Heather Perl, Author at MyImprov Defensive Driving Fri, 17 Nov 2023 08:15:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.myimprov.com/wp-content/uploads/logo-cts-smile.png Heather Perl, Author at MyImprov 32 32 210546214 When and Where Was the First Automobile Accident? https://www.myimprov.com/first-automobile-accident/ https://www.myimprov.com/first-automobile-accident/#respond Fri, 31 Aug 2018 21:09:08 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=44380 Every day, all over the world, drivers are crashing into each other. These crashes are usually due to unsafe driving, lack of attention on a driver’s part, or the occasional…

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first car accident new york defensive driving course

Every day, all over the world, drivers are crashing into each other. These crashes are usually due to unsafe driving, lack of attention on a driver’s part, or the occasional outside factor, like wildlife darting across the road. But when did this start? Who can claim the first automobile accident, from way back when cars were a new invention?

First Fatal Accident (Sort Of)

August 31, 1869 was the day when the first person died from injuries caused by something like a car. However, most people do not count this as the first car accident, as the vehicle is quite a long way from the cars we know today. Mary Ward, an accomplished scientist, was riding in an experimental steam powered vehicle built by two of her cousins. As she was thrown from the vehicle on a curve, then broke her neck under it, the experiment was probably not considered entirely successful. However, there is a lesson to be learned here: scientific curiosity aside, don’t get in an experimental vehicle until proper tests have been run.

First Car Versus Bicycle

Widely considered to be the real first accident, this occurred on May 30, 1896, during a “horseless wagon race” in New York City. Henry Wells lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a bicyclist named Ebeling Thomas. The bicyclist broke his leg, and the driver was arrested. If only there was a New York Defensive Driving course back then, a lot of chaos could have been avoided. However, as there were several other bicyclists arrested that day for the 1896 equivalent of speeding, perhaps a certain amount of chaos was just par for the course at that time.

First Car Versus Nature

John William Lambert built the first successful automobile in America, so it’s appropriate that he also was involved in one of the first car crashes. In Ohio City, Ohio, in 1891, Lambert’s vehicle came upon a tree root sticking out of the ground. The vehicle hit the root and Lambert lost control, so it slammed into a hitching post. Both John Lambert and the other person in the car walked away with only minor injuries. Ohio City boasts that this was the first car accident, though that should perhaps not be considered a badge of honor. It’s also possible that the above accident from 1896 is considered the first because it is the first to involve more than one vehicle.

First Pedestrian Death in the United States

On September 13, 1899, the first pedestrian death in the United States occurred. (The first pedestrian death ever recorded was three years before that, in the United Kingdom.) In New York City Henry H. Bliss was getting out of a streetcar. Unfortunately, he was never able to reach the curb, as he was struck by an electric powered taxi, and he was not able to overcome the damage done to his head and chest. The driver of the cab was initially arrested, but he was ultimately released. There is now a plaque at the site of the accident.

First Car Versus Car

Oddly, there is no reliable information available regarding the first time one car crashed into another car. There is a popular rumor about an accident in Ohio. The rumor says that there were only two cars in the entire state of Ohio, and they somehow managed to crash into each other in 1895. However, as that story has never been proven, and historical fact makes it seem unlikely, the first crash involving two vehicles remains a mystery.

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Defensive Driving Is… https://www.myimprov.com/defensive-driving-is/ https://www.myimprov.com/defensive-driving-is/#respond Thu, 26 Jul 2018 23:56:22 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=44063 These days, the term “defensive driving” is thrown around quite a lot. You may hear it in every driver’s education course in the country, or you may hear someone say, “I’m taking a defensive driving online…

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defensive driving online
These days, the term “defensive driving” is thrown around quite a lot. You may hear it in every driver’s education course in the country, or you may hear someone say, “I’m taking a defensive driving online course!” But what does it mean? In a lot of ways, defensive driving is better defined by what it isn’t.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is almost any practice that makes you want to throw something at the offending driver. Unfortunately, to do that would also be considered aggressive driving. Things like following too closely, speeding, road rage, and overuse of your horn are all habits of aggressive drivers. What makes these practices extra annoying is that they help no one, not even the person who seems to think they’ll help get him to his destination faster. Following too closely is dangerous for the occupants of both vehicles. It’s the vehicular equivalent of a high school bully. Speeding doesn’t save nearly as much time as people seem to think. Road rage is an exercise in futility, as is needless honking. All in all, if there’s a driving practice you’d prefer people not to do near you, maybe try not to do it yourself.

