Are Traffic Light Cameras Legal in Florida?

Want a straightforward way to tell if red light cameras are working in Florida? Just drive through any intersection and check your mailbox in a few weeks. No ticket? No problem.

The BEST way, of course, is to obey all traffic laws and focus on safely stopping, which is often the stated reason why Florida cameras were even installed.

Unfortunately, the Sunshine State has created confusion about its camera programs. While some municipalities appreciate the revenue Florida traffic cameras have generated, some citizens don’t like the idea of an unmanned machine watching them in the privacy of their car, and then issuing a huge fine without giving them a chance to legally defend themselves.

The topic is discussed at city, county and state levels, and the Florida Legislature has gone back and forth over the lengthy lists of pros and cons. Several lawsuits are pending and the Florida Supreme Court has also offered little in the way of firm rulings and guidance, but plans to tackle the issue in early 2018.

In the meantime, this has created a patchwork of areas and communities where there are plenty of active cameras (currently about 60); areas where there are cameras but they aren’t in use; and areas where cameras have been removed and locally banned.

Because each municipality controls its cameras and policies, it also can create all sorts of possible fines. Essentially, as one traffic magistrate pointed out, enforcement and size of the fine and penalties vary widely. Even the Miami Dade Clerk can dismiss an infraction if someone signs up for a defensive driving course.

City/County Confusion

traffic light

The Miami Dade County area is a good example of the uncertainty of Florida traffic cams. In 2016, county commissioners approved a ban on the cameras in unincorporated areas, which includes the greater Miami area. It reversed a 2011 ruling allowing Miami traffic cameras, but they were never powered on. But 16 cities in the county now permit these.
Surrounding counties also has offering conflicting policies. In summer 2017, the cities of Pembroke Pines and Boynton Beach voted to reactivate cameras and begin ticketing drivers. Boynton Beach is the only one of 39 municipalities in Palm Beach County to activate these cameras.
Policies in other communities also vary. In 2016, Tampa traffic cameras were extended for two years, while the Jacksonville City Council voted to end its program in summer 2017. Orlando has allowed them and then banned them. St. Petersburg has banned theirs.

Bigger Fights

FL traffic light

The Florida House approved a statewide ban on red light cameras in the 2017 session by 2021, but the bill died in the Senate. Lawmakers had mixed things to say about cameras. They lowered the number of pedestrian accidents but increased the number of rear-end accidents inside intersections, often triggered when people brake suddenly. Supporters of the cameras also say local cities should determine their own policies.

A similar bill is expected to be introduced for the 2018 session.

At the same time, the state’s judicial body is considering the constitutionality of receiving red light tickets. The Florida Supreme Court plans to hear arguments in February 2018.
This case revolves around how the City of Aventura uses cameras, while neighboring city Hollywood, doesn’t. The camera contractor is accused of reviewing footage to find possible violations, and then sending out tickets, which by law should be a task for law enforcement.

Until the matter is settled, Florida drivers, especially those enrolled in online traffic school and learning to drive, should be aware of red light ticket cameras still in operation through the state.

Golden State Warriors by Car, Train, TV or Online?

It’s an exciting time to be a California sports fan. Not only does the state get a new NFL team with the Los Angeles Rams, but championships are raining down: the San Francisco Giants have won three titles in the last decade while the Golden State Warriors are approaching dynasty status. If you’re a fan, however, it’s not enough to sit down on your couch and turn to a game. Being a sports fan means getting out and about, which means you need to get from point A to point B.

Drive To

What sports experience can compare with visiting the Oakland Raiders’ Black Hole or sitting courtside with celebrities at a Los Angeles Lakers game? Let’s face it, the game isn’t the same on television as it is at the stadium, being energized by the crowd, and there’s no easier way to get to the stadium than to drive. Some sports teams (most notably the Los Angeles Chargers) play in locations where it’s faster to get there by driving than by taking a train. Before you go, you need to be certain that you can handle California traffic. A CA traffic school can be the ace in your sleeve for maneuvering through the state that has more people than the 21 smallest states in the US, teaching you everything from defensive driving to handling traffic.

Viewing Parties

In the age of the 60-inch HD 4k flat screen television, every game is an excuse to have friends and family over to share in the game. You might not want to attend a viewing party for all 162 games of the Oakland Athletics’ schedule, but for opening day and playoffs, you’ve got to get to your friend’s man-cave for the first pitch, kick-off, tip-off, or faceoff. The good news is you don’t need to leave the house to learn how to leave the house: an online traffic school helps you get your driver’s training and license on the Internet rather than stand in line for hours at the DMV.

At the Bar

Every fan needs a watering hole to enjoy a victory or drown the sorrow of a defeat, especially if you’re a fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers. Since there are no bus lines and trains that run directly to your favorite sports bar, getting there and getting back (safely — with a designated driver when necessary) requires a car. That’s especially true if you’re a fan of a team but live in enemy territory and are looking for specific team bars, such San Francisco 49ers bars in the southern part of the state. Driver’s education and training not only helps you get to a place with pints and pizzas and picture-perfect TVs, but how to make certain you can parallel park when there’s only one spot left in the parking lot.

At the Parade

Some fanbases are lucky enough to see their team win ultimate glory with the championship at the end of the season (sorry, Los Angeles Clippers fans). One of the greatest benefits of your team winning it all is getting to take part in the parade afterwards, celebrating with thousands of your fellow fans. On a parade day when the public transport is totally swamped, you’ll certainly need your own car to get downtown and back. Driving schools will help you navigate through a sea of fellow fans, helping you to prevent an accident that might take you out of one of the biggest events of your life.

