Marion Bachman, Author at MyImprov Defensive Driving Tue, 14 Nov 2023 02:25:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marion Bachman, Author at MyImprov 32 32 210546214 How much is a Speeding Ticket in California? Fri, 02 Nov 2018 01:17:33 +0000 Use this calculator for the exact cost and get a complete guide of everything you need to know about your speeding ticket Why Speeding Tickets are so Expensive in California…

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Use this calculator for the exact cost and get a complete guide of everything you need to know about your speeding ticket

California Speeding Ticket Savings Calculator

Why Speeding Tickets are so Expensive in California

One man worried about the high cost of his California speeding ticket.
California speeding ticket cost is not cheap even when just considering the fines. Adding in the cost of increased insurance rates makes the cost of a speeding ticket in California staggering. The best way to avoid higher insurance rates is to attend California traffic school.

Over the past 10 years, the costs have been significantly on the rise, but not due to base fines. Base fines have stayed quite steady over the past 20 years.

The additional penalty assessments, however, such as emergency medical services and court construction assessments, are just two of the culprits contributing to the increasing traffic ticket cost for California drivers. The compilation of all additional assessments has caused speeding ticket costs to nearly quadruple since 1993 which has created a lot of outrage within the California public.

In spite of public protest over these assessments, they are most likely here to stay.  Why?  Revenue generated from California traffic tickets is estimated to be approximately $500 million per year.

How to Make Sure You Aren’t Paying Too Much

Your auto insurance rates may also go up after you receive a speeding ticket. If you are not eligible to take traffic school, then your insurance rates will definitely be in jeopardy. It is really important to know how your insurance plan is affected by your driving record. Check your plan to make sure you are paying the lowest rate for your personal circumstances. It is a cost that you can look into and monitor.

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How to Figure out How much your Speeding Ticket will Cost

Close up of anadult woman checking her speeding ticket at home, sitting in her living room. She has a worried expression
How much is a speeding ticket in California? A speeding ticket cost figures in fines for traffic tickets which are tricky to calculate because of all of the state and county penalties and assessments that are added to the base fine. As a result, a speeding ticket could actually end up costing you between 4 and 7 times the amount of the base fine.

California traffic tickets issued to Cali drivers for speeding at 15 MPH over the posted speed limit have soared to $360, but the base fine for this type of citation is a mere $35.

Total Bail Amount on a speeding ticket consists of the following:

Base Fine Costs

Getting a speeding ticket in California can be quite costly. Following are the base fine averages

MPH Over Speed Limit Base Fine Base Fine Construction Zone ( Double Fine Zones )
Between 1 and 15 $35 $70
Between 16 and 25 $70 $105
26 MPH or more $100 $135
100 MPH or more $200 N/A

Ticket Surcharge Rates

The state of California imposes a 20% surcharge on all traffic citations.


  • Court operations assessment – $40.00
    Pursuant to PC §1465.8
  • Conviction Assessment – $35.00
    Pursuant to GC §70373
  • State penalty assessment) – 100% of base fine
    Pursuant to PC §1464
  • Night court assessment – $1.00. Pursuant to VC §42006

Penalty Assessments

  • County penalty assessment) – $7 for every $10 of base fine
    Pursuant to GC §76000(e)
  • DNA Identification fund penalty assessment – $4 for every $10 of base fine
    Pursuant to GC §760104.6 and §76104.7
  • State court construction penalty assessment – 50% of base fine
    Pursuant to GC 70372(a)
  • Emergency Medical Air Transportation Services fund penalty assessment – $4.00
    Pursuant to GC 76000.10(c)(1)
  • Emergency medical services fund penalty assessment – $2 for every $10 of base fine.Pursuant to GC §76000.5

California Speeding Ticket Cost Chart

Speeding ticket costs in the Golden State are quite high.  For example, a California traffic ticket for going 16 miles per hour over the speed limit will end up costing you $360 for a $70 base fine.  That’s approximately five times the base fine amount!  See the cost breakdown for various speeds in the chart below:

Fine/Assessment Description 1-15 MPH
Over Speed Limit
16-25 MPH
Over Speed Limit
26+ MPH
Over Speed Limit
Base Fine $35 $70 $100
State Penalty Assesstment –
$10 for every $19 of base fine
$40 $70 $100
County Penalty Assessment –
$7 for every $10 of base fine
$28 $49 $70
DNA Identification Fund Penalty –
$4 for every $10 of base fine
$16 $28 $40
State Court Construction Penalty –
$5 for every $10 of base fine
$20 $35 $50
Emergency Medical Services –
$2 for every $10 of base fine
$8 $14 $20
State Surcharge – $20 of base fine $7 $14 $20
Emergency Medical Air Transportation
(EMAT) Services Fune – $4
$4 $4 $4
Court Operations Assessment – $40 $40 $40 $40
Criminal Convistion Assessment – $35 $35 $35 $35
Night Court Assessment – $1 $1 $1 $1
TOTAL $234 $360 $480

Average Speeding Ticket Costs, Fees

One of the basic rules while driving your vehicle on Californian roads is observing the speeding limits. Every driver should be aware that some of their actions while behind the wheel can result in a traffic ticket. While some offenses are minor crimes, they can still have negative consequences. Note that some violations can result in expensive tickets.

