How Much Does NY Defensive Driving Course Save Me on Insurance?

The cost of auto insurance can be enormous, especially if your NY driving record is not clean. However, that is not the only thing that can cause your auto insurance cost to skyrocket. Sometimes it also depends on the age of the vehicle, the color of the vehicle, and even your own age at the time of coverage. To put it simply, some vehicles are more expensive to insure because they may be more likely to be driven fast or because they are worth more.

This is not always something you would like to change on your end. However, if you have a less than desirable NY driving record, then taking a NY defensive driving course can lower your auto insurance costs for sure.

How Much Does NY Defensive Driving Course Save Me on Insurance?

The amount that you can save on your auto insurance varies depending on the individual as well as by your auto insurance company. However, if you have a high auto insurance cost every month, then you can save a good chunk of change by simply taking and passing a defensive driving course.

For New York drivers or those with a NY driver’s license, you can expect to save up to 10% on the cost of your auto insurance every month. For some people, this can be a significant amount of money every month and the cost of the defensive driving course will pay for itself in no time at all.

The reason for the 10% reduction in cost is because it is something required by the New York State Insurance Commissioner by law. This reduction is also required to last for 3 years by the law and it pertains to all insurance companies that write policies for NY residents. The 10% cost reduction is from the base rate of the current liability, collision, and no-fault premiums currently on the policy at the time that the insured individual presents the insurance company with the proof of completion of the course.

The course is called a Point and Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP course), NY Defensive Driving course or NY 3-Year Renewal course. It must be completed through a NYS DMV approved course provider.

Other Things to Understand About This Program

Since the insurance reduction of costs is only valid for three years, if the person who is insured wants to continue with the lowered cost and benefit, then it is essential that the course be taken again and passed. This can be done through an online program as well to help with ease. One major thing to make note of with this program has to do with the policy if there is more than one person named on the premium. If this is the case, then the reduction on the insurance premium is applied to all of the vehicles on the policy that are operated by the driver who took the course. However, it does not apply to all drivers on the policy if they did not all complete the course. It will only be applied to one driver. If all drivers would like to have the reduction in their insurance costs for the policy, then each driver must take the course.

Taking the course is easy, just like saving money each month on auto insurance. Every driver has the option to take the course online or in a classroom. Taking it online allows for the driver to take the course at their own pace and ensure that they understand all of the material. Once you take the course and pass, you can take the certificate of completion to your insurance carrier to get your discount.

How Much is a New Jersey Speeding Ticket?

If you drive over the speed limit, you run the risk of getting pulled over for speeding. When you are pulled over, the police officer has the discretion to issue you a warning or write you a ticket. If you were one of the unlucky ones who received a ticket, you may find yourself wondering how much a New Jersey speeding ticket will cost you. The fine associated with the speeding ticket is not the only expense you will incur because of the ticket. You may decide to participate in traffic school if you are eligible or you may take allow the ticket to hit your driving record and have surcharges issued by the state for poor driving. Here are a few of the ways that a New Jersey speeding ticket can cost you and the expenses associated with the ticket.

The Cost of the Speeding Ticket Itself

If you are caught speeding, the amount you are fined varies based on where you were speeding and how many miles over the speed limit you were going. For a simple speeding violation, one where you are going one to nine miles over the speed limit, your fine will be $85. If you are 15 to 19 miles per hour over the speed limit, the fine increases to $180. And if you are 30 to 39 miles per hour over the speed limit, your fine will be $240 to $260. Additionally, there are factors that increase fines. If you are in a construction zone, in a safe corridor, in a school zone or speeding through a crosswalk, your fines will increase. If you are looking to find out what the exact fine is for your violation, be sure to check out this chart. Also, keep in mind that these are standard fines. If you go to court and appeal the ticket, the judge has the discretion to throw the ticket out or reduce your fine amount.






1 – 9 m.p.h. $85.00 $140.00 2 Points
10 – 14 m.p.h $95.00 $160.00 2 Points
15 – 19 m.p.h. $105.00 $180.00 4 Points
20 – 24 m.p.h. $200.00 $360.00 4 Points
25 – 29 m.p.h. $220.00 $380.00 4 Points
30 – 34 m.p.h. $240.00 $400.00 5 Points
35+ m.p.h. $260.00 $420.00 5 Points

*If you are caught speeding in a work zone, safe corridor, or 65 mph zone, your fine will be doubled!


The state of New Jersey uses a point system. If you are given traffic tickets or involved in car accident, you receive points on your driving record. The number of points you receive for a speeding ticket varies, based on how many miles over the speed limit you were going. You receive two points if you are 1-14 miles per hour over the speed limit, four points if you are 15 to 29 miles per hour over and five points if you are 30 miles per hour over the speed limit or more. If you exceed more than six points in a three year period, the state of New Jersey will issue you a $150 surcharge plus $25 for each additional point. These fines remain in effect yearly until your points drop below six and if you fail to pay, you can lose your license. If you go a year with no infractions, you lose three points, which is the best way to reduce your points.

Traffic School Costs

Another way to reduce the number of points you have on your driving record is to take traffic school or a defensive driving course. In New Jersey, you can take NJ traffic school to remove two points from your record once every five years. Because of this, you may wish to participate in driving school if you have received a speeding ticket. In New Jersey, the lowest price allowed by law for this course is $20. There is no maximum cost allowed by law. Additionally, once you complete one of these courses, insurance companies may reduce your insurance by up to ten percent for two to five years.

If you are pulled over for speeding, research shows that being honest with the cop about why you are speeding, as well as being polite and courteous, are the best ways to avoid a ticket. However, no matter how honest or polite you are, some days a cop has a no-tolerance stance and will issue you a ticket. When this occurs, that speeding ticket will cost you. Learning how much will help you budget so you can pay off the fine and the associated costs.

