Marinam, Author at MyImprov Defensive Driving Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:55:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marinam, Author at MyImprov 32 32 210546214 11 Interesting Facts You May Not Know About Florida Mon, 10 Sep 2018 21:10:51 +0000 You probably know Florida is home to Disney World and is nicknamed the Sunshine State. You may even know that Key West is the…

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You probably know Florida is home to Disney World and is nicknamed the Sunshine State. You may even know that Key West is the southernmost point in the continental U.S. and that St. Augustine is considered the oldest city in the country. If you are interested in moving to Florida consider enrolling in traffic school so you better understand the rules of the road. You can also check out some Virginia facts if you are planning a road trip. Now take a look at these 11 things you may not know about Florida.

1. Tolls

Florida has more toll roads and bridges than any other state in the Union.

2. Fern Capital

The small town of Pierson in Northeast Florida is known as the Fern Capital of the World. Ferns from farms here are shipped worldwide and these farms can be seen everywhere in the area.

3. Highest Point

The highest point in Florida is only 345 feet above sea level. Britton Hill is in the Florida Panhandle. The highest point in Florida’s peninsula is Sugarloaf Mountain near Clermont at 312 feet.

4. Golf

Florida has more golf courses than any other state and is home to the World Golf Hall of Fame and Museum in St. Augustine.

5. Gators and Crocs

The Florida Everglades are the only place on the planet where crocodiles and alligators live together.

6. Go With The Flow

Florida’s largest river, the St. Johns River, is one of only a few major rivers that flow from south to north.

7. More than Oranges

Florida is the largest producer of watermelons in the country. It also produces the most tomatoes, strawberries and sugar.

8. That’s a LOT of Wood

Made mostly of Florida pine, The Belleview Biltmore Resort and Spa, northwest of Tampa Bay is said to be the world’s largest occupied wooden structure at 820,000 square feet.

9. Biggest City

You may be surprised to learn that in terms of area, Jacksonville, Florida is the largest city in the United States.

10. Long Lines

Sure there are long lines at Disney World. After all annual attendance is about 17 million people. That’s over 45,000 people per day on AVERAGE. Busy days will see over 100,000.

11. Cool!

It would make sense that mechanical refrigeration was invented in Florida. In 1851 Dr. John Gorrie of the little town of Apalachicola created the invention.

If you think these facts are not interesting enough then read our article on fun facts about Florida.

If you are heading to Florida for Spring Break or planning a summer vacation, drive safe. Florida drivers come from all over and have different driving temperaments. Careful driving could keep you from getting into an accident. Also, learn about Florida tourist traffic traps if you plan to travel.

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Six Tips to Know When Calling AAA for Road Service Sun, 02 Sep 2018 22:39:02 +0000 As you navigate roadside assistance, keep these six tips in mind when calling AAA for road service. It’s essential to note that AAA services are typically non-transferable, so the answer…

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How Not to Use Your Car’s Autopilot Feature Tue, 26 Apr 2016 00:19:05 +0000 When Tesla began marketing the autopilot feature on its vehicles, it was thinking more along the lines of creating safer driving conditions for its drivers and for everyone on the…

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When Tesla began marketing the autopilot feature on its vehicles, it was thinking more along the lines of creating safer driving conditions for its drivers and for everyone on the highways who encountered them. Think lane control, collision intervention, park-assist and even 4-wheel drive. Using innovative technology such as forward- and rear-facing cameras, sensors, radar and dynamic cruise-control, Teslas can almost — the operative word here — almost drive themselves safely to most destinations.

With one small disclaimer — you still need to keep your hands on the wheel.

Unfortunately, not all drivers of autopilot cars realize this — as the elderly mother of a YouTuber found out earlier this month when her son placed her behind the wheel of his Tesla and took to the open road using the car’s autopilot system to navigate against on-coming traffic.

Needless to say, the 70-year-old mom was a little nervous allowing the car to take control, even with her son sitting safely beside her in the passenger seat, ready to regain control should the need arise.

The woman’s mini panic attack went viral quickly, and her son took the video down, but not before those in the know took advantage of the situation to scold some drivers for the way they use the autopilot feature.

