Blog Posts

Lady behind the wheel of a driving video game.
Car Safety

Psychology of Distracted Drivers

You’ve probably already seen the anti-texting commercials and billboards popping up everywhere. You’ve probably even been lectured by your parents, spouse, or friends for texting and driving. While we all…

A map of the United States that shows South Dakota ranked as number four for states with the worst drivers.
Driving Safety

Who Are The Worst Drivers

Right now, students at Improv Traffic School are learning (or relearning!) the rules of the road. And we hope they make careful decisions once they’re behind the wheel. To emphasize just how crucial safe driving is…

Comical image of a truck that says "pirate seafood company" on the side.
Car Insurance

Defensive Driving Towards Point Systems

Points are generally considered a positive mark of excellence in certain fields of work, which is why comedy defensive driving courses have no problem skewering how this couldn’t be further…

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