Different States Speeding Ticket

Why Take a Defense Course?

One of the unfortunate facts of life is that we are at the mercy of others. It does not matter how nice or civil you are. If you have the misfortune of crossing paths with a malevolent or careless individual, there is a chance you will endure harm. This is precisely why you need a solid line of defense.

The Value of Taking a Self-Defense Course

All sorts of self-defense courses are available, from traditional karate to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga and so on. The common theme amongst these courses is that considerable preparation is necessary to stay safe and avoid harm. There is a good chance you will eventually encounter a physically aggressive person at some point in your life. From purse-snatchers to drunks looking for a fight and beyond, some people are willing to engage in physical confrontations with completely innocent victims. It is important to recognize this danger and prepare accordingly. Complete a self-defense class and you will have the confidence you need to go out in public and do as you wish. This is especially true for women, seniors, individuals without a large frame and others who might be considered to be easy targets.

Keep Your Vehicle Safe with a Defensive Driving Course

You can protect your vehicle with a defensive driving course just like you can protect your body with a self-defense course. It is quite concerning to think about the fact that you can follow all the rules of the road, maintain a moderate rate of speed and be extremely cautious only to endure an auto accident due to another driver’s negligence. Take a defensive driving course and you will greatly reduce the odds of such an accident. This course teaches you how to drive in a defensive manner that prevents accidents, tickets and road rage.

If you haven’t taken a defensive driving course in the past year, it is time to sign up for one, especially if you live in NY, NJ or a state where your auto insurance company will offer you a huge discount for taking the course. Also, there is a good chance you have forgotten some of the subtle rules of the road and strategies to avoid collisions, tickets and other unpleasant incidents while behind the wheel.

Keep Yourself Safe with a Defensive Course

A defensive driving course will serve as a valuable refresher on what to look out for while on the roads and highways. It will also boost your driving prowess to reduce the chances that you cause an accident that harms others, their vehicles and your own person or vehicle. In the end, a defensive driving course has the potential to save you thousands of dollars in automobile repair costs and hundreds or thousands of dollars on potential insurance hikes resulting from accidents. Most importantly, learning how to drive defensively will greatly reduce the odds of a painful injury that spurs costly medical treatment and might even prevent you from working.

Protect Yourself on and off the Road

Your defensive driving course instructor will teach you valuable tactics to avoid damage to your vehicle as well as your body. Think of defensive driving as a self-defense course for your body when positioned inside of a vehicle. You are still in danger of physical harm even though the party at fault does not mean to harm your person. This educational driving course is exactly what you need to avoid a painful accident when traversing the crowded roads. The strategies you learn just might make the difference between a nasty accident that harms the occupants in your vehicle and narrowly escaping a collision, allowing you to make it to your destination unharmed.

Top 10 Defensive Drivers in The World

Do you ever think while driving that you are truly one of the best defensive drivers in the world? You feel invincible because nobody has ever crashed into you… due to your impeccable ninja driving skills that manage to help you dodge all the bad drivers on the road… and you have even managed to never get a ticket by avoiding the police and speeding under the radar. You are truly one of the top defensive drivers in your hood, a master of driving! However, the below drivers may have you beat ?

1. Mad Max

I know what you’re thinking: Nobody from Mad Max can possibly be considered a great defensive driver. Think again! Have you seen all the armor on the Mad Max vehicles?! There is absolutely no possibility that another vehicle can get through that armor and damage their vehicle or hurt them!

2. Driving Miss Daisy

For those that are not familiar with the movie, an elderly woman, Miss Daisy, wanted to keep her independence, but ended up crashing her car. After she does this, her son arranges for her to have a chauffeur. Want to know the best way that you can be a safe, defensive driver? Don’t even drive at all! Have somebody else drive you around. You will never crash into anybody or get any tickets. Plus, you can have all the margaritas you want and still make it home safe!

3. Trojan Warrior

Back in the heyday of the Trojans, they galloped around in some pretty fancy chariots. Of course, these defensive drivers had their swords and shields to use for defensive purposes to protect themselves and their chariots. How could they not be safe drivers with all their armor?

4. An Individual with a Pillow Filled Car

Have you ever driven in a car that is filled to the brim with pillows? Of course not! Most people haven’t, but that one random individual that does travel in pillow heaven would have the benefit of being super safe with all that extra padding. It’s like driving on a cloud. Every hump and bump on the road is A-Okay because he does not feel a thing! Yay for money saved because it should keep the “bodily injury” costs down… hopefully!

5. A Driver on Carmageddon

The best Carmageddon drivers were witnessed in the original, when everyone was driving cars like yours and you had to kill them. Everyone was out for blood. Of course, some might argue that better defensive drivers are in the second version… because it is safer to drive when there are absolutely no other drivers/or when only zombies on the roadway. If nobody else is around, nobody can hit you. As a bonus, you can drive as crazy as you want and there’s nobody else around to get in your way!

6. Power Rangers

Anybody that grew up in the 90’s knows that the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers vehicles were pretty awesome and when they joined together, they formed the super-powerful Megazord. No villains or other vehicles, none the less, would possibly mess with the Megazord, if they came across it on the road.

7. Demolition Derby Driver

I know, I know, the whole point in a demolition derby is crashing and completing demolishing other vehicles, so this one is a shocker. However, within those cars, the driver has special racing straps/seatbelts, that keep them firmly in their seat. In addition, typically, there are alterations to the car to keep the driver safe. Plus, they must be skilled drivers to win!

8. Michelin Man

The Michelin Man would be the safest of safe drivers. He is just made of tires, fluff, and air, so any bumps on the road wouldn’t hurt a bit. He has been representing Michelin tires since 1894, so he should know a thing or two about cars and driving!