How to Get Scammed Buying a Car on San Jose or SF Craigslist

When you’re looking for a convenient way to buy a car without having to deal with pushy car salesmen or dealerships, turning to San Jose or SF Craigslist is a good option. Going through these online classifieds is also a fantastic way to get scammed when buying a car. Also, if you recently received a traffic ticket in California, a fantastic way to stop the points from going on your record is to take a CA online traffic school. The following tips are all that’s needed to end up falling for a scam when you search for Craigslist cars.

Jump at Lower Prices

Everyone wants the best deal possible on a car, so why not go for one that lists an insanely low price? Before patting yourself on the back for finding such a good deal on Craigslist cars trucks for sale, keep in mind that prices that seem too good to be true usually are.

Don’t Pay Too Much Attention to Photos

It’s the details and price listed in the Craigslist San Jose or SF ad that really counts, right? Sure, but you might end up wondering why the car in the photo looks nothing like the one you’re seeing in person. Now that you think of it, it might seem a bit odd that the supposedly local photo in the ad also had snowy peaks or another not-so-local background.

Appreciate a Good Story

Isn’t it nice that the seller launches into a story about why they’re selling the car instead of listing the details? While this might be more entertaining to read than a bullet list of details, there’s usually a reason why they haven’t included specific details about the car for sale.

Skip the Inspection

Once you’ve scoured the Craigslist SF Bay area postings for cars and narrowed it down to the one you really want, why put off buying it as soon as you can? Having it inspected could reveal that the car has some questionable issues or needs certain repairs, but that would mean having to wait longer to make your purchase.

Let the Seller Choose a Mechanic

So, you’ve decided to get an inspection after all before buying your new car, and the seller offers to pick the mechanic for it. As helpful as this seems, don’t be surprised if the seller’s mechanic conveniently failed to note problems with your new car that you’ll now have to fix.

Don’t Get Everything in Writing

Although you’re relying on the internet to find Craigslist SF cars, you’ll likely be chatting with the seller on the phone or in person. The seller comes across as friendly and honest enough, so you don’t really need to get all the details of your purchase in writing, right? This makes things more convenient as long as you don’t mind taking the risk of not having paperwork to back you up if there are any disputes over your purchase.

Don’t Check the Title

Since the seller from SF Bay Craigslist seems trustworthy to you, you don’t really need to bother checking the title and making sure it’s clean. This would mean having to look it up through the DMV and run a report on the VIN number. If you don’t mind running into complications and headaches getting the new car in your name, you can go right ahead and skip this part.

Forget the Test Drive

You’re so eager to take off with your new car from San Jose Craigslist that you just want to pay for it and be done. This is a clever way to save time and a quick way to discover that your freshly purchased vehicle doesn’t run as smoothly as the seller promised.

If you need to improve your driving record before getting that new car, attending an online traffic school can help. Contact us for more information on our CA traffic school before starting your Craigslist car search.

How Much is a New Jersey Speeding Ticket?

If you drive over the speed limit, you run the risk of getting pulled over for speeding. When you are pulled over, the police officer has the discretion to issue you a warning or write you a ticket. If you were one of the unlucky ones who received a ticket, you may find yourself wondering how much a New Jersey speeding ticket will cost you. The fine associated with the speeding ticket is not the only expense you will incur because of the ticket. You may decide to participate in traffic school if you are eligible or you may take allow the ticket to hit your driving record and have surcharges issued by the state for poor driving. Here are a few of the ways that a New Jersey speeding ticket can cost you and the expenses associated with the ticket.

The Cost of the Speeding Ticket Itself

If you are caught speeding, the amount you are fined varies based on where you were speeding and how many miles over the speed limit you were going. For a simple speeding violation, one where you are going one to nine miles over the speed limit, your fine will be $85. If you are 15 to 19 miles per hour over the speed limit, the fine increases to $180. And if you are 30 to 39 miles per hour over the speed limit, your fine will be $240 to $260. Additionally, there are factors that increase fines. If you are in a construction zone, in a safe corridor, in a school zone or speeding through a crosswalk, your fines will increase. If you are looking to find out what the exact fine is for your violation, be sure to check out this chart. Also, keep in mind that these are standard fines. If you go to court and appeal the ticket, the judge has the discretion to throw the ticket out or reduce your fine amount.






1 – 9 m.p.h. $85.00 $140.00 2 Points
10 – 14 m.p.h $95.00 $160.00 2 Points
15 – 19 m.p.h. $105.00 $180.00 4 Points
20 – 24 m.p.h. $200.00 $360.00 4 Points
25 – 29 m.p.h. $220.00 $380.00 4 Points
30 – 34 m.p.h. $240.00 $400.00 5 Points
35+ m.p.h. $260.00 $420.00 5 Points

*If you are caught speeding in a work zone, safe corridor, or 65 mph zone, your fine will be doubled!


The state of New Jersey uses a point system. If you are given traffic tickets or involved in car accident, you receive points on your driving record. The number of points you receive for a speeding ticket varies, based on how many miles over the speed limit you were going. You receive two points if you are 1-14 miles per hour over the speed limit, four points if you are 15 to 29 miles per hour over and five points if you are 30 miles per hour over the speed limit or more. If you exceed more than six points in a three year period, the state of New Jersey will issue you a $150 surcharge plus $25 for each additional point. These fines remain in effect yearly until your points drop below six and if you fail to pay, you can lose your license. If you go a year with no infractions, you lose three points, which is the best way to reduce your points.

