removed?

When you obtain a traffic violation or suspension, the demerit points will remain on your driving record for two years; this two-year mark is from the date the offense was committed.

It’s important to note that there is a difference between the date a person commits the offense and the date in which they were convicted.

Demerit points are removed two years from the date of the offense, whereas the conviction will remain on the person’s record for a period of years starting from the time he or she was actually convicted. The exact length of time that the conviction will remain on the person’s driving record depends on the specific offense. Some offenses stay on a person’s record for three years; however, some are permanent.

Getting points added to your license

Remember, it is a good thing to have points added to your license. You will receive a point each year that you drive safely and don’t receive any violations or suspensions. It is, however, not good to have demerit points added to your driving record. Demerit points actually reduce the total number of points you have and can make it difficult to get back into a positive number of points. In some instances, you may be able to take a VA driver improvement course online to keep from having demerit points added to your record:

Court Referred
Sometimes a Virginia court will dismiss the demerit points associated with a specific violation received to keep points off your driving record.

VA DMV Ordered
At times, the DMV will require Virginia drivers to take the Virginia Driver Improvement Course if:

• You were convicted of a traffic violation or safety belt/child restraint violation when you were age 18 or 19
• 12 demerit points have been accumulated within a 24-month period
• To restore driving privilege after being suspended for excessive demerit points

Voluntary to receive 5 safe driving points
You can take an approved Driver Improvement course once every 24 months to earn 5 safe driving points.

TX Defensive Driving Comedy

Everyone has a funny driving story. Some are unusual, some are silly – but no matter what type of driving story you have to tell, we’re sure that there’s some sort of entertainment value in it. And in the case that your driving story warranted a citation, there’s usually a defensive driving course that can help reduce any fines, offset ticket points, potentially lead to lower insurance premiums and, above all, just give you the proper refresher on how to drive safely the next time you might be in a similar situation.

With that said, here’s a look at some of the funny driving stories we’ve heard in our defensive driving courses from students over the years:

Speeding to the Hospital to Have a Baby

You can never prepare for the exact time a baby will arrive, which is why it’s important to have the hospital bag packed and waiting by the door to grab as you run out the door around the due date. But what happens when your wife goes into labor at home and you’re in such a rush to get to the hospital that you forget her? That’s what happened to one of our former students, as he was pulled over by the police for speeding. When he explained that he needed to get his wife to the hospital to have a baby, he expected the police officer to say, “Follow me,” and light up the squad car. But the officer gave a bewildered reaction and calmly proclaimed, “I think you may have forgotten something.”

In the end, mom made it to the hospital with time to spare and gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Um, That’s Not the Stick Shift

One of our students was taking their driving test in a manual transmission vehicle. The driving test instructor, per the usual, was sitting in the passenger’s seat. Things were going well until the student mistook the driving instructor’s thigh for the stick shift. Though a bit awkward at first, both the student and the instructor had a good laugh about it once they realized what had happened. The student wound up passing the test. Wink, wink.

Traffic Jam Karaoke

Though traffic jams aren’t usually met with excitement and laughter, that wasn’t the case with a recent student of ours. She was caught in rush hour traffic, combined with a traffic accident that blocked two of the three lanes of highway she was driving on. Needless to say, traffic wasn’t going anywhere fast as all the vehicles had to go from three lanes down to just one. But instead of letting the traffic jam get to her, this student cranked up the radio, rolled down the windows and changed the channel until she found a song she knew. Before she knew it, she realized that other drivers around her had done the same thing, and were belting out the same song. If you can’t beat the traffic, you might as well join it… in full-fledged song.

Ultimate Sledding

What do you get when you mix teenage hijinks with extreme sports? Ultimate sledding! One of our students told us a story about how he and his friends used to attach a sled and rope to his friend’s truck hitch and then they’d take turns sledding through neighborhoods after a nice snowfall. His fun came to an end one day when a resident phoned the police. They got off with nothing more than a warning, but were told that if they were caught again they wouldn’t be as fortunate. Oh well, albeit a bit dangerous, it sounds like a fun way to shovel the snow!

