Some of the factors used by insurers to determine risk - and thereby your premium - are out of your control. These variables include things like age, gender and driving history. However, you do have control over a variety of other factors that influence the cost of your insurance premiums.That's why it's important that before you purchase auto insurance, you check up on the following:

Collision and Comprehensive Deductibles

Before you choose your insurance options for collision and comprehensive, do your homework and see how the costs will play out in your overall insurance costs. For instance, if you drive an older model car, it might not be worthwhile to purchase insurance with a low deductible. Generally speaking, the higher your deductible, the less insurance premium you pay, yet the more you'll have to pay out of pocket in the event of an accident. It's the opposite for low deductible plans - you typically pay more for your insurance, but less out of pocket after an accident.

Auto-Related Heath Insurer Option

Another way you can save money on your auto insurance is by choosing the insurers own health care as the primary care in the event of an auto-related accident that causes injury. Before you do this, however, it's important to check with the insurance company to see if it's a viable option and one that is worthwhile.

Personal Injury Protection

Just like with collision and comprehensive insurance plans, you can usually save money on your insurance premiums if you choose a personal injury protection, or PIP, policy with a high deductible. Standard policies typically start with a $250 deductible with a limit of $250,000. Consider a higher PIP deductible to save on your insurance costs.

Lawsuit Option

Typically, you can save big bucks by selecting the Limited Right to Sue option.

Vehicle Options

Another factor in your insurance rates is none other than the automobile you drive. Generally speaking, older vehicles are less expensive to insure because you can select higher deductibles, where as high-performance and luxury vehicles are most expensive to insure. You can also save money if your vehicle includes certain safety features. Furthermore, different insurers offer different prices depending on the make and mode of your vehicle, so be sure to shop around. Also, see if you can qualify for any offered discounts from your insurer. You may also be able to save money on car insurance by insuring multiple vehicles with the insurance company, or by insuring other assets (i.e., house, boat, etc). Aside from the aforementioned savings tips, consider the following to see if you can save even more money on your auto insurance:
  • Multiple Car/Other Assets: Insuring multiple cars, your home, boat, life, etc. on one policy can help reduce your overall payments.
  • Safety Features: Vehicles that offer safety features that may include the likes of Anti-lock brakes and passive restraint systems can qualify for discounts by some insurers.
  • Good Student: Check to see if any school-aged drivers on your policy might qualify for "good student" discounts. Some insurers offer a discount if your student driver maintains a certain grade point average.
  • Defensive Driving: According to New Jersey state law, insurers have to offer discounts to drivers that have completed a Defensive Driving course.