Speeding is also one of the most common traffic violations and reasons for vehicle driving tickets. California speeding tickets are divided into three categories. First, driving 1 to 15 miles per hour over the allowed speed limit attracts a base fine of about $35. For 16 to 25 over the speed limit, you will be required to pay $70. The third category for ticket costs in California is 26 or more per hour over the speed limit, where drivers pay about $100.

If an officer stops you for traffic violations in Los Angeles County, in addition to the fines, you will be required to pay additional fees. For example, for drivers who are stopped for speeding 1 to 15 miles per hour over the specified speed limit, the total cost may be almost $300.

Why are unsafe speed tickets so expensive in California? The tickets result in higher insurance cost, and this makes the cost in the area staggering. In the past decade, the costs have increased significantly. This has not been caused by higher base fines as they have been constant for two decades now.

The increase can be attributed to additional penalty assessments. Emergency medical services are some of the common assessments. The additional payments have caused ticket cost fines to quadruple in the past two decades, which has caused a lot of outrage among the residents.

Despite the protests, drivers are likely to pay the fines in the Golden State for many years to come. According to statistics, the tickets in the state generate revenue worth about $500 million annually.

More Factors That Affect California Fees

Portrait of a thoughtful woman with black dreadlocks who keeps her index finger on cheek, considers something, has a pensive expression, wearing white shirt. Indoor studio shot isolated on blue background.
If you try to compare your speed limits with your friends or colleagues in California, you will notice that the total fee may differ. Every county in the state sets its own fines for speeding violations.

Other than the speed limits and the jurisdiction, there are more legal considerations when determining the amount payable for a red light ticket or speeding. For example, if you commit the offenses near schools or working zones, the fines will be higher. Also, poor driving records will translate into a higher fee.

Fight Your Ticket

The blind lady of Justice holds up the scales.
Fighting a speeding ticket involves pleading not guilty and going to court with the help of traffic ticket lawyers. Although there’s no legal requirement to have an attorney to fight tickets, you may experience difficulties without legal assistance. Without a legal representative, the courtroom may be intimidating. Many drivers are not knowledgeable about traffic law and may end up making things worse while trying to explain your side of the story.

There’re numerous benefits of dealing with a speeding ticket in a traffic court. First, it offers you an opportunity to get your ticket dismissed or reduced from GC Services charges, which can exceed $800. GC service is responsible for collecting unpaid court fees.

Secondly, handling the issue in court also helps to avoid DMV points and a potential driving ticket. Also, note that paying the fees through GC Services will result in a conviction for failure to appear, which may end up appearing as a misdemeanor in your criminal record.

Finally, now you know how much you may be fined if you get caught by a red light camera or with a speeding violation on the Californian roads. The points above can help you to reduce the potential ticket fines in California after a traffic violation.

Avoid Getting a Speeding Ticket

Of course, the best way to handle speeding tickets is to avoid getting them. Plus, there will be no need to calculate how much it will cost you and no high ticket fines to pay. Learn about the ONE WAY to avoid higher insurance rates after a traffic ticket.

Speeding Tickets in Florida, Speeding Tickets in Texas, Speeding Tickets in Arizona, Speeding Tickets in New York, Speeding Tickets in New Jersey, Speeding Tickets in Virginia, Speeding Tickets in Alabama

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Relocating? What you Need to know About the Front License Plate Mon, 27 Aug 2018 22:35:24 +0000 Having recently made a road trek from New York to Tennessee, (I will NEVER do that again) this topic was bandied about over a…

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front license plate

Having recently made a road trek from New York to Tennessee, (I will NEVER do that again) this topic was bandied about over a morning smoke (he did, I didn’t), two days ago in the hotel parking lot. A Tennessee transplant from South Jersey lamented over his hometown when he spied my NY tags, (front license plate and back – thank you).

While Uncle Andy whined about how much he missed his soft pretzels, pizza and hoagies, he relished the fact that the government “don’t bother you too much in these parts”. “In fact”, he boasted, “you only need one plate on your car”. It sparked an interest as I pondered the surgeon general’s warnings about second-hand smoke.

How many states require front license plates?