9. Bumper Car Driver

While bumper cars can get a tad bit bumpy, these drivers could not be any safer! Firstly, they never leave the amusement park. Careening down the path at a whopping top speed of 2 mph, they are far from fast and furious! Plus, they can only drive in one direction… in counter-clockwise circles… within a 50 ft. x 50 ft. pen! Most of the fellow drivers are children that are out to get their siblings or friends. Even if the driver comes across a child that happened to develop a personal vendetta against them upon first glance, they have that lovely bumper buffer to absorb the blows of their tiny attack. Plus, there is always a competent ride attendant present to chaperone all the hustle and bustle of the two-minute ride. Bump away!

10. Someone who hasn’t bathed in over 3 months

The smellier, the better to keep other cars away! They just need to roll the window down and let their au natural Eau de Parfum do the talking. Just like the Grinch, nobody would want to touch him or his car with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!

Where To Buy Used Cars in NY

You likely have considered purchasing a used car at some point in the past. Even if you never actively looked for one, you surely have an idea of the frustrations that come along with searching for a used automobile. If you are on a budget, a used car is your best bet. What kind of feelings and thoughts does it invoke in you?
No matter what you think about when it comes to pre-owned vehicles, the fact of the matter is that they are being sold all over the place. The quality can be hit or miss – you may find one that you wouldn’t mind buying just to fix up and have one of your favorite automobile models. Carefully consider your options, as you did when picking a NY defensive driving course, when you are looking for where to buy used cars in New York.

Car Dealerships

There are numerous car dealerships that cater to people who are buying and selling used vehicles. There should be a few of them within a reasonable distance from where you live. It can help to know about the reputation of this business prior to visiting, though. You can search for reviews on services such as Yelp and other business rating sites. Also, you may want to ask around if anyone you know can recommend a dealership that will give you a wide selection in your price range.

Online Buying

When you just want to browse through pages of options online, there are websites that allow you to do so. One of the top sites for this in NY is Auto Trader. You will be pleased to see that there are both new and pre-owned automobiles that have been listed through Auto Trader. The front page of the listings offers you many details, then you can find much more by clicking on the one in which you are interested.

With such an ideal way to show you where to find and buy used cars in NY, you are sure to experience remarkable success. You can conduct a search by different qualifiers, including price starting at lowest and highest, mileage by lowest and highest, alphabetical by make and model, distance from the zip code that you input, and year by oldest and newest. Also, you can choose the specifications that interest you to narrow down your options. It really is a convenient way in which to shop for a vehicle that will be less expensive than you might find otherwise.


Though they tend to get a bad rap, broad format classifieds like Craigslist and similar websites will help you to connect with people who have a car for sale quickly. You may be nervous about the idea of meeting up with someone who you meet in such a way, but you always can call them and screen your options. Once you are ready to go and have a look at a vehicle, ensure that you can meet the individual in a public place. This will take the stress out of the situation for both parties.
If you happen to decide that you would like to buy the car, you should come up with a basic sale contract. This will protect you in the instance that you learn of some issue that was not disclosed when you paid for the vehicle.

As you can see, there is a great deal to keep in mind with used cars. Once you know where the best physical or online location is for finding used cars in NY, you can use the resources to your advantage. Use caution and take your time to find just the right automobile for your needs.

How to save on car insurance: A guide for first time NYC drivers

Is this your first time owning a car? If so, then you are probably excited. With a personal vehicle comes the freedom of movement everyone desires. No more waiting on buses and subways. You can now come and go whenever you want, uninhibited by transit schedules.

But, you must always remember that car ownership entails great responsibility. Motorists hold their own safety and that of others in their hands. This is why you must have auto insurance in case you are involved in an accident. NYC wants you to be able to pay for any damage caused.

So, now you are probably wondering how much will this car insurance cost, right? Good question.

Read on to find out some of the factors that can raise and lower policy rates for a first-time NYC driver.

How does age impact my auto insurance rates?

As is true of most first-time drivers, you are probably young of age. If so, be prepared to pay more than the national average for your auto insurance.

In general, insurance companies charge more for young first-time drivers for two reasons. First, the driver is at an impressionable age. They are more likely than older adults to drive fast when hanging out with friends. Also, drinking and driving is a known problem among teens and young adult motorists.

Second, you are a first-time driver. Even if you are advanced in age, insurers will probably charge you a bit more. Your inexperience works against you here.

Does my neighborhood impact my auto insurance rates?

Certain neighborhoods and boroughs in NYC are ridden with crime. Many of the criminals are car thieves. As a result, if you reside in one of these areas, expect to pay more than normal to be insured.

The risk is just higher than if you lived in a safer community.

Does a defensive driving course lower my auto insurance rates?

You can lower your rate by taking driver education classes.

Young people often mitigate some of the extra charges heaped upon them because of age by taking driving classes in high school.

Every driver can benefit by enrolling in a New York defensive driving course. The schools offer classes both online and in-person. Best of all, after course competition, you receive a 10 percent auto insurance discount for the next three years.

What impact does my vehicle type have on my car insurance rate?

Insurance companies also look at the type of vehicle when assessing rates. Some models get stolen more than others. Owners will have to pay more because of this risk.

In other cases, you may own a sports car known for having horsepower more than what the average motorist can handle. And, your insurer may well raise your policy rate because of this fact.

How much does my credit score influence my auto insurance rate?

Since you are a first-time driver with no driving history, the insurance company will take other factors into consideration. One is your credit rating.
If you have good credit, the company may lower your insurance rate a bit. A positive credit score proves you are a responsible person in general.

Does my education background impact my car insurance rate?

Likewise, college students can get lower than normal rates for first time drivers. Their desire to seek a higher education is positive. They are high achievers. They are presumed to perhaps better understand the effects of risky driving on society.

Time to get insured and save money with our tips!