“He should have told her to keep her hands on the steering wheel.” wrote’s Fred Lambert. Apparently, keeping your hands on the wheel while your vehicle assumes control over acceleration and navigation lends an air of comfort to the driver, making for a safer journey. Who knew?

Of course, it also helps to prepare your elderly parent before placing him or her behind the wheel and taking away manual control too.

The YouTuber only meant to cast a humorous light on the reluctance of older drivers to use autopilot, but his video brings up a valid conundrum — the plight of aging drivers on today’s highways and back roads.

According to the National Institutes of Health, your risk of crash increases as you age, with drivers over the age of 75 most at-risk. Common causes include failing to come to a complete stop at stop signs, driving too slowly, failing to yield the right-of-way, swerving across lanes and misjudging time or distance needed to stop. Intersections are a concern for older drivers, as are merge areas, with drivers getting “T-boned” for failing to stop or yield.

Does a vehicle’s autopilot feature assist these drivers? Or does it create a liability when they’re forced to overcome half a century of driving experience?

You’re never too old to attend traffic school. Whether you’re a driver of advanced age who’s loosing your confidence on today’s highways or a driver of any age who just needs a brisk refresher class, an online defensive driving course is the answer. Brush up on your rules of the road and on all the new and innovative technology that’s available to make driving today safer and more efficient when you enroll. You’ll not only decrease your chances of being involved in an automobile accident, but you could shave dollars off your monthly car insurance premium as well. Many insurance companies offer “safe driver” or “mature driver” discounts to members who voluntarily decide to attend traffic school with the intention of simply becoming safer and more confident behind the wheel.

Online traffic school courses can help you become a better defensive driver. It can help you avoid additional points on your license if you’ve already received a citation. It can also earn you safe driver insurance discounts and help to dismiss a citation you’ve already received. You have nothing to lose by enrolling and everything to gain. A small time commitment may be all it takes to make you a safer, more confident driver.

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Reporter Saves Driver From Rising Floodwaters in Texas Thu, 21 Apr 2016 19:15:20 +0000 Why You Should NEVER Drive Into a Puddle A reporter saves a man from a submerged car on LIVE TV during Houston’s historic flooding!…

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Why You Should NEVER Drive Into a Puddle

A reporter saves a man from a submerged car on LIVE TV during Houston’s historic flooding!
Our EXCLUSIVE CLIP shows what REALLY happened!

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Five Car Accidents That Will Leave You Scratching Your Head Wed, 13 Apr 2016 18:58:33 +0000 Car accidents are never fun. But these car accidents are funny in a “how did that happen” kind of way. From the basement to…

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Car accidents are never fun. But these car accidents are funny in a “how did that happen” kind of way. From the basement to the roof, these five drivers found themselves in some very interesting situations.

1. An Intruder in the Basement

Bizarre car accidents

Gerald was woken by a loud bang. His windows were smashed and his floor was destroyed. He naturally assumed that his furnace had exploded, but when he heard voices coming from the basement everything changed. There was an intruder in his house. He quickly called the police to let them know someone had broken into his house. Little did he know that this intruder was a Dodge Avenger!

The driver had managed to jump the curb onto the sidewalk, skid across the length of the yard, slam the car into the side of the house, and continue straight into the basement.

2. The Worst Parking Job in History

Bizarre car accidents

A 78 year old man was merely pulling his Mitsubishi Pajero into a garage. He gently eased it forward toward the open garage when everything changed. The unidentified man put the accelerator to the floor and punched through the rear wall of the garage straight into a boat on a trailer. His car came to rest entangled with the mangled remains of the trailer.

Now the man had two options: get out of the car and admit defeat or throw his car in reverse and slam on the accelerate to try and free his vehicle. Two guesses as to which option he choose.

Our fearless driver threw that gear shift in reverse and punched it. The trailer stubbornly clung on until the Mitsubishi Pajero rammed a Toyota Hilux as well as a different boat on a trailer across the road. The force of the impact collapsed another garage onto the second boat and a nearby camper.