Thirty-one states require their motorists to display front license plates and plates on the back of their vehicles. The “Rugged Nineteen” states that require only one plate include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico. North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia. Some of these states do not even require a state safety inspection, (but we’ll save that one for another article).

The front plate law debate doesn’t center around government intervention but rather considers the aesthetics of the vehicles’ lines and the obstructive value attributed to the addition of a front plate. HOW IT LOOKS. Seriously though, the more cerebral debaters stick to the nuts and bolts of the matter (You’ll need twice as many nuts and bolts in my state). Come calamity, accident or amber alert, it is easier to identify the vehicle and its registered owner if there are two markers. In other words – dragnet can roger that whether the roadster is coming or going.

What are the advantages of having a front license plate?

One debater makes the case that if they were being followed they’d need to see a front plate in order to report it. Two plates makes life easier and safer for everyone. You run the risk of getting ticketed and if you purchase in a state that doesn’t require two to one that does…(another snafu).  You might end up at a great traffic school though so not all bad. If you don’t want to be stopped unnecessarily this one warrants research. No matter how regal the ride you can always have your car manufacturer tell you how to comply with your particular states’ regulations with little or no pain.

Interestingly enough, the one plate debate is pretty even all over our land. When I think California I think laid back. Not like Uncle Andy, but “laid back – chic”. Even so Golden Staters pipe up just as much as everyone on this issue. Blame Hollywood, but Californians are imagined to be mad about their cars, In reality, California doesn’t crack the top ten in vanity plate purchases. See, I told you laid back – chic. California drivers ed is pretty relaxed as well.

Overall we don’t want a world where our road mates are highway phantoms in our rear-view mirror. They may be carrying an authentic hoagie or soft pretzel. Might be a Golden State Warrior.

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New York Green Driver Incentives Fri, 31 Mar 2017 22:13:13 +0000 There are roughly 12 million cars on the road in the state of New York. Of those 12 million cars, nearly 8.5 million are condensed inside New York City. This…

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There are roughly 12 million cars on the road in the state of New York. Of those 12 million cars, nearly 8.5 million are condensed inside New York City. This doesn’t include the 50+ million visitors to the city every year from out of the state (The record is 59.7 million set in 2015). If there was ever a time to take advantage of green driver state incentives in New York, that time is now. As a resident of New York, you can play a vital role in keeping our state beautiful and pollution-free. By being a green driver, you can take advantage of numerous incentives that sweeten the deal and create a win-win for everyone. These green driver incentives may make you think twice about what you drive.

Say Goodbye to Pesky New York Emissions Tests

If you make the decision to drive an electric car, purchase a newer vehicle, or operate a diesel-powered vehicle, the one place you won’t be going this year is to the emissions testing center. You can pocket your $25, and avoid long lines and the anxiety you feel when it’s your turn.

New York City HOV Lane Exemption

Green drivers in New York City can now be given the green light to legally drive in the high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes via the Clean Pass Program. To qualify for a clean pass, your vehicle must have an EPA fuel economy rating of at least 45 MPG highway or city. If you drive a car that releases minimal emissions according to the California Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) emissions guidelines, you can also qualify for the Clean Pass Program. If you have a Clean Pass sticker attached to your car you drive on the LEI eastbound and westbound with unlimited passengers in your vehicle.

EZ Pass NY Discounts for Hybrids

Hybrids get an EPA fuel economy rating of 34-60 MPG on the highway and in New York City. They are far more environmentally friendly than fuel engines. For this reason, hybrid owners may get up to a 10% discount off of their EZ Pass. The hybrid must meet or exceed the SULEV emissions standards and have an EPA economy rating of 45 MPG.

Save Money on Your Insurance Premiums

If you drive an electric vehicle, hybrid, diesel engine or another type of green vehicle, you’ll want to contact your insurance provider to see if you get a discount on your insurance premiums. Other discounts you can seek out are alternative fuel, high-economy cars, and pay-as-you-drive discounts. If your current auto insurance driver does not reward you for driving an eco-friendly economical car, then can your insurance and find a company that will. Insurance companies should provide their own set of incentives for environmentally responsible driving.

Tax Breaks Anyone?

New York’s finest – green drivers, that is – get tax breaks on alternative fuels and modern environmentally friendly autos. The state of New York allows a sales tax exemption for drivers who purchase E85 gasoline, compressed natural gas, hydrogen, CNG conversion gas, and biofuel. If you’re wondering about biodiesel mixtures, you may want to contact the city or county in which you live. Newer fuel efficient vehicles may also receive federal tax credits for electric cars, hybrids, plug-in hybrids, diesel cars, and alternative fuel vehicles.