Defensive Driving Mindset

Defensive driving is mostly in the way you think while you’re driving. It means defending yourself against other drivers. It means assuming that every other driver on the road will always, always do the stupid or dangerous thing, and being prepared to react in order to protect yourself. This is a delicate balance, as you have to do all of that without becoming the bad guy yourself. After all, the best defensive driving mindset is to assume you are the only good driver on the road, but not be so cocky about it that you become just like the problem drivers.

As an example, imagine you’re taking a drive somewhere. It’s a nice day, the trees are swaying in the breeze, and there’s another car in the next lane, just a couple feet ahead of you. If you’re a defensive driver, you’re very aware of that other car. You might notice that other car is going just a couple miles an hour faster than you are, but they’re approaching a slow-moving truck. If you’re a defensive driver, you must assume that other car might try to quickly move into your lane, maybe without signaling, to get around the truck. You’d be prepared to react to protect yourself in that situation, either by slowing down or maybe even honking to remind the other driver that he’s not the only person on the road. Hint: the correct reaction is not to speed up to pass the other driver.

So, What Is It Really?

People are always in a rush, especially in big cities, and that leads to a lot of aggressive, or even offensive, driving. Defensive Driving is the antithesis of that. It means driving safely, in a way that protects yourself and everyone around you. It means sharing the road not only with other cars and trucks, but with pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. It takes a keen awareness of your surroundings so that you can be prepared for any asinine move other drivers might try to pull. It’s the Golden Rule, “Treat others as you would want to be treated,” of driving. On top of all of that, the easy answer is that defensive driving is a description of a course that can be taken to appease courts and insurance companies.

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Is Buying a New Car Better than Buying Used? https://www.myimprov.com/is-buying-a-new-car-better-than-buying-used/ https://www.myimprov.com/is-buying-a-new-car-better-than-buying-used/#respond Thu, 28 Jun 2018 23:42:04 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=43911 Every year, there are a ton of new cars on the market. Each company tries to make the best vehicle, competing with each other using exclusive features, the newest technology,…

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new car drivers ed california
Every year, there are a ton of new cars on the market. Each company tries to make the best vehicle, competing with each other using exclusive features, the newest technology, and the occasional sales. However, those who have recently graduated Driver’s Ed California are asking, “Can a new car really compete with a used car?”

The Biggest Difference: Price

There’s a story that you may have heard about new cars. People say they lose half their value the moment you’ve driven your new car off the lot. That’s not entirely true, but the car does lose about 10% immediately, and it can lose up to 30% in the first year. That’s not the best investment. However, a used car has already been through that process and costs significantly less. If the car is only a year or two old, it will still have a lot of the newer features, but it may be several thousand dollars less.

Cost of Insurance

While the costs of insurance can be eased by taking a defensive driving class, it’s still one of the biggest expenses of car ownership. A lot of factors go into insurance rates, and one of those factors is the age of the car. If age were the only factor, older cars would cost less to insure. But this can be balanced out by the safety features of newer cars, which can lower the insurance rate.