Now that you know how the insurance companies decide how much to charge first time drivers, you are ready to get insured.

Try to work on things you can change. For example, attend a New York defensive driving school, pay off outstanding credit cards and enroll in college classes. These types of decisions will make you appear more responsible and can result in a lower insurance rate.

How to Sell a Car in Texas

If you are planning on selling a vehicle in Texas, you will have to fill out some paperwork. Sweat the subtleties of the transaction now and you won’t have to deal with them down the road. Let’s look at the paperwork that must be submitted to the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles to officially transfer ownership of your vehicle. We’ll also touch on additional documents necessary to sell a vehicle in Texas.

Title Transfer

The state of Texas requires that your vehicle’s title be transferred to the new owner. To make this transfer, you must fill out the title assignment found on the back of your vehicle’s official title certificate. If you fail to perform a legal title transfer when selling your car, there will be consequences. As an example, it is possible that you will be held responsible for subsequent crimes and violations committed in the vehicle. It is prudent to go to the nearest county tax office with the vehicle buyer to guarantee that the application for the new vehicle title is filed. If you need a certified copy of your automobile’s title from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, fill out the VTR-34 form. You can download this form from the DMV’s online library of forms.

Additional Documents Necessary to Sell a Car in Texas

As a seller of a vehicle, you must provide specific documents to the buyer. These documents include the bill of sale, a valid vehicle title, the completed title assignment with signature and odometer disclosure. Be sure to make copies of these documents to store in your records. You never know if any technical or legal challenges will pop up in the future. At this point, it is the buyer’s responsibility to complete the remainder of the required documents and pay the fee necessary to register the vehicle in his name in the state of Texas.

Supplemental Material That Will Help You Sell Your Vehicle in Texas

Texas has nuanced laws concerning vehicle efficiency and safety. Therefore, most vehicle buyers ask sellers for an in-depth vehicle history report before agreeing to a sale. Such a report provides information about the vehicle ranging from prior accidents to major repairs, odometer alteration and/or instances of theft. If you have endured any sort of accident, consider enrolling in a TX driving safety course. This course will enhance your defensive driving skills. Such a course might reduce your automobile insurance rate. It is even possible that this course will remove points from your driving record after a speeding ticket or other violation. Have your vehicle history report on-hand so you can show it to the buyer immediately after he requests it. Furthermore, having the vehicle history report on-hand makes it that much easier to market your vehicle and ask the highest possible price.

Transfer the License Plates

You must remove the license plates from your vehicle before the buyer accepts the keys and drives off. It is possible to transfer these license plates to another vehicle you own. Reach out to your nearest county tax assessor collector’s office for details on such a transfer.

Don’t Forget the Bill of Sale!

It is necessary to document the actual sale of your vehicle. The transaction is recorded on a “bill of sale”. This document should include all essential information about the seller, the buyer, the automobile and the agreed sale price. Sign and date the bill of sale and request that the buyer does the same. Make copies for yourself and the buyer. Keep this document in your records as it is proof of the vehicle sale transaction.

What are Riders in NY Insurance?

Like every other motorist, you must have NY insurance. There is no way around it. If caught driving without auto insurance, well, you do not even want to know that will happen. It is bad!

So, you have your insurance. But, does the policy really suit you. Did you ask for the agent to personalize things?

Many people do not know that almost every single insurance policy can be modified. You can add terms that will make the policy more beneficial. And, why not? You are the one who is paying. You are who will need the insurance payouts when things go wrong.

Always remember that when the company writes its standard policies, they are thinking about their own risk. The contract is in their best interests. You need to be smart and add riders, which are special terms, to the policy.

Sit down with your insurance company representative and discuss your specific needs. Then add these special conditions.

Following are some of the more popular auto insurance riders in NY.

Rental Car

What if your car breaks down or is destroyed in an accident? You will have to rent a car while things get fixed. One or two days is not all that bad. But, what about a few weeks? Those payments can prove financially draining.

Adding a rental car rider to your insurance can be a smart move. Most likely, the insurance company will want to set a predefined time period, for example, three weeks, in which they will pay for a rental car. Hopefully, you have your car back within the agreed upon timeframe.

Safe Driver

You can also add a safe driver rider. If you go without any major traffic infractions or accidents for a lengthy period, your insurance rate would be lowered.
Fortunately, you already have a de facto safe driver rider. If you complete a defensive driving NY course, you get an automatic 10 percent auto insurance rate discount for the next three years. Classes are held both online and in-person for your convenience.

One Accident

Everyone makes mistakes. You might do so while driving and cause an accident.

If you are at fault to any extent, even partly, in general, your insurance rate increases. You can prevent this from happening by adding a one-accident rider. It is a freebie for the first time “offender,” so to speak.

Roadside Assistance

This rider allows you to call for emergency assistance at any time without having to pay.

These riders are great deals because you never know just when your car will leave you stranded. When it happens, the last thing you want to worry about is whether you have the extra cash to pay for a tow truck or mechanic.

Vehicle Depreciation

This rider gets you a promise that the insurance company will not take any depreciation of car value into consideration for a certain agreed upon period.

Car Theft

Good for those who reside in high crime areas. For example, you can get a promise not to consider your high-crime location if you park your car in a secured location, such as a private garage.

Also, you can get this rider if you can prove that your neighborhood is changing. Perhaps the insurance provider will not raise your policy so long as the crime rate continues to decline in the area.

Time to Get the Policy You Deserve

No need to accept a boilerplate insurance contract. Ask for reasonable riders, those insurance terms that are of specific benefit to you.

What County is Clifton Park NY in?

Are you planning to relocate and looking for a nice community? Perhaps you are raising a family? Or, maybe, you are a hi-tech worker with their own lucrative startup company. If so, you probably want to look at Clifton Park, NY. This residential suburb in upstate New York has a lot to offer.

