Humorous Archives | MyImprov Defensive Driving Fri, 17 Nov 2023 09:04:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Humorous Archives | MyImprov 32 32 210546214 Autonomous Vehicle Day Thu, 31 May 2018 17:36:59 +0000 01111001 01100001 01111001! In case you can’t read binary, that’s computer talk for “yay!” The reason why we’re excited about today is because it’s Autonomous Vehicle Day. The one day every year where we celebrate our…

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online traffic school

01111001 01100001 01111001! In case you can’t read binary, that’s computer talk for “yay!” The reason why we’re excited about today is because it’s Autonomous Vehicle Day. The one day every year where we celebrate our computer overlords – uhm – drivers. With the rising publicity and manufacturing of autonomous cars, this year was a great stride forward for the industry. The popularity of self-driving vehicles is at an all-time high, thanks to their consumer accessibility.

When there’s a holiday, there’s a celebration. You might not be familiar with the traditions behind Autonomous Vehicle Day, so we’re showing you the best ways to celebrate our robot chauffeurs. Here are the best ways to show your autonomous pride.

Dust the interior of your car

If you have an autonomous car, make sure you dust the interior of it. Dust slows down computers. When it builds up, it can ruin systems no matter how well they’re built. Your autonomous vehicle might be different, but any reason to clean up the filthy interior of your car is a good one. Grab that duster, buster.

Write a “thank you” card in binary

It’s your autonomous car’s day. Therefore, you should tell it how you REALLY feel, with a handwritten card in binary. Your autonomous car can only understand numbers, so use the nearest binary translator to let your heart ooze with feelings.

Take your autonomous vehicle out for dinner

Tonight, treat your self-driving car well with a delicious dinner. For you, a salivating, seared steak dinner with a side of asparagus and fine potatoes. For your car, a quick oil change. That’s the autonomous vehicle equivalent to sautéed salmon.

Buy it a gift

Autonomous vehicles may be computers, but they still like to receive gifts. One present you can provide your car, this year, is something digital to go along with its computations. Since self-driving cars are computers that drive, it might make use of online traffic school.

Learn how to program the concept of love

A task that has plagued scientist, programmers, and ethics theorists is the process of computers comprehending the idea of love. Moreover, you might have expressed your love for your self-driving car without any reciprocal feelings. Learning how to program the concept of love will finally show your autonomous car how you feel.

Print off pictures of autonomous cars to longingly stare at

There’s other ways to celebrate Autonomous Vehicle Day, if you don’t have access to a self-driving car. One way of doing this is to print off pictures of autonomous cars, then daydream which one is your favorite. You can even line your walls with the photos, in case you want people to think you lost your mind.

Buy a Roomba

If you don’t have the funds to purchase one, then buy the next best thing: a Roomba. It’s like a self-driving car, except it’s a small circular computer that cleans your floor. In fact, the best way to celebrate is to do yourself the favor of never cleaning your home again. Your Roomba will also help keep you company!

Spread the word

The easiest way to celebrate Autonomous Vehicle Day is to snap a photo of a self-driving car, then post it to your social media accounts with #AutonomousVehicleDay. That’s the official hashtag being used to celebrate. You should join in with the thousands of people who are partaking in the day. Let everyone know how much you enjoy autonomous vehicles.

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Top 5 Ways of Getting Out of a Congested Parking Lot Fri, 11 May 2018 13:48:34 +0000 What does a Totally 80’s Rock Concert, Dodger Baseball Game and night out at the symphony all have in common? The hour long wait…

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congested parking lot traffic school
What does a Totally 80’s Rock Concert, Dodger Baseball Game and night out at the symphony all have in common? The hour long wait you’ll have to spend in your car trying to get out of the congested parking lot afterwards. As much as you love spending time with your buddies and bonding over shared experiences, sometimes the torture of being trapped in a car with them while in a state of extreme fatigue… overrides the fun.
Don’t let this happen to you! To ensure that your “good times” do not become “bad memories,” check out the list of the top 5 ways of getting out of a congested parking lot.