History of the Vehicle

There are websites out there that can tell you many things about the history of used cars. The sites can tell you whether the car has been in a flood or sometimes even if the first owner was a smoker. However, the sites can’t tell you how the original owner drove it. Maybe the first owner had a tendency to slam on the brakes, or maybe they wore out the clutch on a manual car. Either way, you’d be buying a car with problems that will need to be fixed fairly soon. Another thing those sites can’t tell you is why the owner decided to part with the car. It might have been repossessed, which is unfortunate for the first owner, but at least the car didn’t do anything wrong. Maybe there’s a problem with the air conditioning that you may not notice if you’re buying the car in winter. Maybe the gas mileage isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be. Buying a new car is one way to get around these potential issues and worries. On the other hand, there could be an issue with a new model of a car, and it could affect every single one. That’s a piece of information no one would know until the problem presented itself.


Speaking of worries, there is always the worry of how much other people want to steal your car. Regular levels of car envy are fine. In fact, one of the reasons people buy certain cars are so their friends, loved ones, and even strangers will want the car. The problem is there are always people out there with the ability and resources to actually steal it. If you buy a new car with all the bells and whistles, hopefully one of those extra benefits is an excellent alarm system. A solid wheel lock would also be a solid investment. Unfortunately, no car is ever entirely safe from theft. Even certain used cars are still targets for theft, particularly the very popular cars. Those can be stolen and broken down for parts.

So Which One Is Better?

Ultimately, that choice is up to the buyer. As with many things, it will probably come down to the top argument, the price. Either way, buying a car, new or used, requires extensive research, and a wheel lock is never a bad idea.

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Hardship License For California 14-Year-Olds https://www.myimprov.com/are-you-eligible-for-a-teen-ca-hardship-license/ https://www.myimprov.com/are-you-eligible-for-a-teen-ca-hardship-license/#respond Wed, 06 Jun 2018 19:47:58 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=43669 What is a hardship license? In the state of California, the minimum age for teens to get their licenses is 16. However, there are times when younger teens simply need…

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ca hardship license online traffic school

What is a hardship license?

In the state of California, the minimum age for teens to get their licenses is 16. However, there are times when younger teens simply need their licenses. Many states, including California, offer a solution in times of dire need. It is up to the state to determine how dire that hardship is, and if it is worthy of giving a hardship license California and restricted license to a teenager.

Let’s look at some reasons the state might approve an application for a CA restricted hardship license for a teenager. While the state may not require the teen to first take online traffic school, it may be a good idea.

Location and Distance Between Home and School

Where you live is a big factor in whether a hardship license will be granted.

In metropolitan areas with extensive public transportation, hardship licenses are less likely to be necessary. For example, if a teenager needs to get to school ten miles away in San Francisco, it’s not a big deal. They can just wake up a few minutes early and hop on the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit). San Francisco has mastered public transportation, so there are very few circumstances where a young teen would need to drive.

Los Angeles is less proficient, but still, between the bus system and Uber, teens can pretty much find their way wherever they need to go.

But in more rural areas, attending school ten miles away could be a real problem. Despite the old adage about people walking to school ten miles away, barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways, that actually sounds a whole lot like child abuse by today’s standards. The hardship license is a much healthier alternative.

This requires a signed letter from the principal, explaining that there are not any other viable transportation options to reliably get the teenager to school.


Speaking of health, one valid reason to get a teen hardship license is for health concerns.

For example, there is a teenager with a need for doctor’s appointments that are only available when the teen’s parents are working. That teen may be granted a hardship license so that they can drive themselves to their appointments. Alternately, there could be a parent suffering from an illness which prevents them from driving the teen to school. That would also be a valid reason, in the eyes of the state, to obtain a hardship license.

In cases where there are medical reasons to need that license, the state will require a letter from the doctor. That letter would need to describe the condition and give an estimated date when the situation may be resolved.


If a teenager is working to supplement their family’s income, that’s a solid indicator the teen is responsible enough to have a hardship license. Keep in mind, this isn’t like having a summer job for some extra cash. The job would need to be necessary to the teen’s family for their financial well-being in order to qualify for a hardship license. To get the hardship license for that reason, a parent would need to send in a written statement detailing the financial need of the teenager’s job. Of course, the teen would also need to have no other options to get to work than to drive.

Do You Need To Get A Permit First?