Best & Worst New Jersey Driving Laws

It doesn’t matter what state you live in, there are bound to be certain laws that you adamantly agree with and others that you don’t agree with. Driving laws are no different – some are good, and some are, based on various opinions, bad. If you live in the state of New Jersey, you might want to just brush up on all of them because numerous studies routinely rank New Jersey drivers among the worst in the nation! It’s why taking a defensive driving course in NJ is so common among motorists in the Garden State, whether drivers are looking to keep a citation off their record or proactively lower their insurance rates.

With all of this in mind, here’s a part of what New Jersey residents can expect to learn in a defensive driving course when it comes to laws of the road. Like we said in the opening, some you might think are good and others you might not. Have a look:

New Jersey Driving Laws: The Good

Speed Limits

teens defensive driving course

New Jersey is a congested state when it comes to motor vehicles, with many commuting to New York and elsewhere each day. Noting this, and the likelihood of traffic congestion, speed limits are designed to reflect this. For instance, on New Jersey interstates, the speed limit is 55 miles per hour. On highways, it’s typically 65 miles per hour. In most other states, speed limits tend to be at least 5 miles per hour faster.

Honk First

teens defensive driving course

According to New Jersey law, before motorists can pass a bicyclist or skateboarder, they first must honk. It’s a bit of an odd law, but we think it’s a good one. After all, not only are drivers giving fair warning to someone that they’re passing, but depending on how annoying the skateboarder or cycler is acting, the honk can also let out some frustration. Unfortunately, not a lot of people follow this law. We think it’s time to change that. Honk away everyone!

New Jersey Driving Laws: The Bad

Early-Bird Driving Laws

teens defensive driving course

There are two steps that New Jersey drivers must pass to get their basic driver’s license: a permit period and a provisional period. Drivers must drive supervised with a permit for six months before they can move on to the provisional license stage, which consists of one year of unsupervised, yet restricted, driving. In order to receive a basic driver’s license, where there are no restrictions, drivers must have completed both the permit and provisional stages without incident and be 18 years old. We like the emphasis on experience and safety, but some drivers might not like the restrictions during these various stages.

It’s Illegal to Frown at a Police Officer

teens defensive driving course

We’re guessing that this one doesn’t get enforced too much, but it’s still an odd one. We can’t imagine too many people are happy when they get pulled over for a traffic citation.

Intoxication Means No Personalized Plates

We’re all about giving drivers second chances and helping them learn from their mistakes. So that’s why we think it’s silly that a driver that’s been convicted of driving while intoxicated can never apply for or receive a personalized license plate. Like we said, everyone makes mistakes – and while driving while under the influence is certainly a very serious one, this law seems a little bit harsh.

Regardless of your take on any of these New Jersey driving laws in this piece – or any other laws that we didn’t mention in here – it’s important to keep in mind that laws are in place for a reason. Usually, that reason is to keep motorists and pedestrians safe. In our New Jersey defensive driving course, we’ll cover these laws and more. Contact us today for more information.

How to Install Oil Gauge for The Millennial

In simple terms: if the oil is the lifeblood of a car’s engine, the oil gauge is the blood pressure monitor that lets you know whether the system is healthy or not. As anyone who has attempted defensive driving in NY knows, both your blood pressure and your oil pressure rise during rush hour. An oil gauge registers the pressure of the oil as it runs through a tube; this pressure determines whether your engine’s oil pressure is high enough to maintain proper functionality. When it is too low, it reads as needing to be serviced, or if it is an advanced gauge it will instruct the internal computer to display the oil pressure light.


Begin by getting the necessary tools. You’ll need:

  • The gauge itself (the type is irrelevant)
  • Open-ended wrenches
  • Teflon tape
  • Power drill

Begin by attaching the oil line itself to the gauge. Use a wrench to tighten the fitting and use the tape as needed to secure metal parts together. You’ll need to determine where to mount the gauge itself in your engine A-pillar (the vertical supports for the windshield); so long as you can see it from the driver’s seat, you can position it wherever is convenient and practical.