Now, do not make the mistake of many wannabe transplants. They somehow have the idea that the town is within the Greater New York City metro area. Sorry, that is just wrong. If you are wondering what county Clifton Park, NY is in, the wait is over. The town sits in the southern portion of Saratoga County, about 12-miles north of the capital, Albany.


About 40,000, residents call Clifton Park home. These households enjoy a relatively high income when compared to the rest of the national. At $83,000, the average income makes the suburb one of the more so-after locales in the state. Less than three percent of the population lives below the poverty line.


In general, Clifton Park is not as diverse as many would like. Almost everyone has well-paying jobs. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that the friendly neighbors go out of their way to make all feel at home.

Traffic Conditions

Though having only 40,000, people, Clifton Park is a very busy place. Workers are up early each morning rushing to their jobs. Students are off to attend the award-winning local schools. As a result, the area witnesses its fair share road accidents. After all, this is New York. Officers issue a fair number of traffic citations.
Fortunately, anyone who wants to become a safe driver can take a NY defensive driving course. These days, the classes can even be done online. This option proves even more convenient because students can access the course material over the various platforms, including mobile devices.

Best of all, after course completion, drivers can have any outstanding traffic tickets erased and the state awards a mandatory 10 percent auto insurance discount for three years.


It may not be Silicon Valley, but Clifton Park sits in the heart of the New York Tech Valley. Some of the most educated and talented technology professionals call the area home.

To further facilitate growth, the town government has been buying up property. As of now, over 1000-acres has been purchased for development. The goal is to make Clifton Park the place where top hi-tech firms want to relocate.

Things to Do

Residents love spending time in the local parks watching kids play sports. There are football, hockey, soccer and lacrosse leagues, to name just a few. Not to be left out, baseball is very popular here. In fact, the Boys Babe Ruth World Series is often played right in town.

Getting There

Motorists can reach Clifton Park from New York City via Interstate-87. The three-hour drive is picturesque as the area is dotted by green spaces and Erie Canal hamlets.

The train from Manhattan takes about four and a half hours, the same as the bus.

So, where is Clifton Park?

As shown here, Clifton Park is located in a prime spot in upstate New York. Residents and visitors can easily get to Albany or Manhattan for day trips or to conduct business.

A quiet suburban community, Clifton Park is ideal for those who want to enjoy the simple life, while not forging modern amenities. Give the town a chance. You may never want to live anywhere else.

How Much is A Speeding Ticket in Arizona?

The state of Arizona makes use of several unique methods to nab speeders. Arizona drivers must be aware of stationary traffic cameras, officer radar guns, unmarked police cars and beyond. If you are pulled over for speeding, you will likely receive a fine as well as points on your driving record/license.

It is important to note that specific speeding fines differ by city and county. As an example, someone caught speeding in Flagstaff will not face the same fine as someone who is nabbed speeding in Tucson. Additionally, those who have not been caught speeding in the past will likely face less of a fine than those who have received multiple speeding tickets.

Start Your Online Course Now to Dismiss Your Ticket

The table below displays the top 5 counties Arizona drivers get caught speeding in. Traffic school prices differ based on individual court diversion fees. Take a look at the ultimate savings here:

10-14 mph $250 $203.95 – $265.95
15-19 m.p.h. $300 $203.95 – $265.95
20+ mph $350-$450 $203.95 – $265.95
Traffic Camera $165-$200 $203.95 – $265.95
10-14 mph $250 $103.95 – $253.95
15-19 m.p.h. $300 $103.95 – $253.95
20+ mph $350-$450 $103.95 – $253.95
Traffic Camera $165-$200 $103.95 – $253.95
10-14 mph $250 $103.95 – $228.95
15-19 m.p.h. $300 $103.95 – $228.95
20+ mph $350-$450 $103.95 – $228.95
Traffic Camera $165-$200 $103.95 – $228.95
10-14 mph $250 $103.95 – $233.95
15-19 m.p.h. $300 $103.95 – $233.95
20+ mph $350-$450 $103.95 – $233.95
Traffic Camera $165-$200 $103.95 – $233.95
10-14 mph $250 $103.95 – $233.95
15-19 m.p.h. $300 $103.95 – $233.95
20+ mph $350-$450 $103.95 – $233.95
Traffic Camera $165-$200 $103.95 – $233.95

For complete list of AZ Court Diversion Fees: Click Here

Show Arizona the Money

Police officers are required to follow nuanced guidelines when determining the value of a speeding ticket. However, in some instances, the officer will consider the driver’s level of resistance/compliance when determining the cost of the speeding ticket. In other instances, the officer will follow the specific formula that determines the cost of a speeding ticket. If it is determined that you were driving more than 10 miles per hour beyond the speed limit, the financial penalty for your ticket will rise quite dramatically.

A speeding ticket for driving 10 miles per hour beyond the speed limit runs $250. This cost increases $50 for every 5 miles per hour beyond 10 miles per hour above the speed limit.

A speeding ticket for driving 20 miles per hour over the posted speed limit can be increased by $200 more than the initial $250 fee. Driving at such a fast rate of speed can also result in the suspension of the driver’s license. It is even possible for the license to be revoked when the traffic stop occurs.

The amount of the speeding ticket can be changed according to whether the driver was nabbed speeding by one of the state’s stationary traffic cameras. This style of speeding ticket is sent through the mail. It requires the driver to pay a set cost of $165 along with an additional $30 in fees and surcharges.

Show Traffic School the Money – It’s CHEAPER!

It is usually less expensive to take and pay for AZ defensive driving course, not have any points added to your driving record and avoid having your insurance rates up than to pay your ticket, have points added to your record and have your auto rates increase dramatically.