In short, no. You do not need a permit to apply for a hardship license. But don’t worry. They’ll have plenty of other hoops for you to jump through.

Under normal circumstances, the minimum California driver’s permit age is 15 ½ years old. Also, a permit can usually only be obtained after completing a driver’s education course. The next step would be to take and pass a permit test at the DMV. From that date, new permit holders must wait six months before becoming eligible to test for their licenses. Even if they turn 16 less than 6 months after earning their permits, they must have the permit for six months before being able to test for the license.

On the other hand, if a driver reaches the age of 18 and has never had a valid license, that driver can skip the driver’s ed course and test for a permit. That permit has a little more freedom than the standard teenage permit, but there are still limitations until the full driver’s license can be earned.

How to apply for a CA hardship license

Hardship licenses are meant to be granted in only the most extreme circumstances. To apply, click here.

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Top Vacation Apps Review https://www.myimprov.com/top-vacation-apps-review/ https://www.myimprov.com/top-vacation-apps-review/#respond Thu, 31 May 2018 01:15:23 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=43568 In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, travel is frequently made easier with the use of travel apps. While these apps vary greatly in usefulness, here are some reviews based on personal experience with some of the best.

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vacation apps review defensive driving course ny

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, travel is frequently made easier with the use of travel apps. While these apps vary greatly in usefulness, here are some reviews based on personal experience with some of the best.

Vegas.Com App

If you’re going to Las Vegas, this app is an absolute necessity. I’ve never seen any other tourist destination have an app, or even a website, that is so all-inclusive. Through the Vegas app, you can book your flight, hotel, and entertainment. But that’s not all. All of these come with huge discounts. The more you bundle your trip together, the more you can save. Deals vary day by day, but it’s a safe bet to assume you can get at least 20% off your hotel. Sometimes that discount can jump to 60% or more for certain hotels. Certain hotels offer discounts to shows or restaurants located within the hotel.

When buying tickets to shows, even without bundling, there are discounts on ticket prices, or sometimes extras, like tickets to a buffet or a free drink (for those aged 21 and up). I used the app myself some time ago, and here are the deals I got. I saved 25% by bundling my flight and hotel together and enjoyed a free trip to the hotel’s buffet. I saw the Cirque Du Soleil show I was interested in. Using the app, I got Category B tickets (lower orchestra) for Category D (balcony) prices. I’ll never go to Las Vegas without first using this app.


Flights are expensive, and frequent travelers have picked up on a secret. The prices of flights fluctuate all the time, usually several times every day. Some people have exact formulas on the time to buy plane tickets, but it can’t be that exact, since it varies from one person to another. The one I’ve heard most is that it’s best to buy plane tickets for domestic flights roughly six weeks before the departure date, on a Tuesday, between 3:00 and 4:00 PM, local time. I’ve done that, and that method is far from flawless. However, new apps and websites have popped up that have allowed people to get the best deals possible. My personal favorite is Hopper.

Hopper asks you for your departure location and your destination, then it asks for your travel dates. It color codes the travel dates so you know right off the bat which dates will be cheapest. From there, it lets you know the cheapest fare available at the moment. From there, it also tells you if prices are likely to drop lower than that, and how low they’re likely to drop, including advising to either buy now or wait. It also tells you how much prices will increase and when. Best of all, you can set the app to notify you in the event of a sudden price drop, or to pester you to buy your tickets when the price is best.


HomeAway is an app that has saved my sanity. I imagine that’s not something many apps can claim. A few years ago, my family decided to have a reunion in Yosemite. While the actual event was in a hotel, we were required to drive up and find our own lodging. (Pro tip: for family reunions, it’s better to drive the “luggage car” alone than spend five hours driving with someone who desperately needs a defensive driving course NY.) Even searching a full year in advance, options were extremely limited.

One option was a heated tent (not an option with my 89-year-old grandmother).

The other option was two hotel rooms, each with two twin beds and restrooms down the hall. One would be for my parents, the other for my grandmother and me. Each of those rooms would cost $330 per night, so we would be paying $660 per night for four nights. That was not tolerable for me, so I searched elsewhere.