Traffic School Costs

Another way to reduce the number of points you have on your driving record is to take traffic school or a defensive driving course. In New Jersey, you can take NJ traffic school to remove two points from your record once every five years. Because of this, you may wish to participate in driving school if you have received a speeding ticket. In New Jersey, the lowest price allowed by law for this course is $20. There is no maximum cost allowed by law. Additionally, once you complete one of these courses, insurance companies may reduce your insurance by up to ten percent for two to five years.

If you are pulled over for speeding, research shows that being honest with the cop about why you are speeding, as well as being polite and courteous, are the best ways to avoid a ticket. However, no matter how honest or polite you are, some days a cop has a no-tolerance stance and will issue you a ticket. When this occurs, that speeding ticket will cost you. Learning how much will help you budget so you can pay off the fine and the associated costs.

Different States Speeding Ticket

How to save on car insurance: A guide for first time NYC drivers

Is this your first time owning a car? If so, then you are probably excited. With a personal vehicle comes the freedom of movement everyone desires. No more waiting on buses and subways. You can now come and go whenever you want, uninhibited by transit schedules.

But, you must always remember that car ownership entails great responsibility. Motorists hold their own safety and that of others in their hands. This is why you must have auto insurance in case you are involved in an accident. NYC wants you to be able to pay for any damage caused.

So, now you are probably wondering how much will this car insurance cost, right? Good question.

Read on to find out some of the factors that can raise and lower policy rates for a first-time NYC driver.

How does age impact my auto insurance rates?

As is true of most first-time drivers, you are probably young of age. If so, be prepared to pay more than the national average for your auto insurance.

In general, insurance companies charge more for young first-time drivers for two reasons. First, the driver is at an impressionable age. They are more likely than older adults to drive fast when hanging out with friends. Also, drinking and driving is a known problem among teens and young adult motorists.

Second, you are a first-time driver. Even if you are advanced in age, insurers will probably charge you a bit more. Your inexperience works against you here.

Does my neighborhood impact my auto insurance rates?

Certain neighborhoods and boroughs in NYC are ridden with crime. Many of the criminals are car thieves. As a result, if you reside in one of these areas, expect to pay more than normal to be insured.

The risk is just higher than if you lived in a safer community.

Does a defensive driving course lower my auto insurance rates?

You can lower your rate by taking driver education classes.

Young people often mitigate some of the extra charges heaped upon them because of age by taking driving classes in high school.

Every driver can benefit by enrolling in a New York defensive driving course. The schools offer classes both online and in-person. Best of all, after course competition, you receive a 10 percent auto insurance discount for the next three years.

What impact does my vehicle type have on my car insurance rate?

Insurance companies also look at the type of vehicle when assessing rates. Some models get stolen more than others. Owners will have to pay more because of this risk.

In other cases, you may own a sports car known for having horsepower more than what the average motorist can handle. And, your insurer may well raise your policy rate because of this fact.

How much does my credit score influence my auto insurance rate?

Since you are a first-time driver with no driving history, the insurance company will take other factors into consideration. One is your credit rating.
If you have good credit, the company may lower your insurance rate a bit. A positive credit score proves you are a responsible person in general.

Does my education background impact my car insurance rate?

Likewise, college students can get lower than normal rates for first time drivers. Their desire to seek a higher education is positive. They are high achievers. They are presumed to perhaps better understand the effects of risky driving on society.

Time to get insured and save money with our tips!

Now that you know how the insurance companies decide how much to charge first time drivers, you are ready to get insured.

Try to work on things you can change. For example, attend a New York defensive driving school, pay off outstanding credit cards and enroll in college classes. These types of decisions will make you appear more responsible and can result in a lower insurance rate.

What Kind of Car Should I Get?

If you are in the market for a new or used vehicle, you might feel overwhelmed by the number of options. Don’t be paralyzed by the seemingly endless amount of information to sort through. The best way to figure out the perfect type of vehicle for your needs and desires is to spend some time reviewing what you require in an automobile and how it will be used.

Think About What You Need the Vehicle For

The type of vehicle you select should suit your specific automotive needs. Be practical with this decision. Always opt for function over form. Think about what you will use the vehicle for. Maybe you have a large family or own a business and need ample space to transport people/cargo. Consider the road conditions of your area and the places where you will venture for road trips. These conditions will partially determine whether you should purchase a vehicle with all-wheel drive. If you have an especially long commute to work or school, fuel efficiency should be a top priority.

If you have been injured in an accident in the past or if you are transporting youngsters, you should key in on vehicles with top-notch safety features. If you plan on taking the vehicle off-road or using it for towing, don’t opt for a diminutive sports car or sedan. You can whittle down the field to sport utility vehicles and trucks if you plan on embarking on off-road adventures or performing tows. Finally, consider the amount of space available on your property for parking. If you have a small garage or an especially narrow driveway, purchasing a monster sport utility vehicle, van or truck might not be prudent.

Vehicle Entrance and Exit

Sweat the small stuff when it comes to vehicle entry and exit. Think about who will ride in your vehicle. If you transport senior citizens or especially tall individuals, they will have difficulties entering a large sport utility vehicle or truck that requires the use of a stepladder for entrance. These individuals will also find it difficult to enter a low-slung sports vehicle.

Vehicle Handling

It is important to get a gauge of a vehicle’s handling before committing to a purchase or lease. If you have driven a specific style of car for most of your life, it is time to test drive other types of vehicles. Take a sports car, coupe, sedan, truck, sport utility vehicle and/or van for a ride. Get a feel for how each handles. You might find those midsize sedans you have been driving your entire life handle somewhat similar to crossover sport utility vehicles. If you end up getting a vehicle with crisp handling and rapid acceleration, don’t let the extra power result in a speeding ticket. If you are ticketed, enroll in a defensive driving course so you don’t end up with points on your driving record and a higher insurance rate.