Over the past few years, the auto industry has made it possible for middle-class families to afford electric vehicles and hybrids. Leading automakers like Chevy, Toyota, Ford, Honda, and Nissan are now rolling out new EVs and Plug-ins that start at $25,000. Many of these cars come with hefty tax breaks and rebates that bring the price down even further. Now is the time to take advantages of all the incentives available to you. Keep New York Clean!

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Winning Parking Techniques: Hugging the Curb Instead of Your Partner Thu, 31 Mar 2016 20:57:25 +0000 Whether it’s backing into a parking space at the local mall or a head-on spot at the community supermarket, when it comes to parking,…

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Parallel Parking Fail

Whether it’s backing into a parking space at the local mall or a head-on spot at the community supermarket, when it comes to parking, the most challenging of these maneuvers is parallel parking, the monster of the parking world. Just trying to locate, then sizing up a space, can be challenging and down right frustrating.

How can you increase your chances of successful parallel parking? Quick analysis work and some parking strategies can improve this experience, helping to make it faster, easier, and more victorious. Where can you acquire these techniques? Driving instruction information can be helpful, but there’s nothing more dynamic and interactive to get the learning juices flowing, than a live traffic education and defensive driving course. But for now, you’re entering into the information realm.

To begin this journey into the cosmos for improving your parallel parking skills, there’s some great technology that assists in parallel parking. The latest devices, include back-up cameras for viewing the space behind the auto, that have guided colored lines; defogger rear mirrors, which heat up to remove ice, snow, and frost for improved visibility; and reverse back-up sensors, that guide an auto into a space with audio alerts. All of these are useful techie features, but then there are the basic must-have components, clear rear and side-view mirrors, and windows. They are tools that improve your ability to see the area well.

Know your car dimensions by sight and in comparison to common area infrastructure markers, such as sidewalk slabs. They can be useful measurement tools. If you know your car is about four standard sidewalk slabs long, about 17 feet in length, and the space is about two standard sidewalk slabs long, then the car won’t fit.

Familiarize yourself with the destination, especially if it’s a new area. By mapping out the location in advance, you can target potential parking opportunities. Think outside the box too. Briefly scan street parking in not only commercial districts, but residential and side streets as well. Your odds of finding a space increases by expanding the search area.

Find a parking spot that provides more space than the size of your automobile, that extra footage comes in handy when maneuvering the vehicle. It can be anywhere from about 2 to 3 feet. You never know how many attempts it may take to park the car, so play space is helpful.

parallel parking hack

When you’re the lucky winner of a parking space, alert other drivers and pedestrians of the intent to park by signaling with your right turn signal. Next, try aligning the vehicle directly beside the automobile parked in front of the space. The line up should be about where your vehicle’s passenger side-view mirror is approximately parallel to the middle of the driver’s side door of the car parked in front of the open spot.

From here on out, it’s all about clearance and angle when parking the car. Once you check the rear and side-view mirrors, as well as, blind spots for any obstructions, and it’s all clear, put the car into reverse. Next, you completely turn the wheel to the right, making a 45 degree angle with the automobile. Keep an eye on the car parked in front of this area, this is to ensure your vehicle clears it without impact. As the back of the automobile comes close to the curb, about 1 to 2 feet, start turning the steering wheel to the left. If the rear of the car contacts the curb like a bumper car, this signals the automobile went too far back. At this point, you can pull slightly forward and straighten out the vehicle repeatedly with baby-steps until the rear tires clear the curb without contact.

Once the car slips in the space, check the rear and side-view mirrors to verify that the vehicle is centered with about a foot from the curb and 2 or more feet from the automobile parked in front and behind you. Keep in mind, an ideal parking job has your car in the middle of the space with about a foot to the ledge of the sidewalk, practically hugging the curb and not your partner.

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Bad Weather Driving Myths You Shouldn’t Believe Thu, 14 Jan 2016 18:43:00 +0000 Both young and experienced drivers are likely to have been given “expert” bad weather driving advice at one point or another in their lifetimes. These myths can range from the…

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bad weather driving

Both young and experienced drivers are likely to have been given “expert” bad weather driving advice at one point or another in their lifetimes. These myths can range from the misinformed (all-wheel drive is unstoppable on snow) to the downright absurd (there’s no need to warm up your car in frigid temperatures). Unless you’re willing to risk life and limb, the following are some of the worst bad weather driving advice to ever make the rounds.

All-Wheel Drive Is All Powerful

The main issue with all-wheel drive vehicles and their handling on snow and ice is that the feature gives car owners a false sense of security. All-wheel drive vehicles do have better traction in the snow and ice than two-wheel drive cars, but you still need to accelerate slowly, turn carefully, and brake gently while driving in winter weather.