Enter HomeAway. A quick search through their system brought me dozens of options. People were renting out their vacation homes, and for our needs, these options were both infinitely better and much more affordable than the two tiny hotel rooms. Ultimately, the place we rented had three bedrooms, three bathrooms, parking, a kitchen, a pool table, and a hot tub. The price was $475 per night. In the end, HomeAway saved my sanity, $740, and possibly the lives of my immediate family. I’d give it five stars.

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OTR Drivers and Requirements – How to Become A Truck Driver https://www.myimprov.com/otr-drivers-requirements-become-truck-driver/ https://www.myimprov.com/otr-drivers-requirements-become-truck-driver/#respond Thu, 24 May 2018 00:09:29 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=43490 Long-haul truck driving is a fascinating occupation that might appeal to many people. To answer the first obvious question, the money can be decent,…

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OTR driver how to become a truck driver ny defensive driving course

Long-haul truck driving is a fascinating occupation that might appeal to many people. To answer the first obvious question, the money can be decent, especially in today’s economy. It gives drivers the opportunity to get out of their towns and see the country. More than anything else, becoming a truck driver, a part of the OTR drivers gang, is a great way to hit the reset button on a life and get a fresh start.

Unlike many careers, becoming a truck driver doesn’t require a four-year degree. You don’t need three years of experience as a truck driver to become a truck driver. In many cases, you never even have to touch the cargo. However, there are a few requirements and steps before you can start your new life.

Minimum Age and Driving Record

There are only a couple things that can really hold you back if you want to be an over the road (OTR) driver. First, the minimum age is 21. There’s no getting around that; it’s the minimum age limit handed down by the Department of Transportation. Next, your driving record must be reasonably clean. Your state may allow you to take an online defensive driving course to remove points. Being rear-ended won’t raise any eyebrows, but a few accidents where you’re at fault will. A speeding ticket earned at a young age is fine, but a bunch of points on your license can certainly stand in your way. Better take that NY Defensive Driving course to get those points down if you want a career as a truck driver!


No college degree is required. For many trucking companies, a high school diploma isn’t required either, but it’s still definitely preferred. What companies do require is a valid CDL license.

Students will first need to obtain their CDL (commercial driver’s license) permit. That can be done through a written exam at their local DMV. They’d want to study the material first, then take and pass the permit test. After that, there are a couple of options open to them.

The first option is to pick a qualified, reputable truck-driving school. Most schools offer flexible schedules and can be completed in two weeks, if the student works hard. Schools will take the student all the way through obtaining the CDL, most even providing the truck necessary to take the road test. These schools require payment up front, which seems to be the only downside. On the other hand, many trucking companies offer tuition reimbursement, up to a certain amount. This is usually paid at a rate of $100-200 per month until the tuition is fully paid off.

The second option, which is better for those who don’t have much money saved up, is to go through paid training with their preferred trucking company. These programs are taught by many large trucking companies known for hiring (for lack of a better term) entry-level drivers. No experience is required. Most companies will provide transportation to the training facility for a stay of about two weeks. Room and board are also usually covered. During this paid training, students learn everything they need to know to become trainee truck drivers. Completion of the training also guarantees the new driver a job with the company. There is one drawback though. These programs cost nothing up front because the cost is usually applied to the driver’s paychecks for their first couple of years as a driver. New drivers end up paying much more than if they’d paid out of pocket for the first option.

On the Road Training

After completing the training and orientation for their chosen trucking companies, new drivers will be assigned a trainer. The trainer will take the trainee out on the road and teach them all the tips and tricks that simply can’t be learned elsewhere. Once the trainer and the company deem the new driver ready to drive solo, they are set free on the open road.