Be sure to pick the salesman’s mind before, during and after your test drive. He will educate you about the ins and outs of each particular vehicle to help you decide on the perfect automobile for your unique needs. The salesman can also point you in the direction of a specific style of vehicle that suits your idiosyncratic requirements for handling, power etc.

Think About What You Desire in a Vehicle

Though automotive needs should always trump desires, this does not mean you should select a vehicle simply because it provides superior utility. After all, a minivan might suit your needs yet disappoint in the looks department. Find the right balance between utility and style, performance and high-tech niceties. Keep in mind that a practical vehicle with an attractive exterior, precise handling and an array of features will likely fetch a better price when the time comes to sell.

What is a Space Cushion?

A space cushion. This is something they tell you about in defensive driving class. What is a space cushion? It sounds top secret. Like something, NASA and the government need to keep hidden in order to protect us from beings from outer space. That’s right. Space beings. Aliens. Martians from a distant planet, maybe Mars, who have entered our atmosphere and are looking for a way to relax. After all, space travel must be exhausting. Imagine sitting there, in your UFO spacecraft seat, for millions of miles. Completely tiring. No wonder those men from Mars need a space cushion. A place to lay down their big brainy heads for a little cat nap.

No, sorry, that’s not what a space cushion is. Although, that is a novel idea. So, what exactly is a space cushion?

What is a Space Cushion?

A space cushion is an area around your vehicle that is just empty space. No other vehicles are in that space. The space cushion area includes the space in front of, behind, and on both sides of your car.

Why Have a Space Cushion?

A space cushion gives you time and opportunity to avoid collision with another vehicle. If you don’t have a space cushion, then any sudden movements by other vehicles can catch you with no way out of the situation. In fact, with no space cushion around your vehicle, you have limited options if you yourself have a sudden emergency or a sudden movement. Consider this: Imagine you’re driving in your car, and one of your tires blows. The sudden drop in tire pressure will likely cause your vehicle to swerve dramatically to one side. You obviously won’t know which side your car will swerve on, because it came out of the blue. You could swerve right into another car, or even a pedestrian. This is why you want to have a space cushion.

How to Make a Space Cushion

First, you don’t need sewing lessons to make a space cushion. We thought we cleared up all that nonsense about aliens needing naps about two paragraphs ago. So please put away the needle and thread. And the thimble. Okay, let’s get down to the business of defensive driving by making a space cushion.

First, you want to have at least a three-second delay from the rear end of the vehicle in front of you to the front of your car. This is the easiest part of the space cushion to make. As you’re driving, pay attention to the signs on the side of the road. If you’re on the freeway, you can use the signs overhead. As the car in front passes by the sign, count to three (yes, you can use Mississippi). Your car shouldn’t pass that same sign before you’ve reached three. If it has, you’re following too closely. Slow down, Speed Racer.

Second, you want the car behind you to slow down so there’s a three-second delay between you. Now, you can’t tell that driver how to drive. But you can let that driver pass if he insists on tailgating you, (maybe he has to get to a bathroom or something. Who knows)? Anyway, just let him go by.

Finally, you don’t want any cars next to you. How do you manage this? By adjusting your speed either up or down so that you aren’t riding along with James Dean’s style in some kind of misconceived road race on the highway.

Now that you know what a space cushion in, why it’s necessary, and how to make one, you’d best be on your way. Leave plenty of time between your departure and your arrival so you’re never the one tailgating.

Answering common traffic school questions

Are you enrolled in traffic school and feeling a bit nervous about the expectations? If so, you are not alone. Most people experience some degree of anxiety. It is quite normal.

However, you should calm down. The goal of traffic school is to make you a safer driver. The curriculum is not set up for you to fail. Instead, quite the opposite is true. The institution wants you to comprehend the material as fully as possible. Your success is their success.

This all sounds well and good, but you also know that in the end you have to complete a certain amount of work with a passing score. Keep reading below to find out just where to turn for answers to your traffic school assignments.

Use this information to help get a passing score. Then, enjoy the safe driver record and dismissal of tickets. And, of course, do not forget the mandatory insurance discount.

I’m struggling with my online traffic school course, what should I do?

You would be surprised at how easy things can be when you use a little common sense. Just stop trying to make traffic school so difficult and all will be smooth sailing.

When things get tough, just sit back and relax. You have been a driver for some time now. The answer is probably the one that seems right to you. Use your intuition.

For example, the rules of the road exist to protect motorists and pedestrians. You already know this. So, use this knowledge to help you figure out the answers to your traffic school questions. If a choice does not help keep people safe on the road, then you can discard it.

Can I ask friends & family for help with my online traffic school?

The people around you, such as family and friends, are excellent sources of information on traffic laws. Many of them have been driving for decades and know all the rules in your state. Be sure to ask them for help when trying to complete your course.

It may be best to rely on more than one person for the answers. You will want a variety of opinions. Listen to what everyone has to say, check your course material again and then choose the best answer.

How can I use the internet as a source for answers with my traffic school online?

You should search the internet for relevant driving websites. Your state motor vehicle department will have the current rules of the road available online. Likewise, the state insurance department can provide you with information on auto insurance requirements.

Last, the state court website can explain what will happen if you break the laws while behind the wheel.

What about the instructor of the online traffic school course, can I ask them for help?