Leave The Event Early

This choice may be the least fun of the five, but the results are spectacular! This option works best when you leave during the peak moment of the event. Perhaps the game went into overtime, or the play is only in part 2 of 5 – whatever you do, try to calculate your departure to be between 35-55 minutes earlier than the rest of the crowd. This will guarantee the smoothest of sailings out of the lot.

Block The South Gate

This option does not reflect the opinions and thoughts of the IMPROV® Online Traffic School, however, it has received good ratings of those who currently belong to a fraternity or pro-league dodgeball team. What you do is block off the south gate, also known as the least conspicuous gate, with signs that say, “Not In Service.” This will deter future drivers from using the gate, and will leave a wide opening for you and your crew to make a quick and clean departure from your event since cars heading for exits will be going in the opposite direction.

Park Right Next To the Exit

Seems like an easy solution, right? This tactic usually works, especially when the exit is a walking distance of 1.3 miles or more from the venue. So as long as you and your cohorts are up for a little exercise before the sunrise, this is the option for you.

Create A Diversion

This preference is often performed by ex-detectives and bandits. If it works for them, it can work for you too! This option requires a bit of planning. You have to think about the type of crowd that travels to your specific event, then act upon their inner-most wants and desires. For example: a classic rock concert goer has a special attraction to free T-shirts; therefore, you can create a diversion by giving away free merchandise on one side of the parking lot, while your buddies hightail it to the opposite side of the lot. Be creative.

Rent A Tractor

This selection may be a bit pricey, but will do the job right. All you have to do is get behind the wheel, move the front shovel up and down a couple of times, and the cars will get out of your way! You and your friends can drive that puppy all across the lot without a sense of congestion. If you are thinking about taking the machine to the streets however, you may want to read your state’s traffic laws regarding correct speed and driver license type.

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Are Driving Skills Inherited? Tue, 08 May 2018 21:26:09 +0000 Back in October of 2009, a bunch of articles were published with a single divisive topic. A study had recently been completed, and the results implied that bad driving skills…

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inherited driving skills online traffic school

Back in October of 2009, a bunch of articles were published with a single divisive topic. A study had recently been completed, and the results implied that bad driving skills may be hereditary. The study sparked some debate and then faded back into obscurity, but it did present an interesting question. It’s time to take a look at it again and see if any conclusions can be drawn.

The 2009 Study

The original study was conducted by a group of neuroscientists from the University of California Irvine. They tested a group of 29 individuals on a virtual track designed to simulate difficult driving conditions. Of the 29 people tested, 7 had a certain gene variant.

• This gene variant causes the brain to produce less of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

• This means a smaller part of the brain is stimulated during certain types of activity, such as driving.

• During the test, the 7 people with the gene variant did not do as well on the simulated track as those without the gene variant. The test was repeated a few days later with similar results.


This may cause some people to believe their genes are to blame for their bad driving habits. However, there are a few issues to address before they can really jump to that conclusion.

• For one thing, this was a very small test. To really trust the results, the sample size would have to be much larger.

• Secondly, the test hasn’t been repeated, or if it has, the results haven’t been reported.

• If we want to be sure of results, the study should be completed again with a different sample group.

• Finally, there doesn’t seem to be a reliable test available commercially to find out if people have that gene variant. It’s hard to claim a genetic predisposition to drive badly when there’s no way to be sure a person actually has that gene.

In short, it might just be more cost effective to take online traffic school instead of doing a full gene mapping. ?

Nature Versus Nurture

Despite the lack of concrete evidence from the study, there may be another way in which driving skills are passed down. Most new drivers are taught how to drive by a parent. If that parent has some bad driving habits, those can easily be passed down to the teenager.

For example, imagine a man named John learned to drive in 1935. That was before turn signals were standard equipment on cars. John never got used to the turn signals once he had a car with them. Because of that, he might not have taught his son Jack in 1960. Jack then thinks turn signals are unnecessary and doesn’t teach them to his son James in 1985. Finally, James neglects teaching turn signals to his son Jimmy in 2010. Now there’s a guy driving around in 2018 without using his turn signal, all because his great-grandpa James never learned about them.