Hit the High Beams in the Fog

This myth is not only dangerous to you, but also other drivers on the road. This myth is so widespread that many people even refer to high beams as fog lights. However, the extra bright light from the high beams will cause you to have reduced visibility and will also act as a distraction to other drivers traveling on the road with you. Although you should use your headlights in foggy conditions, forgo the high beams and drive at a reduced speed.

Don’t Warm Up Your Car in the Cold

Social media has been held responsible for this myth becoming popular. The reasons behind not warming up a car range from wasting fuel to newer engines not requiring a warm-up period to run efficiently. Granted, you don’t need to have your car idling in the driveway for hours, but allowing it to warm up for a minute or two will give time for the heat to kick on, the windows to defrost, and for the oil to get heated enough to properly lubricate the engine’s moving bits.

Drench Your Car With a Pot of Boiling Water to Defrost the Windshield

Not only is this silly to do, but can cause major damage to your car. By pouring boiling hot water on an icy cold windshield, you run the risk of causing the glass to crack due to the extreme temperature changes. An ice scrapper and de-icing product is a much safer method to clear off the windshield.

Steering and Skidding

One of the most confusing bits of bad weather advice is what exactly you should do if you start to skid. Do you steer away from the skid? Or do you steer into the skid? Although there has been major debate on what you should actually do, most experts agree that you should avoid oversteering since this will cause you to fishtail. Your best bet is to slowly redirect your car to the way you were intending to go.

Deflate Tires in the Snow

Just because someone told you that you’ll get better traction with under inflated tire doesn’t mean you should buy this line. Deflating tires will do nothing as far as preventing accidents and can actually damage your tires by causing unnecessary wear and tear. You’re also increasing your risk of having a blowout while driving. Instead, keep your tires at the pressure recommended by the manufacturer and use a tire gauge to check levels regularly. If your area has a tendency to have long and terrible winters, you may also want to invest in a good pair of snow tires. Winter tires are pliable in the cold and will provide much better traction by sticking better to snow and ice covered roadways.

Stay Put in Your Car When Spotting a Tornado

One of the worst pieces of bad weather driving advice is that you should just stay in your parked car if there’s a tornado nearby. First of all, if you can safely drive away from the tornado, why on earth would you stay on its path of destruction? Although a car can provide some shelter from flying debris, the high winds can easily flip the car with you still inside it. Also, if you can make it to a sturdy shelter nearby, then you’re much better off ditching the car.

Traffic school and defensive driving courses can help you rule the road no matter what type of extreme weather conditions you’re facing. Learn all about safe driving while also potentially earning a discount on your car insurance policy.

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]]> 0 33357
Got A Ticket? Here’s How Much Your Car Insurance Premiums Will Increase Fri, 24 Jul 2015 21:18:03 +0000 Have You Gotten A Ticket? It’ll Cost You – On Your Auto Insurance Tickets are somewhat of the gift that keeps on giving. Not…

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Have You Gotten A Ticket? It’ll Cost You – On Your Auto Insurance

Tickets are somewhat of the gift that keeps on giving. Not only are you, as a motorist, required to pay the fine for the ticket, but the citation also counts against your driving record and will cause your car insurance premium to increase. After all, your driving record is the No. 1 factor that constitutes what you’ll pay for car insurance. Generally speaking, this means that the more tickets you have, the more you’ll have to pay for your car insurance premium. Too many tickets and – you guessed it – you could even be rendered “uninsurable.”

Just one ticket can lead to a 22 percent increase in car insurance costs.

Just how much does a ticket increase your car insurance premium? According to a recent report from – which analyzed nearly 500,000 policy quotes – just one ticket can lead to a 22 percent increase in car insurance costs. Reckless driving, for instance, was found to be the citation that led to the greatest insurance premium increase, while driving under the influence accounted for a 19 percent average increase, driving without a license an 18 percent average increase and careless driving a 16 percent average increase.

It’s worth noting that the aforementioned percentage increases are estimates – penalties certainly vary based on a variety of factors, such as driver age, status of driving record and more. Perhaps surprisingly, the report discovered that divorced drivers are penalized more in terms of premium increases than single or married drivers when it comes to any given offense. In fact, divorced drivers cited for reckless driving, for example, might find their premiums to increase by 7 percent more than a non-divorced driver cited for the same offense. On a related note, those who live in condominiums – as opposed to renting or being a standard homeowner – are more likely to see their premiums escalate.