If truly stuck with nowhere to turn, then ask your instructor for help. Now, you should always be sure to have attempted to find the answer yourself first. Quite often, wayward students will skip the reading material or fail to follow instructions and then expect the instructor to bail them out.

Truly attempt the assignment before asking for the instructor to explain it to you. Doing so will make their explanation that much more comprehensible.

Traffic school success is right around the corner!

You are now prepared to complete your traffic school with flying colors. Just take things easy and you will succeed in becoming an acknowledged safe driver in your state.

Can You Test Drive for Fun?

Where would we be without the test drive?

Probably more unsatisfied customers – new owners may discover that a vehicle that looked great and had good reviews didn’t “feel right” once he or she got behind the wheel. This could lead to more buyer’s remorse and owners either changing their minds right away, or hanging onto it unhappily for years, vowing never to return to that dealer again.

Good for Sales

Either way is bad news for the salesperson, since it’s their job to find the right car for the right owner and hopefully build strong relationships that last for multiple vehicles. Making prospective buyers comfortable by letting them try before they buy goes a long way in making purchases happen.

Certainly some enjoy driving several types of vehicles before finding something that appeals to them, or spend the weekend just doing test drives – and that’s OK with most dealership employees, especially if they eventually end up making a purchase.

Good for You

Some people may even visit a dealership or dealerships with the intent of test driving only, not buying. That’s OK too. The biggest challenge for a dealership is getting people to the lot, and once they’re there, it’s potentially much easier to talk them into a super deal.

Though some lot visitors are obvious browsers, they still should be given the same attention as any other shopper even if the pay-off may come later rather than sooner. Most salespeople need to always be focusing on their numbers, and taking time for a ride with another looky-loo can sometimes cut into time helping more serious customers. But from a customer service point of view, you never know which drive will switch a tester into a buyer.

Here’s why test drives are important to the buyer and seller:

1. Buyers remain educated.

Want to learn more about a particular make or model? The best way is to give one a spin and see how it performs. It’s one thing to read the specs online, but more satisfying to feel it, and then remember the experience when it’s time for shopping.

2. One drive may not be enough.

If you’re serious about a particular auto but don’t need to rush, you can test drive multiple occasions. Try it on rainy and sunny days, in daylight or night, or even on daily errands or heavy traffic so more defensive driving skills are required. This gives you more time to learn about other costs, such as different insurance premiums or discounts.

3. It can be fun.

Even if the dealership can offer nice financing and your budget could stretch a little, you might prefer to not take on new debt right now. But testing different cars and doing your homework can still be entertaining, even if the gratification is delayed. You can also try something outside of your price range, just for the experience.

4. It encourages the salesperson to try harder.

As a consumer, you’re likely to want to work with a salesman or saleswoman who you know and trust. And someone who has been patient with your browsing habits is definitely appealing. The better salespeople can even keep an eye out for certain vehicles that may interest you.

5. You can win things.

As a way to get more people visiting, some dealerships offer no-obligation incentives for people who test drive, such as event tickets, gift cards or small appliances. The sales staff is encouraged to work their magic to convert all test drivers into buyers, but legally the promised prize is yours if you satisfy certain conditions like join a mailing list.

Traffic School Daze vs. Real Traffic School

If you saw the Jamie Foxx Show, Season 2, Episode 10, when he goes to traffic school, you might be a bit anxious about signing up. Do not worry, the show was very much an exaggeration.
Sure the episode was extremely funny, but they got things wrong. You should relax and know that your school wants you to succeed. They will not be out to fail you as was the case for Jamie and Braxton!
Following are some of the realities of traffic school. You should be thankful things are a lot different than in the show.

You Cannot Bribe the School


When they arrive at the traffic school. Jamie tells his co-worker Braxton that they will not have to stay the entire time. He had heard from reliable sources that it is possible to pay off the school. In return, the instructor will claim the student completed the course, and the traffic infraction would be dismissed.

You better not attempt to bribe a traffic school official. They will not take the offer lightly. You may find yourself turned in to the authorities. Moreover, the state may decide to leave your traffic record as is.

In fact, the authorities may even add another violation to your record because of your unethical behavior.

The Instructor is not a DI

The instructor in this episode is a real character for sure. He obviously has watched a few too many military boot camp films. The students are told to address him as “sir!” He yells and threatens them regardless of what they do. It is the form of intimidation you expect of a drill instructor or prison guard.

Well, you can relax. Nobody will yell at you in a traffic school classroom. The instructors are there to help you pass. They will not treat you like a prison inmate.

And, if you are still a bit concerned that maybe you will get that one rogue instructor from the Jamie Foxx Show, then you can always take your class online. This means you will complete the course from the safety of your home. Nobody can yell at you via the computer screen.

You Can Ask Questions Freely

The traffic school succeeds when you succeed. They want you to be a safer driver. Thus, unlike the instructor in the show, the traffic school staff will answer your questions without personal attacks.

Nor will they get into your face in order to intimidate you. Fear is not a tactic used in the real traffic school classroom. Instead, expect to find compassionate instructors who enjoy their jobs.

No Ten-Hour Mandatory Sessions

Jamie and Braxton “belong” to the instructor for the next ten hours according to the show. Now, that is pure torture.

You will not have to endure such a long duration of traffic school at one time, unless that is your choice. Just sign up for the online version. You can start and complete sessions at your convenience. Too bad Jamie did not think of that?

No Pushups


Jamie had to do over 1000 pushups as punishment for his behavior.

Fortunately, you will never be told to perform any physical activity whatsoever. Just listen to the instructor, study your course material and it will be smooth sailing.