Ground It

A pressure gauge needs to be grounded, or else the static charge from the engine will build up and build up until it releases a particularly nasty shock. To prevent this, ground the gauge wire to a part of the car that will not be affected by electrical current (do not ground it to the engine itself, or to any areas that have contact with oil or gasoline). To ground it, make an eyelet from the wire and bolt it to a metal surface on the interior of the vehicle that does not have any paint. Splice the power wire for the gauge into the wiring harness, or simply cut the wires and tape them together.

Connect It to Engine

Once the gauge is properly mounted, it’s time to connect it to the engine itself. Thread the wire through the vehicle’s firewall and into the engine bay. Do not cut a new hole in the interior to thread the wire, since this can adversely affect the engine performance. Instead, find an existing line that the gauge wire can piggyback on. If necessary, use this same line to run the wire to the vehicle’s sensor so that low-pressure alerts will display as a light on the dashboard.

Connect it to Oil Line

Finally, attach the gauge line to the open end of the oil line. This port is usually located about six inches behind the oil filter itself. The oil pressure switch is usually silver in color and has two wires running to the electrical connector. Use the Teflon tape to seam the gauge line and the oil line together and prevent any leakage. Once you thread the fitting into the block itself, the gauge will begin to read the pressure as soon as you turn on the engine.

Remember that the oil valve will switch off if at pressures lower than 5 psi. This is much lower oil pressure than is healthy for a functioning engine, meaning that you will need to change the oil if it reads a low pressure after installing the gauge. Other concerns are oil leaks: run the engine for several minutes after changing the gauge to make certain that none of the connections have tapped any engine oil.

For visual aid, click here and check out this detailed video.

How Much Does NY Defensive Driving Course Save Me on Insurance?

The cost of auto insurance can be enormous, especially if your NY driving record is not clean. However, that is not the only thing that can cause your auto insurance cost to skyrocket. Sometimes it also depends on the age of the vehicle, the color of the vehicle, and even your own age at the time of coverage. To put it simply, some vehicles are more expensive to insure because they may be more likely to be driven fast or because they are worth more.

This is not always something you would like to change on your end. However, if you have a less than desirable NY driving record, then taking a NY defensive driving course can lower your auto insurance costs for sure.

How Much Does NY Defensive Driving Course Save Me on Insurance?

The amount that you can save on your auto insurance varies depending on the individual as well as by your auto insurance company. However, if you have a high auto insurance cost every month, then you can save a good chunk of change by simply taking and passing a defensive driving course.

For New York drivers or those with a NY driver’s license, you can expect to save up to 10% on the cost of your auto insurance every month. For some people, this can be a significant amount of money every month and the cost of the defensive driving course will pay for itself in no time at all.

The reason for the 10% reduction in cost is because it is something required by the New York State Insurance Commissioner by law. This reduction is also required to last for 3 years by the law and it pertains to all insurance companies that write policies for NY residents. The 10% cost reduction is from the base rate of the current liability, collision, and no-fault premiums currently on the policy at the time that the insured individual presents the insurance company with the proof of completion of the course.

The course is called a Point and Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP course), NY Defensive Driving course or NY 3-Year Renewal course. It must be completed through a NYS DMV approved course provider.

Other Things to Understand About This Program

Since the insurance reduction of costs is only valid for three years, if the person who is insured wants to continue with the lowered cost and benefit, then it is essential that the course be taken again and passed. This can be done through an online program as well to help with ease. One major thing to make note of with this program has to do with the policy if there is more than one person named on the premium. If this is the case, then the reduction on the insurance premium is applied to all of the vehicles on the policy that are operated by the driver who took the course. However, it does not apply to all drivers on the policy if they did not all complete the course. It will only be applied to one driver. If all drivers would like to have the reduction in their insurance costs for the policy, then each driver must take the course.

Taking the course is easy, just like saving money each month on auto insurance. Every driver has the option to take the course online or in a classroom. Taking it online allows for the driver to take the course at their own pace and ensure that they understand all of the material. Once you take the course and pass, you can take the certificate of completion to your insurance carrier to get your discount.