Traffic Tickets and Insurance Premiums

According to the aforementioned report, here’s a more specific look at how much traffic tickets boost insurance premiums (on average):

  1. Reckless driving leads all citations at 22 percent
  2. Driving under the influence, first offense: 19 percent
  3. Driving without a license or permit: 18 percent
  4. Careless driving is next most penalized at 16 percent
  5. Speeding 30 miles per hour or more over the posted speed limit: 15 percent
  6. Failing to stop: 15 percent
  7. Improper turning and improper passing both come in at 14 percent
  8. Following too closely (or tailgating): 13 percent
  9. Speeding 15 to 29 miles per hour over the posted speed limit: 12 percent
  10. Speeding 1 to 14 miles per hour over the posted speed limit: 11 percent
  11. Failing to yield: 9 percent
  12. Operating a vehicle without car insurance: 6 percent
  13. Seat belt citations: 3 percent

What do you do if Your Insurance Premium Increases from a Traffic Ticket?

The average car insurance premium increases for the citations listed above begs the question – just what do you do if you’ve been dinged with such a significant increase? There are several courses of action you can take:

  • Stay put with your current provider and learn from the citation, while eating the increased premium costs until they expire from your driving record.
  • Shop around to different auto insurance providers: Carriers treat citations differently, so some may be more lenient toward tickets than others. They may even offer additional discounts to get your business as a new customer. If you’re shopping new auto insurance providers, this is also a good opportunity to bundle services and utilize any applicable discounts to save money on all of your insurance needs.
  • Attend a Traffic School Course: If insurance companies can see that you’re taking initiative and being proactive about your driving, some may be likely to go easy on any premium increases that result from a citation. In some states, if you have a clean driving record, taking and passing a safe driving course after a citation may even prevent it from going on your driving record at all.
  • Increase your deductible: Another option you have is to increase your deductible. Generally speaking, the higher the deductible, the cheaper your auto insurance premium. This is a “proceed at your own risk” type of option, however, as you’ll be forced to pay more out of pocket if you have to file an insurance claim.

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Do Safety Sensors Make Safer Cars for Any Driver? Mon, 20 Jul 2015 07:48:39 +0000 Known as advanced driver assistance systems, or ADAS, safety sensors and driving systems are becoming very common place in new cars. However, the question that is on many people’s minds…

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advanced driver assistance systems

Known as advanced driver assistance systems, or ADAS, safety sensors and driving systems are becoming very common place in new cars. However, the question that is on many people’s minds is whether these systems are worth their money. Do they actually improve drivers’ performance on the road or not. If one was to ask the car manufacturers and makers of ADAS equipment, the answer would be a resounding yes. Systems like frontal collision alerts, lane drifting alarms, rearview cameras, drowsiness detection, night vision enhancement, automatic braking assistance and more all come into play to anticipate and think faster than the human driver, preventing human error versus enhancing it. Many are adaptions from what has existed in planes and jets as well as boats for years, now modified to work in land vehicles.

Car brands are not ignorant to the benefits of ADAS equipment. In fact, there has been a wholesale acceptance of these new features in the last five years in the standard car package offerings versus the option list or extras. Each new sensor, alarm and mini-radar becomes another marketing edge on the competition, which of course is causing all the options and alternatives to include the latest gizmo and system possible within cost combinations and what the market will pay for. The safety trend started with luxury cars and big European names such as Volvo and BMW, but the ADAS packages have quickly spread to even the most compact and economic cars made. In short, ADAS passive systems are becoming as standard and commonplace as wheels on a car.

The actual safety process is run by computers, of course, with mini-processors all supported by the car’s main motherboard and PCU. The combination allows the two components working together to identify the presence of predetermined risks (objects in the path of travel for example), determine the correct pre-coded solution, and trigger the appropriate response all within micro-seconds faster than the human brain does the same three steps normally. In many cases the ADAS equipment senses triggers that the average human driver fails to pick up altogether when driving in the dark or in inclement weather conditions. These systems are also adaptive in many cases and the latest models, so they adjust and improve with use from the particular driver and driving style as well. The data is saved in memory chips and applied again and again in new calculations by the processor. All of this again is in theory a huge leap in driver’s safety, and many would attest it is true anecdotally. But does the safety ring true for everyone hands down?

The risk or vulnerability of ADAS equipment is their very strength, however – the computer. At the end of the day, the computer is fallible, a human-made construct. It can only work as good as the power source, the circuitry, and the stable working environment. When those factors are compromised, the computer fails, which then leaves the driver at the mercy of basic mechanics and momentum. In most cases and cars so far this has not been a problem. However, a few cars malfunction here and there, always reminding us that even the best car computer systems are imperfect, a built-in obsolescence.

There is no question that part for part, system for system, the modern car today is a far safer vehicle than it was twenty or even ten years ago. However, perfection is something that still eludes us, no matter how many safety sensors are put on a car. At the end of the day, the driver’s skill and experience still matters, being the one controllable factor everyone can influence and make a difference with. Traffic schools, or defensive driving courses are available to you to improve your defensive driving skills or want to earn a discount on your car insurance. Further, if you’ve received a traffic ticket, safety sensors won’t make it go away, but your state’s county traffic court may allow you to complete traffic school to dismiss the citation and avoid having points added to your driving record. And, if you decide to enroll in traffic school voluntarily, your car insurance provider may award you with a safe driver discount.