Nobody Goes Home Broken

Repeatedly throughout the show, the instructor tells Jamie and Braxton that he will eventually “break them” down. Supposedly, the students will get tired of the harassment and give up. For some reason that would be a plus to the television instructor.

In real traffic school, the instructors want you to enjoy all the benefits of course completion. Then, you will go on to tell others to attend the school.

They want to “make you” not “break you.”

How to Choose the Right Helmet

Choosing your motorcycle helmet can almost be as important as choosing the right motorcycle. Because there are so many styles and different types of helmets to consider, we wanted to help you narrow the field! How to choose the right helmet:


There are hemispherical shaped helmets that are designed to protect the head from the ears up and helmets that cover the entire head from just below the chin line. There are also helmets that look like football helmets.

Outer Shell

The outer shell is designed to absorb most of the impact in an accident, lessening the amount of force that will reach your skull. When considering the geometry of the helmet (sphere-like) any impact will be distributed throughout the helmet. In a perfect sphere, an impact (a force) will be evenly distributed. This is the case in a motorcycle helmet, except we ought to understand that the helmet is not a perfect sphere.


The next level of protection is found in the liner of the helmet. This unit of protective layer is an impact-absorbing liner. This liner will absorb residual forces not absorbed by the outer shell. While the liner is also shaped like a sphere, forces will be, ideally, distributed evenly. The material of the inner liner is usually made of Styrofoam, a material not as hard and impact resistance as the outer-liner.


The third section of a helmet is called the comfort padding. It functions as what its name indicates. It provides comfort, mainly. The comfort padding also ensures that the helmet fits snuggly on the head. A loose, or ill fitting helmet will not absorb as much of the forces as a well-fitting, snug helmet.

Retention System

The fourth component of the called the retention system, more commonly referred to as the chin strap. Obvious to many, the chin strap helps to ensure that the helmet stays on your head in the event of a crash. The other elements of the retention system are the devices that attach the chin strap to the helmet. A loose chin strip reduces the effective safety designs of the entire helmet.


Regardless of the type chosen, make sure that they are rated by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Of the four basic components, the most important element is the outer section of the helmet, called the outer shell. Modern technologies have found plastics and fiber reinforced composites that allow for high strength, light weight outer shells.

The DOT sticker and the Snell Memorial Foundation run thorough tests on motorcycle helmets for:

Impact—The helmet’s shock absorbing capacity
Penetration—The helmet’s ability to withstand the penetration a sharp object
Retention—The ability of the retention system to fastened to the helmet
Peripheral vision—The helmet’s ability to allow side vision of no less than 105 degrees on each side.

Regardless or the style of helmet or how seasoned you are as a motorcyclist (okay, biker) it is important to check your helmet for the safety features designed to protect you from breaking your head.


No doubt, wearing a helmet while operating or riding on a motorcycle is necessary to reduce the probability of death or life-long debilitating injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) studies have determined that deadly accidents are a higher probability when helmets are not worn.

No matter how macho you want to be, wearing a helmet is the thing to do.

How to get a speeding ticket off your driving record

Speeding tickets tend to happen when you least expect them, and when your funds seem to be at their lowest. But there’s a much bigger danger beyond just your rapidly shrinking bank account — points on your license. Tally up enough of those points, and you may find yourself not only broke but also on the bus. But there are ways that you can get a speeding ticket wiped entirely from your record completely.

What is the best way to fight a traffic ticket?

Judge with gavel

Every state in the nation has their own way of handling speeding tickets, with some being more lenient than others. There are certain things that stay the same across the US if you plan to fight the ticket. For all states, you’ll have a chance to tell your side of the story if you feel there was a mistake made when issuing the speeding ticket. For example, if you know you were going 55 miles an hour when the officer clocked you at 65, then his radar gun or detection device may have been poorly calibrated or just plain broken. Always plead not guilty in any court of law if you intend to fight. In all states, you’ll need to fill out the proper paperwork and pay the court fees to get your record and plead your case.

Judge with gavel

When you argue your case in either a conference or a court, you need to know the regulations that will help you win. For example, radar units are supposed to be calibrated before every shift, and before and after an officer uses it to clock a speed. These types of stringent requirements are difficult to follow for a busy speed trap, so you may be more in luck than you think. Evidence like camera footage may help you prove that the light was yellow by the time you crossed into the intersection. The court will consider your past driving records to help make their decision, so highlight any good behavior on the road too. You also can hire a lawyer who may be able to use their skills and expertise to get your ticket completely cleared for your record too.

What are the benefits of taking online traffic school?

Judge with gavel

Traffic school is offered in most states as a way to clear your record. Depending on the severity of your offense, it may be mandated that you take these classes. Typically, you’ll want to plead guilty if you intend to take the classes, but you don’t have to. For example, in California, you can still fight the ticket and potentially have the option to take traffic school if a judge allows it. However, the judge does not have to justify their decision to you if they don’t allow you to take driving school, so bear this in mind if you’re weighing your options.
Monopoly car on American map

If you live in the states of Arizona, Florida, California or Texas, you can have the ticket dismissed entirely if you take traffic school. If you live in New York state, traffic school will take up to 4 points off your license. Arizona, Florida, and Texas will only allow you to take the traffic school option once a year. In California and New York, it’s up to 18 months. You should have had only one moving violation, and it must be for a speeding ticket as opposed to reckless driving to get the points removed. Another major bonus in taking traffic school is that you may be able to reduce the cost of your insurance as well as get the points removed.