He then put that Mitsubishi Pajero in drive and floored it straight into Proton and Hyundai sedans.

For those keeping score at home that’s four damaged cars, two broken garages, two destroyed boats and trailers, and one camper. Not bad for one parking job!

3. Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane? No, It’s a Drunk German in a Station Wagon!

Bizarre car accidents

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a flying car? Well David knows what it would be like to crash one at the very least.

David had had one too many when he hopped into his Skoda station wagon to head home for the night. At some point during his inebriated journey, David crossed the center line going three times the legal speed limit. He then hit an embankment at just he right angle to ramp it for 115 feet of glorious air and straight into the side of a church. Somehow he got away with only a few broken bones.

4. The Rube Goldberg Machine of Car Accidents

Bizarre car accidents

In a chain reaction straight out of a Looney Tunes cartoon, a sedan crashed into a house and an SUV rolled into another. It all started with a collision between the sedan and the SUV. The SUV hit the sedan hard enough to send it sailing into a house. The driver of the SUV immediately leapt out of the car to help. Unfortunately, they forgot to put the vehicle in park. The car rolled backwards and hit a pole. No big deal until that collision jarred the vehicle into drive. It then proceeded to roll forward into another house.

5. One Frustrated Elephant and Fifteen Cars

Bizarre car accidents

If you’ve ever been rejected by someone dear to your heart, then you understand that sometimes you need to blow off steam afterwards. If you are an elephant in China that’s just been through a failed courtship you do so by smashing fifteen cars. All’s fair in love, but you’re insurance premium is still going to go through the roof.

While a defensive driving course might not be able to keep frustrated elephants away, it can help you avoid some of these other embarrassing situations and can get you a discount on that raised premium after an elephant attack.

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The Uber of Car Assistance – App Thu, 24 Mar 2016 17:54:33 +0000 The sharing economy has obviously done very well in certain sectors, so it’s no surprise see the concept applied to a number of other services. Uber and AirBnB may have…

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The sharing economy has obviously done very well in certain sectors, so it’s no surprise see the concept applied to a number of other services. Uber and AirBnB may have cornered ride-sharing and vacation rentals, but there’s definitely more that can benefit from this model. Could we see a road service app become the next big success? is an app and website where you can input minimal information (seriously, it’s just your name and car model) and then receive roadside assistance quickly. It’s meant to be like Uber in that you hit the request button then receive help. They’re not meant to do full-scale repairs obviously on the side of the road, but if you need gas, a tow or managed to locked yourself out, then you’ve got a friend in them. They advertise their rates are actually lower than the most popular roadside assistance membership (they conveniently leave out the name) because they charge flat fees as opposed to hiding them in other costs. Also, they have the location sensors which pick up where you are based on your phone, something that other groups haven’t quite managed to accomplish. Considering it can be difficult to tell someone your exact location, this is definitely a sellable feature.

Can it really succeed though? How many service technicians want to drive around all day, every day just waiting for someone to contact them? This company actually does seem to give quite a large percentage of its fees directly to its drivers. If a customer is paying $75 for a battery replacement, the driver would get $50 after the repair. Contractors would need the volume before they wanted to participate which is difficult to accomplish if no one knows who you are. Uber has worked, in part, because it allows people with a certain set of skills to start making money on their own terms. The current climate of the workforce has eliminated a lot of different types of jobs, and seems to require a more specific set of skills every day. Services like Uber and Lyft help take the talent of drivers everywhere and give it back to the community to combat drunk driving and overcrowding on the road. Drivers are excited to not only see instant rewards for what they’re doing but also being given the freedom to make their own schedule. Choice in the workplace has become extremely valuable to people as well, and it can definitely apply to’s drivers too.

The app also allows you to pay for friends or family to receive services. It can also track the repairs so you see what’s going on, and where people are in real time. If there’s some type of accident, it can detect the collision and then send out alerts to your loved ones to so people are kept in the loop.