Top 5 Rules of Defensive Driving TX

Whether you’re taking a defensive driving course online or in person, there are various rules, regulations and laws that you’ll be filled in on. For some, this will be nothing more than a review of what you learned in your driver’s training program when you were working toward earning your driver’s license. But for others, for one reason or another, what is gleaned may be additional information that otherwise may not have been known. A driving safety course is beneficial for a lot of reasons.

For starters, it can help convey to your insurance company that you’re serious about your driving and help to lower your annual premiums. Successful completion can also prevent traffic citations from going on your driving record. Whatever the reason for your driving course attendance, one of the biggest things you’ll learn is how to drive safe while on the road. On that note, we present the top rules of defensive driving:

The Top Rules of Defensive Driving

1. Avoid Distracted Driving

Though many states have laws against texting while driving, it still happens. And this, combined with eating, talking on the phone, checking e-mail and more, can all take its toll on safe driving. Avoiding any sort of distraction while you’re driving is key to safely operating your vehicle. The same goes for driving impaired – just don’t do it. Not only is it illegal, but it could cause serious harm – or even death – to you or someone else.

2. Use Your Turn Signals

Turn signals are a standard feature on your vehicle for a reason – they help other drivers that you share the road with know of your driving intentions, whether it’s a turn or changing lanes. Speaking of the latter, though many vehicles now come with lane change assist features, you should still always manually check your blind spots before moving over. Technology helps make driving safer, but try to think of it more as a complementary feature than a full-blown safety solution.

3. Use Extra Caution Around Intersections

Intersections are parts of the road where accidents are more likely to occur. They typically occur when people run red lights or turn when they’re not supposed to. Always use extra caution around intersections. A good tip is to check both ways when your light turns green to make sure that nobody is blowing a red light, and everyone is stopped.

4. Focus on the Big Picture

While it can be common for drivers to only focus on the vehicle directly in front of them, we encourage you to look more at the big picture on the road. Try to keep your vision horizontal and see the road ahead of you – not just the car that’s right ahead of you. Doing so will keep you better alert to any hazards that have the potential to cause a traffic accident. On that note, always make sure you’re following at a safe distance to give yourself enough time to stop.

5. Use Common Sense

Finally, don’t underestimate the role that common sense plays when it comes to safe driving. For instance, if you see a vehicle driving erratically, make sure that you distance yourself from it. The same goes for if someone is driving aggressively – stay away from that vehicle and don’t make eye contact with the driver. Just being aware of the conditions and other drivers on the road can go a long way toward good, safe driving. Another common-sense tip: wear your seat belt! Though a legal requirement, you’d be surprised just how many people don’t do it. Simply put, seat belts save lives.

Best Way to Drive: In Shoes, Socks or Barefoot?

Everyone has their own best way to drive, right?

Though true, we’re more than willing to bet that most drivers get behind the wheel with two shoes on their feet. However, we’d be naive to think that this is the only way that people drive. Yes, there’s certain to be people out there that drive in just their socks or even barefoot for one reason or the other. While this is certainly a more unusual way of pushing the accelerator and brake pedals, to each their own. This lighthearted post will look at the pros and cons of driving in your shoes, bare feet, and socks. Read on for more.

Driving Barefoot

Despite what you may think, driving barefoot is actually legal in every state in the United States. Despite its legality, barefoot driving typically isn’t something that’s advised. We’ll start with the cons of barefoot driving:

• Slippage: Your feet are more likely to slip off the pedals, which makes it more likely that you’re a threat to other drivers on the road. Hence, barefoot driving may not be the safest way to drive. Slippage can increase in wet conditions.

• No shirt, no shoes, no service: If you are driving barefoot to a commercial entity, you best have a pair of shoes on you. That’s because you’re unlikely to be permitted access to any business if they follow the “no shirt, no shoes, no service” rule.

We can’t really come up with any pros to barefoot driving other than it may be more comfortable than wearing socks or shoes, and it can prevent your feet from sweating in hot temperatures.

Driving in Socks

Because it’s legal to drive barefoot, it’s also legal to drive with just your socks on. Again, it’s probably not recommended, but we’d imagine that it’s a step up from driving barefoot when it comes to keeping traction on the pedals. It may also be more comfortable than just plain barefoot driving.