Eligibility and More

Arizona allows residents to enroll in traffic school once every 12 months. When you take the course, it will only dismiss one traffic related offense. Be sure to look up fines and points for all violations (if you received more than one) before you tell the Traffic School which offense you want the school to dismiss.

Top violations:
Speeding: 3 points
Running a red light or stop sign: 4 points
Failure to yield: 4 points

Criminal Speeding

Speeding at an excessive rate, known as “criminal speeding”, can result in upwards of 30 days in jail and a $500 fine. Additional penalties for criminal speeding include paying to have the vehicle retrieved from the space it was towed to. Criminal speeding occurs when a driver goes 85 miles per hour or more anywhere in Arizona. A driver exceeding 35 miles per hour near a school crossing can also be found guilty of criminal speeding.

A driver who exceeds the posted speed limit by 20 miles per hour in a residential or business area can also be found guilty of criminal driving. If no speed is posted in a residential or business area, one driving 45 miles per hour or more beyond the speed limit will face the possibility of a criminal speeding charge. Aside from fines and possible jail time, such a charge can also impact one’s ability to legally operate a motor vehicle.

Were Car Radios Ever Illegal? Should They Be?

These days, we can’t imagine driving even to the corner store without listening to either a channel on the AM/FM signal that comes through our car’s antenna or the bevy of satellite radio channels that are available.

But car radios weren’t always such a luxury. In fact, when car radios first hit the scene in the 1920s, they weren’t only expensive, but they were somewhat of an inconvenience. Yes, the first car radios appeared in Chevrolet cars – and they were so big that they barely even fit into the car when you accounted for the size of their speakers, antennas and batteries.

My how things have changed.

Despite their initial awkwardness, radio technology advanced over the next decade to where they became smaller and more easily integrated into vehicles for drive-time entertainment. Around the time radios became more widely accepted, however, they were also met with some ire. In fact, many legislators believed that car radios caused a distraction – so much so that legislation was introduced in many states to fine drivers listening to car radios.

Government gets involved.

Specifically, in Minnesota and Missouri, legislation was introduced to completely ban car radios. Other states like New York, New Jersey, Ohio and Illinois introduced legislation that would fine drivers found to be operating while listening to their car radios. None of the legislation ever became law – but it wasn’t for the lack of vocal support for such bills.

Much like how texting and driving and cell phone use is associated with an uptick in auto accidents, many at the time believed that car radios led to more accidents on the road. Those in support of car radios argued the opposite, and that listening to car radios kept drivers more engaged on the road. Those in support of car radios were eventually found to be correct in their belief, as no formal study ever connected listening to the radio in a car with an increase in auto accidents.

Should Car Radios be Banned?

There was no scientific data to suggest that car radios led to more auto accidents back in the 1930s when the issue was being seriously debated – and there’s no evidence to suggest that things have changed in the present day.

Yes, drivers aren’t without distractions these days – perhaps more now than ever when you take smart phones into consideration. But the car radio doesn’t just serve as an entertainment medium while drivers are commuting from Point A to Point B, it also serves a much larger purpose:


Radio helps drivers learn of accidents and weather conditions while they’re on the road, helping them to better navigate routes and plan. Drivers can also catch up on the latest local, national and world headlines as they commute.


The car radio has also led to a whole new entertainment industry. Radio stations these days are big business, and it is largely those that listen while they’re in the car that drive ratings, advertising dollars and success for said stations.


Just because it’s worth mentioning again, radio also helps entertain drivers while they’re on the go. In their cars, they can listen to the baseball game, their favorite pop, rock or country stations, or their favorite news station. With the variety of radio stations available today – not to mention the options that satellite radio also provides – it’s hard for drivers to not be entertained while they’re on the go.

Let’s Keep ’Em Legal!
We take car radios for granted today, but they were once nearly outlawed in some states. Yes, they can be a distraction – but so can just about anything in the car if not treated responsibly. For more information on minimizing distraction while you’re behind the wheel, contact our defensive driving course today.

Answering common NJ & NY defensive driving course questions.

So, you are thinking about taking a defensive driving course but do not know where to turn? Relax, many out there have been in your situation. They know that attending so-called traffic school is good for them. However, they have no idea where to get NY or NJ defensive driving answers.

To help you make your decision about whether to take one, following are the top questions and answers about the these somewhat feared programs.

Can I find the answers to my defensive driving course online?

Once you begin your course you may find the questions harder than you thought. True, the instructors are there to help you pass. However, they will not just hand the certificate to you. Instead, they expect you to do some work.

Do not get too worried! The answers are always available to you. For example, if you are taking an online course, the answers are in the school’s online material. You can also search the state DMV website. The department usually lists the pertinent rules of the road and any recent changes to the laws.

You will also want to re-read the course material. Perhaps you missed the answer while reading a little too quickly.

If the class is in-person or taken as a group, you can ask the other students where they located the answers.

Last, but certainly not least, ask your instructor or the school staff. They will be more than willing to help. Just be sure that you have really tried to complete the assignment before making a request.

Can I complete my defensive driving course online?

In the past, you had to attend NY defensive driving school in person. Today, you can go to the school or complete the course online. This fact has made attending traffic school a no-brainer. Everyone in New York and New Jersey should take one of these courses to become a safer driver.

One benefit of the online course is that you can enroll with a group. Many workplaces and households sign up this way. They take classes online at their convenience.

Check to see if your chosen school offers a group enrollment discount!

What if I fail my defensive driving course?

The only way to fail the NY or NJ defensive driving course is if you don’t finish it. As long as you put in the minimum required time (six hours total), you will pass and receive your credits!

Are the instructors teaching the online defensive driving course difficult?

You might imagine a Defensive Driving classroom instructor as being some hardcore DMV staffer who is out to fail students. Perhaps you think they will be a former Marine drill instructor who still thinks they are in the Corps.