That’s an extreme hypothetical example, but the point still stands. Driving skills may not be genetic, but they can definitely be passed down. Bad drivers are not going to be the best teachers for their children. All those little habits that make them dangerous on the road are what their kids will learn. On the other hand, good habits can also be passed on. Safe drivers can teach their kids all their good habits, and those lessons will stick with those new drivers for life.

Ultimately, we need more proof before we can be sure genetics are linked to bad driving. Driving skills may or may not be hereditary, but they can definitely be inherited.

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Who Should Be Your Driving Instructor? Fri, 04 May 2018 00:43:42 +0000 It’s such an exciting time in your life! You’re finally legally able to take control of a car and learn to drive! You’ve been through the driver’s education course and…

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driving instructor

It’s such an exciting time in your life! You’re finally legally able to take control of a car and learn to drive! You’ve been through the driver’s education course and California driving school. You’ve taken the written test at the DMV. Your required six months with your permit has begun. Now all that is left is to complete your 50 hours of behind the wheel training. But who do you choose to accompany you for that 50 hours of training?

A Significant Other?

You and your significant other alone in a car together sounds like a dream, right? Wrong. That’s a dream for when you have your full license at age 18. That’s when it will be legal for you to drive minors. Your honey-bear isn’t old enough to teach you, and the distraction of having them around won’t help you learn. Look for some other options.

A Grandparent?

Completing a few hours with a grandparent may seem like a good idea. Depending on their temperament, driving with a grandparent could go one of two ways. First, they might not be too harsh on you, which seems like the best-case scenario. However, you want them to be observant and tell you when you’re doing something wrong. You need that feedback so that you can be the best driver possible when you do finally get your license. They might also go the exact other way. Your grandparents were raised in a different time, and they can be set in their ways. That doesn’t always make them patient teachers. The last thing you want is to take a turn too fast while driving with them. Then you’ll be hearing all about how you almost gave your grandfather a heart attack for the rest of time.

An Older Sibling?

Maybe you have a brother or sister that’s old enough to legally supervise you. (They’d have to be 25 years old, by the way). This seems like a great solution. You get your 50 hours done and you get to hang out with your cool older sibling! On the one hand, they might be more familiar with the material. After all, they did the same thing much more recently than your parents did. On the other hand, that means they have much less experience. People in the middle of their twenties also aren’t always known for their responsibility or excellent teaching methods either. You don’t want to be learning to drive with someone who is only giving the task half their attention. Especially if the other half of their attention is on completing their own online traffic school.

A Parent?

Listen, we all know learning to drive with one of your parents sounds lame. Driving is supposed to be fun, right? Spending a total of 50 hours in a small space with a concerned parent is the polar opposite of fun. Also, if you don’t both have the right attitude, this could be a great way to destroy a good relationship.

However, your parents have been planning how best to teach you to drive probably since you were born. They’ve given the subject countless hours of thought. They are more prepared to do this than anyone else in your life. In fact, if you don’t let them, they’ll probably be relieved, yes, but also a little let down. If you come from a single-parent family, your decision is already made for you. If you have both parents around, pick the safest driver and hit the road! If they’re both pretty great, go with the most patient. Mistakes are a part of learning. You’ll want to choose the person who understands that best. Alternately, split the time between them and give them 25 hours each. It would be good to get another perspective, and they won’t feel like you’re picking favorites.

Once you’ve completed your 50 hours, you’ll be ready for the next step! Have fun on the road!

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Avengers: Infinity War – Who Is the Worst and Best Driver? Mon, 30 Apr 2018 18:32:24 +0000 The newest Avengers movie came out this past weekend and crushed several records of ticket sales. Don’t worry! There are no spoilers in this…

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avengers infinity war defensive driving
The newest Avengers movie came out this past weekend and crushed several records of ticket sales. Don’t worry! There are no spoilers in this post, at least not for the newest movie. However, any Marvel movie up through Black Panther is fair game. Today we’ll look at some of the characters to see who should be allowed behind the wheel. Of course, they are frequently saving the world, so we can be a little more forgiving over who loses the battle for best driver.