So, let’s look at the reviews for more answers. does not run in every area of the US, but those who have tried it seem to genuinely be impressed with its efficiency. This bodes well for how they’re organizing everything over there, and the potential the company has to increase its locations and user base. They do not appear to discriminate against cars, being able to service any make or model. The very few negative reviews we came across unsurprisingly had to do with wait times and sometimes users felt the services were overpriced. However, it is worth remembering that over time, it could work out to be a much better rate if you consistently pay for membership dues you never end up using.

The bottom line here is this is definitely an entirely acceptable option for receiving roadside assistance. Staying safe means having as many options available to you at your fingertips. You likely already know a defensive driving course can make the difference between points on your license and a higher car insurance bill, but did you know it may be able to lower your insurance even if you’ve had no run-ins with the cops?

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Wipers & Lights: What You Need To Know Wed, 16 Mar 2016 22:09:49 +0000 Many understand the laws regarding headlights at night… but many forget other situations where headlights are equally important in regards to driving safely and operating with other drivers. Thankfully, we’re…

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wipers and lights laws

Many understand the laws regarding headlights at night… but many forget other situations where headlights are equally important in regards to driving safely and operating with other drivers. Thankfully, we’re going to cover situations where headlights and wipers are needed to prevent accidents and miscommunication with other drivers beyond driving late in the evening. With this being said, here’s a look at events where headlights and wipers are needed to remain safe on the road.

Common Windshield Wiper Laws

All vehicles legally need to be equipped with windshield wipers to clear snow, rain, or any other moisture from obstructing the windshield. This means that the windshield wipers in question must be in excellent working order so that they can perform the task at hand (i.e. cleaning your windows). The wiper blades cannot be worn or hardened as such circumstances render them useless when cleaning your windshield. Other further wiper requirements include:

  • The windshield wipers must hold tension against the glass to perform the full range of motion needed to clear a windshield.
  • The windshield wipers must have at least two speeds to perform the task of clearing a windshield.
  • Cars must have a working windshield washing system.

Common Headlight Laws

To remain safe on the road and avoid fines, make sure your tail lights, brake lights, and headlights are all in working order. The reason for this is mainly due to traffic communication, as broken lights can easily lead to crashes, disorienting pedestrians/drivers, or cause a driver to misunderstand a car’s contextual space. In addition to being means of communication to other drivers, driving without lights in the evening can be very difficult (as it is considerably dangerous to do so). It should also be mentioned that a vehicle must have two amber front turn lamps, two red stop lamps, two red tail lamps, and two white front head lamps to be legally operable on the road.

Inclement Weather/Conjunction Laws

Inclement weather can definitely make roads less safe, which poses a threat no matter how experienced the driver may be. As a result, many states have passed laws that make headlight and wiper usage mandatory during times of inclement or dangerous weather. Since many of these laws were in response to accidents occurring during such times, they were created to keep drivers safe and considerate in regards to other drivers on the road. For example, some states require headlight usage if the visibility decreases to 500 feet, meaning that headlight usage is applicable to fog as it is to rain, sleet, and snow. The penalties can range from small fines to a suspension of a driver’s license (in severe cases).

Conjunction laws are much like (if not the same) as inclement weather laws. Conjunction laws apply when headlights and windshield wipers must be used at the same time. For example, a vehicle’s headlights must be turned on when the vehicle’s windshield wipers are in use.

State of Residency & Headlight/Wiper Laws

So now that you have a general idea of when your wiper or headlight use is important, it’s time to hone your response according to the state you live in. Since many state laws vary in regards to headlight and wiper laws, checking can clear up any questions you have regarding the topic.

So in consideration of the information above, it’s safe to say that wipers and headlights are useful beyond the rain or nightfall. Applying and enrolling in a defensive driving course will help you become more considerate towards other drivers on the road… which is in addition to being in good standing in regards to your driving record. Between the humorous insight and information it provides to the driver, it’s likely that you’ll have no issues with the law in regards to your headlights and wipers in the future.

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Is Car Wrapping Worth the Money to You? Thu, 03 Mar 2016 20:54:56 +0000 How much is $470 a month actually worth to you? Is that your car payment plus your insurance payment? More than that? Would you do it if you had to…

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Car Wrapping

How much is $470 a month actually worth to you? Is that your car payment plus your insurance payment? More than that? Would you do it if you had to advertise a product or service you absolutely hated? These are just a few of the questions to ask yourself before you consider joining Wrapify, a company that has you wrap your car with another company’s information. Sound too good to be true? Let’s look at the pros and cons.