In reality, some instructors are retired DMV workers and veterans! Yet, you can relax. Their job is not to punish you for mistakes but to ensure that you learn from them.

Does completing a defensive driving course dismiss a traffic ticket in NJ or NY?

Unlike some states, taking a NY or NJ defensive driving will not dismiss a traffic ticket. Rather, it may help you combat points being added to your record. Check with the traffic court first before you begin the course. They will be able to advise you when you should complete the course for the best results.

Do I earn an auto insurance discount after completing my defensive driving course?

Can I complete assignments for my defensive driving course on my phone/other mobile device?

The best schools offer many ways to access the course material, including mobile platforms. Always check with the admissions office about accessibility and compatibility prior to enrolling.

It’s time to enroll in your defensive driving course!

Now that you know the top NY and NJ defensive driving course answers, you are ready to enroll! Get started right away while you are still highly motivated to succeed.

Best of luck!

Can I Travel with My Driver License?

One of the biggest and best benefits of having a driver’s license is the independence that it brings. Once you have acquired your driver license, you’re basically free to go wherever you please. But there are some caveats to consider. Your driver license will only get you so far. In some cases, you may have to have other documentation to travel. So, can you travel with your driver license? Yes and no.

Traveling in the United States with Your Driver License

The way that the United States is set up, you can travel anyplace you want to go with just your driver license. The U.S. doesn’t even have border restrictions between states. So, if you want to travel between Ohio and Michigan, for example, you can do so. You won’t have to stop to display your driver license at the border between Ohio and Michigan. If for some reason you’re stopped by a police office in Michigan, you can show him your Ohio driver license and that be fine. With a driver license, you’re legally entitled to drive anywhere in the United States. You will need a REAL ID, however, for traveling by plane starting October 2020.

Driving a Vehicle in the United States

Now, driving a vehicle in the United States requires different credentials, depending on where you’re driving. Even if you’ve passed a defensive driving class, there might be other rules. Depending on which state you’re driving in, you may be required to carry auto insurance. Only a handful of states allow you to drive without auto insurance. Remember, even if you’re just driving through, you may be required to show proof of auto insurance if you’re pulled over for any reason.

Traveling Abroad with Your Driver License

You won’t be able to travel abroad with just your driver license. Other countries require a passport to get in, and you’ll need your own U.S. passport to return to the United States. In addition, you might need a visa to get into some countries, in addition to your passport. Now, your driver license will help you travel abroad, though. You’ll be able to use it as proof of your identity to get your passport.

Driving Abroad with Your Driver License

Your driver license entitles you to drive in your state and throughout the U.S. It also entitles you to hire a rental car, even outside the U.S. Rental companies oversees have agreements with insurance companies that will cover drivers from other countries. But if you want to buy a car and drive it in another country, that’s another story.

You won’t be able to drive abroad with your driver license if you own the car. You’ll have to have an international driver license, in addition to an insurance policy that will cover you for the country you intend to drive in. Bottom line is: if you want to buy a car to drive in another country, be sure you can afford to pay for the insurance and any other additional license you may need. But if you just want to rent a car to drive overseas, the good news is that your U.S. driver license will probably be sufficient!

Driving a Motor-home or Trailer in the U.S.

Do you have dreams of driving a motor home across the U.S.? You may think that you can only drive one of these if you have a commercial truck license. But you’re entitled to travel in the U.S. with a motor home with only your regular driver license. If you can show proof of insurance, you’ll be able to rent a motorhome or trailer and travel throughout the entire U.S.
Do you have the defensive driving skills necessary to travel safely with your driver license? If so, you can use your driver license to travel anywhere in the U.S., and to rent vehicles while traveling abroad. Bon voyage!

Do defensive driving courses reduce DMV points in NY & NJ?

If you have received a traffic ticket or were at-fault in an accident, the Department of Motor vehicles issues you a certain number of points. Different infractions and reasons for accidents are assigned different point values. If you reach a certain level of points, your driver’s license may be suspended. However, signing up for a defensive driving course may reduce the number of points you have on your driving record.

This is important because insurance companies look at the number of points you have when deciding how much you will pay for insurance, and reducing your points helps to prevent your license from being suspended. Here is some more information you will want to know about defensive driving courses and point reduction in both New York and New Jersey.

How many DMV points can I remove by completing a defensive driving course in New York?

In the state of New York, you can take a defensive driving course once every 18 months to reduce the number of points on your driving record. Participating in one of these courses can reduce up to four points from your record toward a license suspension. However, taking this course will only reduce active points or points accumulated in the last 18 months.

To have the points taken off, you must enroll in a New York approved DMV defensive driving course. If you take a course that is not DMV approved, your points will not fall off. Upon completion, the school will notify DMV and they will take the points off your record. You will also receive a certificate of completion from the school. It is up to you to mail a copy of this certificate to your auto insurer. By law, your auto insurer is required to give you a ten percent auto insurance discount off your liability, no fault and collision premiums for three years after taking this course.

How many DMV points can I remove by completing a defensive driving course in New Jersey?

In the state of New Jersey, you can take a defensive driving course once every 5 (five) years to reduce up to two points from your driving record. You can take this course anytime you have points on your record if you have not had points removed in the past three years. The infractions do not need to be recent. To receive this discount, you must enroll in a course approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.

Just like in the state of New York, you automatically qualify for a ten percent discount on your liability, no-fault and collision premiums for three years after taking this course. You will need to submit the certificate of completion to your insurance company to qualify for this discount.

If you have received a ticket or were involved in an accident for which you were found at fault, the state-licensing department in your state will issue points against your driving record. Your auto insurer will then see those points and increase your auto insurance rates. Fortunately, the states realize that everyone makes a mistake and a single traffic infraction does not make you a bad driver.