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Learn Exactly How a Traffic Ticket Affects Your California Insurance Rates Mon, 20 Jul 2015 06:31:38 +0000 When convicted of a traffic violation in California, you face the risk of increased insurance rates. When it comes down to it, your driving…

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Traffic Ticket

When convicted of a traffic violation in California, you face the risk of increased insurance rates. When it comes down to it, your driving record is a guide for insurance companies to figure out how much they should charge you for your auto insurance. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to fight against any traffic violations you feel were not deserved, because anything that shows up on your driving record may cause your insurance company to increase your premium. Thankfully, there are ways for you to get the most favorable outcome in regards to your traffic violations due to the expertise of many California traffic attorneys that will have your back.

It should be noted that not every traffic offense will drive up insurance premiums. Smaller violations such as parking tickets and fix-it tickets may not actually affect your insurance rates at all. On the other hand, violations such as speeding, DUIs and reckless driving can lead to a profound increase on your insurance rates. As a rule of thumb, the more points you rack up on your driving record, the higher your insurance rates will be.

Between auto insurance policy renewals, your insurance company will analyze your driving record to adjust your rates. Thus, you may not notice an increase of your auto insurance premium until your next policy renewal.

The length of time a moving traffic violation will raise your auto insurance rates will depend on the severity of the offense. Your insurance agency will continually check your driving record, so every violation that continues to stay on your record will continue to affect your auto insurance rates.

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The ONE Way to Avoid Higher Insurance Rates After a Traffic Ticket Mon, 13 Jul 2015 21:18:43 +0000 When auto insurance agencies decide on an appropriate rate for you, your driving record becomes their biggest tool. When your driving record shows a…

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Speeding TicketsWhen auto insurance agencies decide on an appropriate rate for you, your driving record becomes their biggest tool. When your driving record shows a lot of traffic violations, your insurance company views you as more of a risk of getting into an accident, which ultimately costs them money.

It’s not easy to predict exactly how much a traffic ticket will cause your insurance premium to rise, but generally, the more moving violations you have on your driving record, the more you end up paying, especially with severe violations.

There have been cases where insurance premiums have been increased by 20-30% for the year from a single violation. In reality, you have to multiply that by 3 years because that’s the minimum length of time it will stay on your record.

There are plenty of seemingly small things that can get you a minor violation, but a moving violation — one that occurs when the car is moving — is the one that can increase your insurance rates.

There are a lot of different moving violations that can jack up your rate, which ranges from things like littering while driving to more serious violations like a DUI.

From the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Each insurance agency will differ in how they handle a traffic ticket. In some cases, an agency may increase your premium for 3 years, while another agency may lay down a surcharge that can be taken off after 12 months if you have avoided a speeding ticket or any other violation during that period.

For those who have been a long-term policy holder and hold a clean driving record, you may not experience much of an increase on your rates for the first ticket. It’s possible that your premium may not increase at all from a single speeding ticket.

Aside from the fact that different companies will vary in their rate adjustments, you can bet that a more severe violation is going to cause your rates to rise significantly.


  • Getting a citation for driving with a broken headlight is not likely to cause your rates to rise significantly.
  • A citation for regular speeding (not excessive) will cause your rates to rise a noticeable amount.
  • If convicted of a DUI, you will experience a severe increase in your insurance premium.

Though a speeding ticket is likely going to cause increased rates, the amount over the speed limit is also taken into consideration.

For example, someone who was going 5 mph over the speed limit will experience less of an increase on their car insurance than someone who was caught going 15 mph over the speed limit. This is due to the fact that excessive speeding has been shown to lead to a higher chance of accidents, making you a bigger risk to insure.

If you get a ticket while driving outside your state of residence, you’re still at risk of seeing your premium rise.

Most of the U.S. is part of a program where they share information such as traffic tickets and anything related to your driving record. Therefore, you will find that if you receive a citation in a different state, it will usually find you. Once it shows up on your driving record, your state DMV will handle the recording.

Once your insurance agency sees it on your record, they will determine how much your insurance rates will go up.

Almost every state uses a point system by which you are given a certain amount of points for each different violation.

A serious violation will come with a higher point value, and it will stick to your DMV record for a longer period, ultimately causing your rates to stay elevated for longer.

Depending on what state you live in, the most severe violations may stay on your driving record permanently.

Simply put, the more points on your driving record, the more you will pay for car insurance.

If you’re worried about the consequences of a traffic ticket on your car insurance rates, you should not admit guilt when you get a ticket. Doing so would ensure you are not able to fight the ticket in court later on.