Restrictions May Apply

This is a real offer that many people will benefit from, but it’s easy to see how it might not be as easy as counting to 3. Whether or not you can sign up as a driver is not too difficult: you need to be 21, own or lease a car that’s a 2008 or newer and have a clean driving record. It gets trickier after that. The companies that advertise with Wrapify need you to be in the right places: the locations where affluent drivers surround you. If you don’t live or commute in the most desirable neighborhoods, then the amount you’re paid will be less than $470, or they may not accept you at all. You also can’t drive for services like Uber or Lyft in addition to doing Wrapify. It’s also heavily dependent on how many companies are actually willing to advertise with them at the time you sign up. This is not a cheap service, and you can bet that the companies are probably paying a hefty amount to cover both the driver’s and Wrapify’s fees.

The Power Of Advertising

Even if there might be restrictions, it should be noted that this isn’t some sort of get-rich-quick scam because it’s actually providing something valuable to the companies who contract with them. With all the information out there on the internet, savvy consumers are well versed in looking up reviews and reports to determine how to spend their money. While there’s nothing wrong with this, sometimes it leads us to be entirely overwhelmed with information and exhausted by the time we decide that Target is $.50 cheaper than Ikea. There is something to be said for seeing a solution to our problems literally driving right in front of us. Companies want to capitalize on this type of convenience. While this is by no means a revolutionary idea, Wrapify is making it happen on a larger scale and the money that’s being offered will definitely perk people’s interest.

The Hesitations

Wrapify identifies itself as a technology company, not an advertising company. Currently, it doesn’t appear to be having any problems as they continue to grow, but it’s a reasonable concern for the future if they’re too busy developing their platform and not the money-making abilities for their partner companies. One awesome feature is that wrapping won’t harm your car and it generally doesn’t take long to install. Partials and panels take just a few minutes while a full wrap may take 6 hours. Fortunately, that’s a rare occurrence. Of course, you also have to think about what it means for you to advertise this way. People may come up to you when you park or talk to you if you’re stopped next to them and ask questions you don’t know the answer to. You need to be polite and courteous at all times or risk getting some type of complaint about you. It may prove especially trying if you don’t care or actively dislike whatever it is you’re advertising. This may lead you to feel like you’re ‘working’ rather than just driving a wrapped car.

More Ways to Give You Extra Money

Wrapify is all about making money, but there are other ways to do it. A violation on your license can mean hundreds of dollars in additional fees from insurance companies over time, but taking a defensive driving course can mean shaving off those annoying points. Every state and insurance company varies slightly, but typically you can receive discounts and other benefits from reviewing your driving skills through a certified class.

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Car Insurance Discount For Mature Driver Mon, 29 Feb 2016 22:54:14 +0000 Save up to 15% on your Auto Insurance Premiums with a Mature Driver Course In the District of Columbia and over 33 states, aging can help you get car insurance…

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mature driver car insurance discount

Save up to 15% on your Auto Insurance Premiums with a Mature Driver Course

In the District of Columbia and over 33 states, aging can help you get car insurance at a decreased cost. You’ll simply need to complete an approved mature driver course that helps keep you safe on the highway. Finish the class successfully, and you can reduce your insurance premium by up to 15 percent.

Are you 55 and older?


The requirements differ by state, but the insurance discount is usually available to individuals 55 and older who complete an approved mature driving course and meet all other requirements specific to the state.

Mature Driver Course: What will you learn?

Classes include strategies for driving safely along with information on relevant laws, use of new technologies and the impact of health problems on safe driving.

Do you live in one of these States?

The District of Columbia and the states listed below provide insurance discounts for older drivers:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wyoming

Easy! Complete Online or in a Classroom

Courses can be completed either online or in a traditional classroom. Prior to signing up for a mature driver course, seniors should check with their state’s department of motor vehicles and their auto insurer to be sure the class is approved.