Stephen Strange (AKA Doctor Strange)

Near the beginning of Doctor Strange, the title character is in a car accident. That accident is so catastrophic that he needed to learn magic powers to put his life back together. Doctor Strange may be a brilliant surgeon, but he is not a brilliant driver. Leading up to the accident, he was illegally passing other drivers in a very unsafe way. He was also looking at some X-rays while illegally passing another vehicle on a curving mountain road. When it comes to manipulating time to save the world, no one is better than Doctor Strange. Just don’t ever let him drive, unless he has passed a NYS defensive driving course.

Driving Grade: F-

Bucky Barnes (AKA the Winter Soldier)

The Winter Soldier causes a lot of chaos and destruction with near moving vehicles. To cause that much chaos, he needs to know how cars work, so he can quickly and efficiently destroy them. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he goes through the roof of Sam’s car to rip off the steering wheel. That seems like the best way to cripple a car, assuming you’ve got the metal arm necessary to pull it off. In Captain America: Civil War, we see him run a car off the road while riding his motorcycle. A motorcycle is at much more risk in a collision, but the Winter Soldier walks away unscathed after completing his mission. Bucky retains those skills even when his mind is his own. After all, who can forget his epic motorcycle theft in Civil War?

Driving Grade: D+

Tony Stark (AKA Iron Man)

Tony Stark has more money than anyone needs, so naturally, he has a ton of cars. At heart, Tony is a person who loves to tinker. That means he likely knows all of the ins and outs of all of his vehicles. He has even driven a race car, though briefly, before the race was interrupted by Whiplash. Unfortunately, cars do not seem to have a long lifespan around Tony. Maybe that’s why he frequently chooses to ride in the back. Cars with Tony Stark as a passenger tend to fare a little better than when he drives.

Driving Grade: B


Shuri may barely be old enough to drive, but to call her a quick learner would be a vast understatement. She may be the smartest person in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Many people are actually looking forward to Infinity War just to see her crush everyone else with her intellect. In Black Panther, we saw her controlling T’Challa’s car from her holographic interface in Wakanda. She’s so smart she doesn’t even need a physical car to be the best driver on the road.

Driving Grade: A

Natasha Romanoff (AKA Black Widow)

We have seen Natasha control all sorts of vehicles at this point. To name a few, she was piloting a quinjet in The Avengers. We saw her driving a very nice Corvette in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Finally, she spent some time riding a motorcycle in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Given Natasha’s training, she probably knows everything there is to know about each of those vehicles. That very definitely includes how to drive each safely. On the occasions where she does get into an accident, it’s not due to her lack of skill. (See, for example, the steering wheel problem listed under #4 of this list.) All in all, she’s the best driver in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Driving Grade: A+

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The (Possible) Stories Behind Weird Traffic Laws Fri, 30 Mar 2018 18:03:06 +0000 Ever heard that it’s illegal to drive with a gorilla in the backseat in Massachusetts? Unfortunately, that one is just an urban legend, but even so, almost every state has…

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weird traffic laws
Ever heard that it’s illegal to drive with a gorilla in the backseat in Massachusetts? Unfortunately, that one is just an urban legend, but even so, almost every state has at least one weird traffic law that just seems crazy. Sometimes it’s because the law made sense when it came into being, but now it’s outdated, and no one has removed it from the books. Sometimes it’s because something so insane happened that a law needed to be created to prevent it happening again. To my utter devastation, most of the stories and logic behind those hilarious traffic laws remain a secret, so here’s some wild speculation about what could explain them.

Alaska’s Car-Surfing Dogs

Alaska is a huge state, and for many years, the best mode of transportation was riding a sled pulled by a team of dogs. In modern times, we have online traffic school and cars, so dog sledding has fallen by the wayside, except sometimes as a sport or as a tourist attraction. However, when people were first transitioning from sleds to cars, perhaps there was some confusion.

If a driver was leaving the house and traveling to town, how could he not take his dogs? For one, the dogs themselves would feel sad and rejected when left behind, especially if they were used to having a run every time their owner left the house. Secondly, what if the newfangled driving machine doesn’t work and breaks down in the middle of the frozen tundra? The driver would want a backup, so it’s time to pack the portable sled.