You should know that signing a ticket doesn’t mean you are admitting to the offense, but if you pay the fine, you’re admitting guilt. You should never pay for the traffic ticket until you have decided that you are not going to fight it in court.

If you’re undecided on whether or not to contest your ticket, you can find out how much your insurance rates will go up with your ticket and then decide if you want to contest it.

Sometimes, a traffic ticket can be completely erased off your driving record, causing it to not affect your rates. Your choices for getting a ticket off your record are:

Signing Up For Traffic School

Enrolling in a traffic school is the only way to ensure that your ticket will be taken off your record. For those who have gotten a ticket and qualify to take a traffic school course, this is the best option.

Enrolling in a Defensive Driving Course

In some states, you are allowed to finish an online defensive driving course and have your ticket taken off your record, and there may be other discounts available for those who take the course. Call your insurance company to find out if a defensive driving course may benefit you.

In all respects, keeping a clean driving record is the key to avoiding large premiums and keep a low insurance rate.

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4 Traffic Tickets You Didn’t Know Existed! Tue, 30 Jun 2015 19:19:22 +0000 Completely avoiding traffic tickets is tricky, even for the most experienced drivers. All it takes is a moment of lost concentration to make a mistake and receive a citation. This…

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Completely avoiding traffic tickets is tricky, even for the most experienced drivers. All it takes is a moment of lost concentration to make a mistake and receive a citation. This is one of the reasons traffic schools are so popular.

Of course, it’s even more difficult to avoid traffic tickets if you don’t even know what you’re being ticketed for! To help you out, here are four of the most common traffic tickets that many drivers aren’t even aware of. You will be able to use the tips below to become a safer driver, and get pulled over less.

Driving Too Slowly

Everybody knows that it’s illegal to speed, it’s one of the most common tickets drivers come to defensive driving schools to try and dismiss. Speeding is dangerous, interrupting the flow of traffic, and putting yourself and others at risk.

It makes sense, then, that driving too far under the limit is also a ticketable offense. Like speeding, driving too slowly interrupts the flow of traffic and puts others at risk. If you’re driving below the limit, you should always stay in the right-most lane. Even then, you must drive fast enough to not impede traffic

Of course, there are some exceptions to the rule:

  • If you’re passing a slower vehicle (like an oversized load), you’re permitted to move one lane to the left in order to pass them.
  • You’re permitted to slow down if you’re preparing to make a turn.
  • During certain hazardous road or weather conditions, it’s expected that you will be driving far below the posted limit.

Making a U-Turn

It’s easy to get turned around or lost when you’re driving in a new place. Sometimes, it’s just easier to turn around and go the other way. Making a U-turn is often necessary, but it’s also sometimes illegal. Illegal U-turn tickets are quite common, so it’s important to know exactly when they’re illegal.

Exact laws on U-turns do vary by state, but in general it’s legal to make as long as it’s reasonably safe based on approaching traffic, cars in the area, and the road you’re on. However, several things can make a U-turn illegal. Typically, this will include things like:

  • Being on a hill or sloped road.
  • Being close to a bend or curve that limits visibility of oncoming traffic.
  • Going across double-yellow lines on a road.
  • Making a U-turn near an explicit ‘No U-Turn’ sign.

Driving With a Pet

There’s nothing as fun as taking your dog on a road trip to the park, to the ice cream store, or anywhere in-between. What you might not have known, however, is that you might be violating traffic laws by doing so.

Several states do explicitly ban drivers from holding their pets while driving. Others ban pets from sitting on the driver’s lap while the vehicle is in motion. In New Jersey, for example, you could be fined up to $1,000 for driving with a dog in your lap.

If you want to safely drive with a pet, you should consider a traveling restraint for them. It allows them to safely sit and lay down, without giving them the ability to freely roam throughout the vehicle as you drive. It also prevents them from running out when the door is opened.

Having an Unsafe Vehicle

Traffic tickets are simply limited to mistakes you make while driving. If your vehicle isn’t safe to operate, you can receive a ticket for trying to drive it.

There are many types of unsafe vehicles, but there are a number of conditions that can make it unsafe:

  • Worn down, balding tires that are at the end of their life-cycle.
  • Faulty headlights or brake lights.
  • Snow on the top of the vehicle that hasn’t been shoveled off.
  • Excessive fluid leaks.

Getting Rid of Tickets With Defensive Driving Courses

If you received a traffic ticket, one of your best bets is taking a defensive driving course. It provides you with the necessary tools to become a defensive, safe driver. You’ll be able to remove violation points from your record and possibly even have the ticket thrown out.

Best of all, voluntarily enrolling in a defensive driving course often encourages insurance companies to lower your premium. So make sure to check us out and enroll in a class today!

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