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Why Flying Cars Are A Horrible Idea https://www.myimprov.com/why-flying-cars-are-a-horrible-idea/ https://www.myimprov.com/why-flying-cars-are-a-horrible-idea/#respond Mon, 21 May 2018 18:22:54 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=43447 Since early 20th century, people have been looking forward to the day that flying cars would be feasible. For years, sci-fi television show’s time travelers knew they arrived into the…

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flying cars
Since early 20th century, people have been looking forward to the day that flying cars would be feasible. For years, sci-fi television show’s time travelers knew they arrived into the future when they saw flying cars. Generations of drivers raised on The Jetsons have been waiting for decades for inventors to catch up to their imagination. Now it seems the day has finally come. A flying car, the PAL-V, is up for sale.

However, this may have been a case where people were so busy figuring out if they could that they never bothered to ask if they should. Flying cars are a very dangerous idea, and here are a few reasons why.

Lack of Training

Purchase of a PAL-V flying car costs $399,000 (for the more affordable option), and it comes with flight training. That seems appropriate, since the vehicle more closely resembles a helicopter than a car. But their website is somewhat fuzzy on the training process. The site boasts of beautiful training locations but doesn’t say how many hours are required. There’s no mention of what exactly is covered in the training. All it really says is that the training will be quick and easy.

In contrast, obtaining a driver’s license is neither quick nor easy, but that is to be sure drivers are safe on the road. We shouldn’t be lax on license requirements just because there are less flying cars. After all, there’s no online defensive driving course for flying cars.

Potential For Disaster

A car crash can easily be deadly, but there are also countless little fender-benders every day. Everyone generally walks away from those accidents, but imagine what can happen when those accidents are up in the air. Once gravity becomes an extra factor in collisions, what would be minor accidents on the ground become major accidents in the air. Plus, when that flying car crashes to the ground, there’s a good chance there will be a car underneath it. Unfortunately, most drivers are not prepared to deal with falling debris, which could cause an even bigger catastrophe on the ground.

That is just in the case of two drivers/pilots that have gone through the “training” crashing into each other. There’s also no information on the PAL-V website on what to do in the event of equipment failure. In a car, if a tire blows out or we run out of gas, we pull safely to the shoulder or, at worse, stall on the highway. If something goes wrong in a flying car, there could be people FALLING OUT OF THE SKY.

There are also drones to consider. Never mind the military drones, which are operated by people who have gone through the necessary training. The issue is the drones that can be purchased from a local electronics store for about $100 and operated from cell phones. Will the PAL-V hold up if a drone crashes into it? Will the driver have gone through enough training not to panic if a drone smashes their windshield? These are just issues that can result from accidents. These drones are given out as Christmas gifts. A child might not understand the consequences of intentionally trying to damage a flying car, and disaster could follow.

Ultimately, if the idea of flying cars is ever going to work, we need to have strict regulations. Right now, people are so excited about the technology, but proper rules haven’t been put in place yet. Drivers/pilots need to be given extensive training, and flight paths should be established to keep flying cars at a safe distance from each other. For now, the world seems barely able to handle self-driving cars. Flying cars may be a step too far.

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Why Comedy Traffic School Online Is Better https://www.myimprov.com/comedy-traffic-school-online-better/ https://www.myimprov.com/comedy-traffic-school-online-better/#respond Thu, 17 May 2018 00:08:56 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=43341 The truth is traffic tickets can happen to anyone. Unsafe drivers receive them more often, of course. But even great drivers can receive the occasional traffic ticket. Sometimes the laws…

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Comedy Traffic School online Is Better

The truth is traffic tickets can happen to anyone. Unsafe drivers receive them more often, of course. But even great drivers can receive the occasional traffic ticket. Sometimes the laws change, and people need to review the material every so often. Luckily, the court can give you the option for comedy traffic school online. You’ll still need to pay your ticket, but traffic school keeps points off your license. That way, you won’t still be paying for that ticket through your insurance, years down the line.

When the time comes to choose your traffic school, there are a lot of options out there. Let’s take a look at some reasons why comedy traffic school is superior.