How to Get Traffic Ticket Reduced

Traffic tickets are not welcome no matter why you get them, and they will always pose the receiver with a dilemma: to pay, to ignore, or to fight? A ticket can translate to potential points on your license which can increase your chances of having your license taken away. It can even interfere with your job if you get too many of them. And they’re not cheap. Just one ticket in California can run you more than $230.00 if you’re caught going 15 miles over the limit. Most people will go to traffic school to stop the points from going on their driving record, however, getting your traffic ticket reduced is an option. It normally starts with the date on your ticket.

Show Up – In Person

traffic ticket reduced
It’s possible that you could defend your ticket in writing, but it’s not always offered and not necessarily recommended. It’s much easier for an official to ignore or skim a written request than it is when a person makes the effort to defend themselves in the flesh. Plus, if you write to contest the ticket and lose, you generally can’t appeal the decision. Depending on where you live, you may have a traffic court date or potentially a settlement conference to attend to start the process. Taking the time off from work may be a hassle, but if you the costs are high or if you feel like the officer made an error, then it may be worth it. A conference will be a good time to determine if there’s a way to get the ticket knocked down to something a little easier on your record.

Going to Trial

Trials will eat up your time and money with court dates and fees, but again, a trial may be what keeps you from having a major black mark on your driving record. Sometimes the officer won’t show up, in which case you win by default. You may have to do some research on the officer who gave you the ticket (e.g., when their radar gun was last calibrated, etc.) in addition to having your own arguments. You can also hire a lawyer to fight it for you. Those that specialize in traffic tickets may have more of a chance to get your ticket reduced to a minor parking violation. Lawyer rates vary though, so do some research before going this route. Your case will be a civil case, so the evidence will be about witnesses, statements, and physical evidence (e.g., camera footage.)


reduce traffic ticket

Mitigation is a way for you to admit fault, but explain the circumstances. For many, this will become an exercise in their negotiation and people skills, but sometimes it’s not even taken into consideration. There are certain judges out there who will reduce a $120 traffic ticket by $30 and extend the deadline — without even asking you to make a case. But most of the time, if you have a good driving record and a decent story, you’ll probably see some leniency after giving the details. Whatever deal is offered up is ultimately yours to either take or appeal, but you would need to do so with extreme caution. Any potential sign of disrespect to either the judge or law enforcement in general is not going to be appreciated. (We’re sure you’re surprised.)


Each state is different when it comes to alternatives for reducing a traffic ticket, so check into the specifics for all the above. Some states will allow you to take traffic school or a defensive driving course to avoid the points and some states will let you wipe the ticket entirely if you keep your driving record clear for a full year. Regardless of where you live though, there are ways to reduce your traffic ticket if you know where to look.

Common Questions About NYC Parking Tickets

No one wants to walk out of their car and find that they have been issued a traffic ticket. However, this is a scenario that plays out hundreds of times each day in New York City. Both local drivers and tourists are issued tickets because they parked in a no-parking zone, let a parking meter expire, or parked in an area they should have never parked. If you have received a parking ticket, you may have many questions. Your questions may range from whether you can dispute the ticket to how to pay the ticket. Here are a few frequently asked questions that you may have about NYC parking tickets and the answers.

Can You Dispute a Parking Ticket?

If you feel that you were issued a parking ticket when you should not have been, you always have the right to dispute a parking ticket. In New York, you have 30 days to either pay the ticket or file a dispute. If you fail to dispute the ticket within this timeframe, it is automatically assumed you are pleading no contest and you are guilty of the violation.

What Information Do You Need to Dispute a Parking Ticket?

To dispute a parking ticket, you need proof as to why you are not at fault. Taking pictures of where you are parked, showing proof that the meter is not working correctly, or proving that you were shopping in another part of town and therefore were not parked at the meter for longer than the allowed time period can all help you win your case. The exact information you will need varies based on the type of ticket you are issued, so be sure to document anything that you feel is relevant to your dispute, including signs that may be obscured because of trees, faded paint on curbs or signs that are contradictory.

Are You Responsible for a Parking Ticket in a Rental Car?
Many tourists receive parking tickets in NYC because they are not familiar with the area and do not understand where they can and cannot park. If you have obtained a parking ticket in a rental car, you may wonder if you are responsible for the ticket or if it is something the rental car company will take care of. You are responsible for the ticket. If you fail to dispute or pay the ticket, the rental car company may pay the ticket on your behalf and then bill it to your credit card on file or seek payment from you through a debt collector or civil court.

How Do You Pay an NYC Parking Ticket?

In New York City, the Department of Finance is responsible for accepting payments for parking tickets. You can either pay the ticket in person at a Department of Finance building or pay the ticket online at You will need the ticket number in front of you in order to pay for the ticket. If you do not have this information, the Department of Finance can look up the ticket number over the phone, but they will need the license plate number.

What Happens If You Don’t Pay a New York City Parking Ticket?

If you fail to pay the parking ticket, interest will continue accumulating each and every month. If you have multiple tickets that are outstanding, you may be asked to take a NY defensive driving course, your registration can be suspended, your vehicle may be booted or your car may be towed and impounded until the parking tickets and interest are paid in full.
Receiving a parking ticket is something no one looks forward to. But it can happen. Getting answers to the questions you have will help you to know what to do in case you receive a parking ticket in New York City.

How To Get an AZ Driver License

If you have recently moved to Arizona or have not obtained a driver license in the state, you must obtain the license before you can legally drive a vehicle. Thankfully, the state’s Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) makes it quite easy to obtain an AZ driver license. Here is how to do it.