However, those are large and there just isn’t that much room in a car, so where do the dogs go? Time to strap them to the roof of the car! Unfortunately, that’s not exactly safe for our canine friends. The dogs might have been having fun, but the law rightfully cracked down on their behalf.

Florida’s Alligators Impersonating Cars

In the state of Florida, if a person leashes an alligator to a parking meter, that person is required to feed the meter as if a car was parked there. The law may sound ridiculous, but think about it. No one else is going to be able to park in that space. There’s an alligator there! If that space is occupied, it should be making the city money, so remember to bring change if you’d like to bring your pet alligator into the city in Florida.

New Mexico’s Taxi Kidnappers

Almost anywhere in Los Angeles, at any time of the day or night, a person can log in to their Uber account and see at least five drivers nearby. Maybe there was a time when New Mexico was experiencing a similar saturation of taxis. Taxi drivers need riders to get paid, and too much competition could mean a driver won’t make rent.

What’s the solution to this problem? Kidnapping, of course! Imagine the chaos of desperate cab drivers pulling potential customers into their cabs, driving them safely to their destination, then letting them go. Imagine the confusion of those passengers. Luckily, New Mexico has made it illegal for taxi drivers to physically pull potential customers off the street and into their cabs.

Hands Off Others’ Horns in Missouri

Have you ever accidentally hit a dip in the road too fast, then heard and felt your bumper scrape the road? Did you reflexively say, “Ow!” even though it didn’t actually hurt you? That happens because drivers sometimes view their cars as extensions of their bodies. If that is true, honking another driver’s horn is a serious violation of their personal space, the equivalent of hitting them on the nose.

Plus, a horn is personal to each driver. Every driver has a certain way to handle the horn. For some people, they’ll hit the horn for absolutely everything, whether it’s someone taking half a second to go at a green light or just because they’re stuck in traffic in a tunnel. Those people clearly enjoy honking their horn and might be possessive of it.

At the opposite end of the spectrum are the drivers who will only honk their horns if another driver is actively endangering lives. In that case, shouldn’t we give those drivers the joy of hitting their own horns on the rare occasions when they need to?

If there’s anyone out there who knows the actual reasons these laws came into being, please sound off in the comments!

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How Would Jesus Drive? Thu, 11 Jan 2018 22:41:57 +0000 It seems like these days, we hear story after story about road rage, especially in busy cities like New York. You’ve likely seen someone drive this way or heard the stories. Driver gets angry at another…

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how would Jesus drive

It seems like these days, we hear story after story about road rage, especially in busy cities like New York. You’ve likely seen someone drive this way or heard the stories. Driver gets angry at another driver for cutting them off, not letting them into the lane or for operating a vehicle at unsafe speeds. Gestures are exchanged, perhaps even a verbal or physical confrontation between two or more parties occurs. Rinse and repeat.

Now, it’s worth mentioning that in our NY defensive driving course, we offer instruction on what to do if you’re ever in such a situation and how to quickly calm yourself down if you become angry at another driver so that road rage incidents don’t escalate into potentially violent encounters. But this post will focus more on the theme from Pope Francis’ annual New Year’s homily. In it, he praised the everyday kind person as the individual that has the most influence on society. Specifically, he addressed driving behavior.

Moving in Traffic with Sense and Prudence

We’re all seemingly in a hurry these days. Places to go, people to see, deadlines to meet. Time is money and money is time. This behavior is often exhibited on the roads, as drivers are hesitant to let people into their lanes in times of congested traffic, honk when even the smallest slight is perceived and speed up rather than slow down.

That’s why it was refreshing to hear Pope Francis praise drivers who operate their vehicles with a sense and prudence in his annual homily. Is this how you drive? Or are you in such a hurry to get to your destination that you drive with an “every driver for themselves” mentality? The latter is not how Jesus would drive.

How Would Jesus Drive?