You Laugh

Everyone who has ever been through standard traffic school will tell you the same thing. They will tell you that it is long, and it is boring. It was meant as a punishment (unless you’re taking it for insurance), and it feels like one. However, comedy traffic school seeks to change all that. It is written by professional comedians, so the content is entertaining. As an added bonus, many states allow students to take traffic school online. You don’t have to be sitting in a hot classroom for six to eight hours, bored out of your mind. Instead, you can be laughing in the comfort of your own home.

You Learn

The simple truth is you learn more when you’re interested and entertained. The logic there is easy to understand. You absorb a lot more information when your mind isn’t constantly wandering to what you’d give up to be done with your traffic school. Your shoe collection? An arm? Your soul? There’s no need to barter such necessities. When the material is fun, you learn it better. Comedy traffic school makes the course as entertaining as possible, while still meeting state requirements. The course is broken up with comics and videos. All of that added up means students spend more brain power learning the material, and less counting the seconds on the clock.

You Remember

Do you happen to remember the exact rules for passing another vehicle on a two-lane highway in California? Probably not, but you may remember the awesome comic you read about it. That memory can lead your brain back to the proper rules. Many scientific studies have been conducted on this issue, all of them leading back to one simple fact: laughing helps you learn.

The only caveat seems to be that the comedy has to be relevant to the material, which makes sense. A classic “man walks into a bar” joke isn’t likely to help anyone learn about street signs. For that to work, the author would need to come up with an appropriate, relevant punchline. In fact, humor that is not relevant to the topic is completely counter-productive. It distracts students and makes it harder for them to remember the material later.

When done right, humor lowers stress, allowing students to focus on and even look forward to learning. When people laugh, the brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Many activities can release dopamine, but laughter is among the easiest, safest, and most affordable. (That’s because other options include, but are not limited to, gambling or high-risk activities like skydiving). Without getting too bogged down in the science, dopamine is an important part of how the reward center in the brain works. In short, when dopamine is released into the brain, a person retains whatever information they’re receiving better.

All in all, science (and simple logic) agree: if you have to go to traffic school, comedy traffic school is better.

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Are Car Subscriptions Better Than Buying? https://www.myimprov.com/car-subscriptions-better-buying/ https://www.myimprov.com/car-subscriptions-better-buying/#respond Fri, 11 May 2018 00:30:54 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=42576 For many years, the only way to obtain a car has been leasing, buying, or borrowing from family members. Now there is a new market emerging that seeks to change…

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car subscriptions traffic school online
For many years, the only way to obtain a car has been leasing, buying, or borrowing from family members. Now there is a new market emerging that seeks to change all that. Enter car subscriptions, which are a bit like leasing, but with less commitment. Let’s take a look at these services to see if they’re all they’re cracked up to be.

What Is A Car Subscription?

Car subscriptions have made themselves stand out in a few different ways. The most impressive is that they bundle everything together. Leasing or buying a car means also needing to have insurance and taking care of any maintenance issues. These new car subscriptions bundle all those things together. For a monthly fee, drivers get a car and insurance. Many subscriptions also take care of the maintenance.

The more expensive subscription options, such as those offered by Cadillac and Porsche, allow drivers to switch between cars. For example, subscribers can have one car to get around during the week, then switch to something else for the weekend. This can’t be done every weekend, as the most generous policy so far is 18 switches per year. Still, for those with lots of money and a love of cars, this service sounds great.

The less expensive options are more like leasing a car. They still bundle insurance and maintenance (in some cases), but the cars won’t be luxury vehicles. The cars will instead be gently used, and they can only be switched if something goes wrong with them.

Car Subscriptions Reasonable Limitations

Despite how good these deals may sound, most of these services are provided by companies that need to protect themselves. That means many of these subscriptions come with understandable limitations that nonetheless may make them less appealing to potential subscribers.

There are several of these that subscribers may see. Each company may use any or all of them. Some companies will impose mileage restrictions, only allowing a certain number of miles per month or year. Other companies will not allow their cars beyond the borders of the United States. Most cars are equipped with technology that allows the owners to track how and where the cars are used. People who defy the rules set by the company will probably face hefty fees, and the car will be revoked.