The cons, however, are similar to barefoot driving in that you’re not going to be granted access to any business that goes by the “no shirt, no shoes, no service” rule. Plus, you’re likely to get your socks dirty and/or wet and damp depending on the weather conditions. Who wants to walk around in nothing but wet socks for the rest of the day?

Driving in Shoes

You don’t need to go through defensive driving in Texas to know that driving with shoes on your feet is considered the safest way to operate a motor vehicle. Not only will you not need to worry about being denied access to any business that you’re visiting, but the shoes provide a nice buffer between your feet and whatever you’re walking on. So, if it’s raining or snowing outside, you don’t have to worry about damp socks or damp bare feet as you’re walking from your home to your vehicle or vice versa. As we said, you probably don’t need to take a driving safety course to realize that driving with shoes on is the best way to go. However, there may be some cons:

• Discomfort: Maybe your feet sweat easily, or you don’t have any pairs of really comfortable shoes? It can be enticing to kick them aside and go barefoot or with socks.

• Beware of flip flops: We don’t consider flip flops shoes. And flip flops may pose a threat when driving, as they can slide off the feet easily and potentially wedge themselves underneath the pedals – thus becoming a safety hazard.

You know your own feet and driving skills better than anyone else. Make sure you choose wisely, and what is most safe for your fellow drivers out on the road.

How to Check Traffic Tickets Online Florida

Waiting for the mail to arrive to check the status of your recent traffic ticket or when to pay it could take weeks. But you don’t have to wait that long. Thankfully, you can go online and track your citation’s status and then sign up for Florida traffic school online if eligible. Doing so will give you peace of mind and speed up the process so that you move on. is a starting point for checking your ticket. Below we explore all the features of this website as well as look at other online option for keeping up with your traffic citation.

How can I find out more info about my traffic ticket?

If you click the link above, it will take you to the “Traffic Tickets in Florida” web page. There you can perform an up-to-date ticket history check to view your entire conviction history. You can also get information about Florida traffic school online. The online information includes your most recent infraction and the ticket that the law enforcement officer gave to you. If you feel that the information on the ticket is inaccurate or that you were falsely convicted of the citation, then you can contact the DMV or a local county court to find out what you need to do to contest the ticket.

What if I lost my traffic ticket?

If you lost the hard copy of your ticket, you can still check the ticket online and view all the information that was on the piece of paper. You can also check with the clerks of county courts to get a hard copy mailed to you. Charges may apply. Whether you get a hard copy of the ticket or look it up on the website, you’ll find that the information is precisely the same. You may want to order a hard copy, however, to verify that the data is the same.

What information can I find online about my traffic ticket?

Once you identify your ticket, you can view the details of the incident including:
• Vehicle Information. The officer who submitted the ticket will write down necessary vehicle information such as make/model of the car, license plate number, registration number.

• Violation. The ticket will provide the details about the driving offense. The officer will write down as much information as possible.

• Time / Place of Offense. The officer reports all logistics including date, time, and location.

• Officer Identification. The officer will provide his/her information such as name, badge number, and signature.

• Amount / Pay Deadline. The most vital details of the ticket are the amount of the fine and when the fine is due by.

Whose responsibility is it to manage my traffic ticket?

It is always your responsibility to take care of the traffic citation regardless of if the State of Florida, DMV, county clerk, or reporting officer makes a mistake. While this may create some frustration, you will nonetheless pay the consequences if the ticket is not taken care. The easiest way to “take care of your ticket” is by taking a FL BDI course, also known as a Basic Driver Improvement course or traffic school, or defensive driving course. Consequences could include penalties and fines or have your license suspended or revoked. For instance:

• Incorrect information on the ticket does not automatically negate the citation. Never assume that the erroneous information relieves you of your legal responsibility.

• If you do not receive information in the mail from the DMV, you are still required to the pay the amount of the fine by the due date.

• If the information online is not yet updated, it is still your responsibility to pay the fine by the due date.

• If you decide to contest the citation, you must do so within the time frame given by the state of Florida. The time frame is usually given on the back of the ticket along with the contest procedure.