The Basics of Arizona Driver’s Licenses

Those who have moved to Arizona from another state and have a valid driver’s license will likely be able to bypass the written knowledge test as well as the driving test. Military members who have moved to Arizona from another state can transfer their home state driver’s license in a streamlined manner. There are several different types of Arizona driver’s licenses.

The so-called “normal” driver’s license is referred to as the Class D Arizona driver’s license. The state also provides Class M motorcycle licenses. Those who are interested in a license to operate a commercial vehicle will need a Class A, Class B or Class C commercial driver’s license, typically referred to with the acronym of “CDL”. Teen drivers have different testing and licensing requirements including instruction permits and diver’s education.

Where to Start: The Issue of the Permits and the Application

The state of Arizona does not mandate that adult driver’s license applicants obtain a permit before applying. However, if the applicant is applying for his first driver’s license in any state, he will need a permit in order to practice driving in a legal manner. More information about permits can be found on the Arizona MVD Driver’s Permits in AZ web page.

One can apply for an Arizona driver’s license by completing the Driver License/Identification Card Application, referred to as Form 40-5122. The Arizona MVD should be commended for allowing driver’s license applicants to start the license application process on the web. This online service empowers applicants to fill out the application, figure out the necessary ID requirements and print the completed package that must be brought to the MVD office. The information the applicant enters online is transmitted in an electronic manner and subsequently stored for reference upon his visit at the brick-and-mortar Arizona MVD office.

Completing the Process

To complete the driver’s license application one must submit the above referenced application. If he hails from another state, he must surrender his out-of-state license. He must provide proof of identity as well as age and his legal presence in the state of Arizona. An apartment lease, mortgage document, or utility bill will likely suffice to prove Arizona residency. To prove one’s identity, the applicant must provide a birth certificate, U.S. Passport, a Social Security card, I-94 or two other accepted documents. One of these documents must show a clear photograph of the applicant.

All driver’s license applicants must successfully complete the vision exam. If the applicant has not obtained a driver’s license from any state yet holds a permit, he will not be required to take Arizona’s permit test. Finally, the applicant must pay the applicable fees. These fees differ by the applicant’s age as well as the type of license he seeks.

• Those between 16 and 39 years of age must pay $25.
• Those between 40 and 44 years of age must pay $20.
• Those between 45 and 49 years of age must pay $15.
• Anyone 50 years of age and older must pay $10.

Once all of these steps have been completed, the applicant will be provided with a temporary license with his photo. It will likely take several weeks for the permanent driver’s license to be mailed to the applicant’s residence. Be careful once you start driving! Arizona traffic schools stay in business due to those nonchalant drivers and help them dismiss their costly traffic tickets.

  • Discover everything you need to know about California ID Cards – Read more at California ID Cards.


It seems like each new year brings about some considerable changes to traffic and vehicle laws in the state of Arizona. Though the Grand Canyon State doesn’t have nearly as many annual traffic law changes as California, Arizona drivers are forced to make several new adjustments with each passing year. This new year brings plenty of changes to Arizona’s car and traffic laws. It is imperative that the state’s drivers be aware of these alterations and respond in the appropriate manner.

What Changes are in Store for 2017?

Arizona’s law changes make red light and speeding cameras optional for towns, cities and counties. Each town/city is empowered to decide whether such cameras will remain in place or be removed. The residents of Tucson voted to eliminate these cameras. It is likely that many towns and cities throughout the state will soon follow suit.

Speed Limit Changes

HB 2032 permits counties and cities to increase or decrease the speed limits of streets positioned next to public park facilities. The old law stated that such alterations could only be altered on streets that are next to schools. This law is still in place yet it is further modified to apply to public park facilities as well as educational institutions. Pedestrians and motorists should both be hyper-cautious while traversing roads and walkways near public parks. Those who reside in neighborhoods near these facilities might take a while to adjust to the new speed limits. As a result, many will likely proceed well above or below the newly determined rate of speed. If you do get a ticket, you can dismiss it by taking AZ Traffic School online.

A new Law Just About Everyone can Agree On

Starting in 2017, the spouses and dependents of military members who perish in the line of duty will receive car registrations at no cost. You will be hard pressed to find anyone who disagrees with the spirit of this law.

Vehicle Illumination Laws

Functional vehicle lights will be mandatory in 2017. Each and every light on the vehicle must function without flaw. If the lights are inoperable, an Arizona police officer can pull the vehicle operator over and conduct a search. Though critics of this new law claim this power equates to harassment, the spirit of the law is to prevent accidents and consequently, preserve the health and well-being of Arizonans. It is also worth noting that the state has determined that police officers can use such stops as sufficient probable cause to perform a search of the vehicle. All Arizona motor vehicle operators should be aware that this style of search is admissible and legal in every regard. The bottom line is that the state has determined that the rights of police officers to safeguard the public trumps drivers’ privacy rights.

The Addition of Safety Corridors

The final week of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 brought about the designation of specific state highways as Safety Corridors. Expect law enforcement surveillance of wayward vehicles to be expanded in these areas. The purpose of designated specific highways as Safety Corridors is to decrease the number of vehicular accidents and consequently, the number of fatalities in areas that have egregiously high rates of incidents. These new Safety Corridors will be designated with signs so drivers can react in the appropriate manner. It is advisable to reduce the rate of speed, make use of signals and follow the letter of the law in these areas.

Traffic in the Context of Political Rallies

The state legislature determined that the penalty for preventing access to political events should be heightened from a class three misdemeanor all the way up to a class one misdemeanor. The aim of this law is to prevent vehicle operators from banding together to prevent freedom of expression. Anyone who attempts to hijack the right of way on Arizona roads or highways could face prosecution.