  • In 33+ states and the District of Columbia, an insurance discount is required for individuals age 55 and up who successfully finish an approved mature driver course.
  • In states that don’t mandate the discount, many insurance companies still offer the discount for successful completion of a course.
  • Be sure to ask your insurance agent about any available discounts for taking a mature driver course.
  • After you complete the course, you’ll receive a certificate that you can send to your automobile insurance provider. The insurance discount remains valid for three years, when you’ll need to take a refresher course.

*Most states allow the insurer to determine the amount of the discount, but New York, Wyoming, Delaware, Minnesota and Georgia require a discount of at least 10 percent, while Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Jersey mandate at least 5 percent. If you don’t reside in one of the locations requiring the discount, call your insurer to inquire whether your auto insurance company provides credit for taking a Mature Driver course.

Start Saving Today!

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Car Accidents on Private Property: Liability Issues & What to Do Fri, 19 Feb 2016 19:16:38 +0000 When a car accident occurs on the highway or public road, we all know we need to call an ambulance if it’s bad, and…

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Car Accidents on Private Property

When a car accident occurs on the highway or public road, we all know we need to call an ambulance if it’s bad, and then call the police and exchange insurance information with the other driver. But what if an accident happens while you’re in the parking lot of an apartment complex, or when you’re backing out of a parked spot? A lot of things change when you’re involved in a car accident on private property, and we’d like to talk about those complications in this article.

First Thing’s First: Report the Accident

Even though the accident occurred on private property, you still need to report the accident to the police. When the police arrive to the scene, they’ll let you know that they can’t determine fault or issue a citation; they don’t have jurisdiction on private properties. The police officer might even refuse to fill out an official police report, too — he or she might simply document the incident instead. If you find yourself in this kind of situation, contact your insurance company immediately. A representative from the claims department will let you know exactly what you need to do. Cooperate with the representative and take a ton of photos of the accident — photos can be a huge help when it comes to solving automobile accidents and determining fault. Tell the insurance company exactly what happened at the scene. You should also contact the owner of the private property and tell them what happened; the insurance company might need to talk to them about blind spots, stop signs, and speed limit signs posted around their property. If the property owner employs a private security officer to patrol the area, you should contact that person immediately as well. If the complex does have a security guard, he or she should have no problem with writing a report with the details of the incident.

Determining Liability

When a car accident happens on a public road the state generally assumes no liability to either party, but when it’s on private property, things can change. Both of the parties can be found liable and “at fault.” The owner of the property can even be found at fault for various reasons. For example, if a parking lot has an intersection but no stop sign to let people know who needs to stop and where, the owner can be liable for some or all of the damages. Blind spots in the lot can also lead to liability being placed on the owner.

As a result, property owners will typically become involved in the case and outcome. Depending on the situation, this can be a blessing or a curse. It can be a blessing if the owner is quick to show security footage of the accident — footage that can prove that you’re not at fault. He or she might even be willing to write a report to provide additional details about the accident. It can be bad news, though, if the owner becomes defensive and tries to push back against your insurance company in order to avoid having to contribute to a settlement.

Things can get even hairier if your vehicle happened to be hit while you weren’t present and the driver fled the scene. This situation should result in a “win” on your end because the insurance company should claim uninsured motorist coverage, but again, the owner of the property might be contacted and decide to fight back to avoid any liability.

What to Do

Again, the first step is to contact the police. If the officer refuses to write an official report, keep asking — assertively and politely. Take photos of the accident and contact the owner of the property. If the accident warrants an attorney, don’t hesitate to get in contact with one. An attorney can help you with the police as well as with your insurance company.

Accidents are always difficult, no matter where they occur. The best offensive is often a good defense — and the best defense you can have is driving defensively at all times, especially when on private property. Defensive driving courses can help you learn how to spot a bad driver before disaster strikes, and they can help you become the best driver you can be.

Nowadays, defensive driving courses can even be taken online. To find a defensive driving course, search for an online traffic school that offers courses for your state of residence. Enrolling in traffic school can even help you get out of a traffic ticket and earn you a discount on your car insurance.

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