All the companies will definitely also check a potential subscriber’s driving and credit history before handing over the keys. They want their cars back in good condition, so that means only allowing responsible drivers behind the wheel. If you got a ticket, hopefully you took some traffic school online so you can be eligible for these services. As for the credit checks, these companies do not want to have to fight for the money they’re owed. Without decent credit, these companies won’t allow the cars out of the lot.

Are Car Subscriptions Better?

Ultimately, it’s up to personal taste, but there are a few situations in which car subscriptions are truly superior. If someone needs a car for three months, this service is better than just renting a car from the airport. If a driver is swimming in cash, the luxury car subscriptions can certainly be appealing.

However, for mere mortals, the cost difference isn’t that impressive. The price of the bundle is rarely less expensive than a car payment plus insurance. At least when a car payment is finished, the driver is left with a car. At the end of a subscription period, a driver is left minus thousands of dollars and with nothing to show for it.

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Are Driving Skills Inherited? https://www.myimprov.com/are-driving-skills-inherited/ https://www.myimprov.com/are-driving-skills-inherited/#respond Tue, 08 May 2018 21:26:09 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=41927 Back in October of 2009, a bunch of articles were published with a single divisive topic. A study had recently been completed, and the results implied that bad driving skills…

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inherited driving skills online traffic school

Back in October of 2009, a bunch of articles were published with a single divisive topic. A study had recently been completed, and the results implied that bad driving skills may be hereditary. The study sparked some debate and then faded back into obscurity, but it did present an interesting question. It’s time to take a look at it again and see if any conclusions can be drawn.

The 2009 Study

The original study was conducted by a group of neuroscientists from the University of California Irvine. They tested a group of 29 individuals on a virtual track designed to simulate difficult driving conditions. Of the 29 people tested, 7 had a certain gene variant.

• This gene variant causes the brain to produce less of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

• This means a smaller part of the brain is stimulated during certain types of activity, such as driving.

• During the test, the 7 people with the gene variant did not do as well on the simulated track as those without the gene variant. The test was repeated a few days later with similar results.


This may cause some people to believe their genes are to blame for their bad driving habits. However, there are a few issues to address before they can really jump to that conclusion.

• For one thing, this was a very small test. To really trust the results, the sample size would have to be much larger.

• Secondly, the test hasn’t been repeated, or if it has, the results haven’t been reported.

• If we want to be sure of results, the study should be completed again with a different sample group.

• Finally, there doesn’t seem to be a reliable test available commercially to find out if people have that gene variant. It’s hard to claim a genetic predisposition to drive badly when there’s no way to be sure a person actually has that gene.

In short, it might just be more cost effective to take online traffic school instead of doing a full gene mapping. ?

Nature Versus Nurture

Despite the lack of concrete evidence from the study, there may be another way in which driving skills are passed down. Most new drivers are taught how to drive by a parent. If that parent has some bad driving habits, those can easily be passed down to the teenager.

For example, imagine a man named John learned to drive in 1935. That was before turn signals were standard equipment on cars. John never got used to the turn signals once he had a car with them. Because of that, he might not have taught his son Jack in 1960. Jack then thinks turn signals are unnecessary and doesn’t teach them to his son James in 1985. Finally, James neglects teaching turn signals to his son Jimmy in 2010. Now there’s a guy driving around in 2018 without using his turn signal, all because his great-grandpa James never learned about them.

That’s an extreme hypothetical example, but the point still stands. Driving skills may not be genetic, but they can definitely be passed down. Bad drivers are not going to be the best teachers for their children. All those little habits that make them dangerous on the road are what their kids will learn. On the other hand, good habits can also be passed on. Safe drivers can teach their kids all their good habits, and those lessons will stick with those new drivers for life.

Ultimately, we need more proof before we can be sure genetics are linked to bad driving. Driving skills may or may not be hereditary, but they can definitely be inherited.

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