As such, both New York and New Jersey will allow you to take part in a defensive driving course to remove a certain number of points from your record and receive a discount on your auto insurance premiums. This is a great way to improve your driving, while also ensuring you are not punished for a prolonged period of time due to one driving mistake.

How to get a speeding ticket off your driving record

Speeding tickets tend to happen when you least expect them, and when your funds seem to be at their lowest. But there’s a much bigger danger beyond just your rapidly shrinking bank account — points on your license. Tally up enough of those points, and you may find yourself not only broke but also on the bus. But there are ways that you can get a speeding ticket wiped entirely from your record completely.

What is the best way to fight a traffic ticket?

Judge with gavel

Every state in the nation has their own way of handling speeding tickets, with some being more lenient than others. There are certain things that stay the same across the US if you plan to fight the ticket. For all states, you’ll have a chance to tell your side of the story if you feel there was a mistake made when issuing the speeding ticket. For example, if you know you were going 55 miles an hour when the officer clocked you at 65, then his radar gun or detection device may have been poorly calibrated or just plain broken. Always plead not guilty in any court of law if you intend to fight. In all states, you’ll need to fill out the proper paperwork and pay the court fees to get your record and plead your case.

Judge with gavel

When you argue your case in either a conference or a court, you need to know the regulations that will help you win. For example, radar units are supposed to be calibrated before every shift, and before and after an officer uses it to clock a speed. These types of stringent requirements are difficult to follow for a busy speed trap, so you may be more in luck than you think. Evidence like camera footage may help you prove that the light was yellow by the time you crossed into the intersection. The court will consider your past driving records to help make their decision, so highlight any good behavior on the road too. You also can hire a lawyer who may be able to use their skills and expertise to get your ticket completely cleared for your record too.

What are the benefits of taking online traffic school?

Judge with gavel

Traffic school is offered in most states as a way to clear your record. Depending on the severity of your offense, it may be mandated that you take these classes. Typically, you’ll want to plead guilty if you intend to take the classes, but you don’t have to. For example, in California, you can still fight the ticket and potentially have the option to take traffic school if a judge allows it. However, the judge does not have to justify their decision to you if they don’t allow you to take driving school, so bear this in mind if you’re weighing your options.
Monopoly car on American map

If you live in the states of Arizona, Florida, California or Texas, you can have the ticket dismissed entirely if you take traffic school. If you live in New York state, traffic school will take up to 4 points off your license. Arizona, Florida, and Texas will only allow you to take the traffic school option once a year. In California and New York, it’s up to 18 months. You should have had only one moving violation, and it must be for a speeding ticket as opposed to reckless driving to get the points removed. Another major bonus in taking traffic school is that you may be able to reduce the cost of your insurance as well as get the points removed.

How to Drive Safely in 2017

Defensive drivers operate motor vehicles in a manner that saves lives, money and time. The aim of defensive driving is to maintain one’s safety, his vehicle’s safety and the well-being of other drivers. Let’s take a look at some defensive driving tips that will help you make it to your destination without drama.

Anticipate Road Happenings

Look far ahead from time to time when you are behind the wheel. You might notice a traffic slowdown, an accident or obstacles ahead. Spotting these hazards ahead of time will help you adjust your driving in the appropriate manner. The truth is that the vast majority of accidents are preventable. The key is to heighten your situational awareness and plan ahead by keeping your eyes roaming the road as much as possible.

Driving Distractions are Your Worst Enemy

We are all tempted to change the radio station, talk on the phone, text and load up a music playlist while driving. However, these distractions can prove deadly. Do not lose sight of the fact that the main purpose of driving is to get from point A to point B. Sure, it is nice to listen to music and play around with the vehicle’s infotainment center but over-focusing on these auto amenities will only sabotage your ability to drive safely. Spend a few car rides listening to the hum of the engine and paying attention to the sounds of the road. You just might notice that turning off the distractions makes you a much better driver.

Keep Your Distance

Plenty of drivers are tempted to follow the vehicle in front of them fairly closely. There is a concern that someone else will slide on in and make traffic that much more stressful. Don’t worry about someone merging in front of you. You are only putting your vehicle at risk by tailgating the vehicle ahead. Leave at least two car lengths between your vehicle and the one in front of you. This way, you will be able to stop without slamming into the back of another vehicle.

Never Assume Drivers Will act a Certain Way

It is a grave mistake to expect another driver to drive in a certain manner. You really have no idea about other drivers’ intentions. Anticipating that they will go in a certain direction, remain parked, yield at intersections or stay in their lane is only setting you up for an accident. It is impossible to predict the behaviors of others. Plenty of drivers willingly break the rules of the road. Or, maybe something odd will happen like a coffee spill, a violent sneeze or even a leg cramp. The bottom line is that attempting to anticipate the behavior of fellow drivers will only set you up to be caught off guard.

Avoid the Temptation to Change Lanes

The best drivers minimize their lane changes. The odds of a vehicle being rear ended when staying in a lane and adhering to the speed limit are quite low. Alternatively, a vehicle that is constantly moving in and out of lanes is at a heightened risk for an accident. Pick a lane, stick with it for most your ride and you will greatly reduce the risk of driving. Also, take note of those who do not follow this advice. If you spot someone changing lanes at a high frequency or fast rate of speed, make a mental note of them. Keep your distance from such unsafe drivers. If one of these dangerous drivers creeps up on your tail or ventures anywhere near your vehicle, do not hesitate to pull over to the side of the road.

Develop an Escape Plan

The safest drivers plan for the worst. Scan the road ahead and around you while driving. Think about what you would do if an accident occurs in front of you. Maybe a child or dog runs out in front of traffic a few hundred feet ahead. Though you can’t predict how other drivers will react, you should formulate an escape plan. Think about what you would do, which direction you would steer and so on.