Obviously, the automobile was nowhere close to being invented in the days of Jesus, but we can glean a great deal of insight from Jesus’ teachings on how he would have operated a vehicle should it have been around. Jesus, being a welcoming and accepting individual, would have driven in a way that helped mold the community that he was trying to build. For instance, we’re betting Jesus would have exhibited some of the following driving behavior:

• Always allowing others to merge into his lane in front of his automobile to foster a community of friendliness.

• Always giving a “thank you” wave to those who allowed him to merge or take the right of way.

• Slowing down instead of speeding up if it meant helping other drivers on the road or pedestrians on the streets.

• Pulling over to the side of the road to speak on a cell phone, check his phone or reach for an errant object in the vehicle as a means of not disrupting traffic or risking driving in a distracted manner.

• Conceding an open parking spot to another vehicle that appeared to be vying for it.

• Waiting to parallel park until traffic cleared and he wouldn’t risk stopping traffic to do so.

• Always allowing pedestrians to cross public streets, even when there’s no designated cross walk area.

As you might realize, how we drive says a lot about who we are as people and what type of a community we’re encouraging. It’s why it was made a point in the Pope’s New Year’s address. In addition to promoting a more welcoming community, driving in a kind manner is also likely to lead to safer all-around driving. We’ll cover many of these points in our defensive driving course. But we leave you with this: What’s your hurry? Slow down, be kind and drive safe.

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Comedy Defensive Driving in Nevada Wed, 22 Nov 2017 22:14:15 +0000 When most Nevada residents get a ticket, they either pay it or fight it in court. But little do Nevadans know that there are other ways that you can remove…

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nv comedy defensive driving

When most Nevada residents get a ticket, they either pay it or fight it in court. But little do Nevadans know that there are other ways that you can remove points from your driving record – and one entertaining yet effective way is by taking a NV comedy defensive driving course.

Why Take NV Defensive Driving?

• To shave points off your license, like we noted above, to keep your driving record favorable and your insurance rates manageable.

• Voluntarily, usually to proactively save money on car insurance premiums.

• Court-ordered: Typically, if a plea bargain is reached between a defendant and the court in a driving-related offense, a defensive driving course may be ordered as part of it.

This post will take a closer look at the advantages of taking a comedy defensive driving course. Here’s a look:

Point Reduction

Most people enroll in a defensive driving course when they don’t want a citation to go on their driving record. The more points on one’s driver’s license, the higher their insurance rates will climb. After all, drivers deemed to be more at-risk are going to pay for it one way or another. Enrolling in – and completing – a defensive driving course can essentially prevent a citation from going on your record in many cases. If you have anywhere from three to 11 points against your driving record in the state of Nevada, then you’re eligible to take a defensive driving course. Upon successful completion, drivers will have three points removed from their license.

Depending on what you were cited for, the points you accrue vary. For instance, in Nevada, you can be dinged for eight points against your license for reckless driving. Tailgating and failing to yield are four-point penalties. Even driving with your brights on can hit you with a two-point penalty. If you rack up too many points, your license may be suspended or revoked.

Fun, Entertaining Driver’s Education

So, what’s the difference between a typical defensive driving course and a comedy defensive driving course? Fitting to its name, a comedy defensive driving course blends entertainment with education. The defensive driving course that tops the list was co-created by the Improv Comedy Club with the goal of creating a curriculum that’s far from dull and boring.

Many drivers enter a defensive driving program just to get through it, pass it and get the points reduced from their license. But that doesn’t mean that the course has to be boring. The Improv’s curriculum is fun, exciting and engaging – and studies show that when students are better engaged and more enthusiastic about learning, they’re more likely to retain the information that is taught.

Contact Improv Traffic Safety Course Today

An Online Comedy Traffic School by Improv is DMV-licensed, so you can rest assured that there will be no hang-ups getting the necessary points removed from your license come completion. And you don’t have to take time out of your busy day to travel to a brick and mortar location – their classes are hosted online and can be easily accessed from a tablet, computer or smartphone. Don’t just enroll in any defensive driving course, enroll in one that’s fun.

In the state of Nevada, you’re only permitted to voluntarily take a defensive driving program once a year. Why not enjoy the course that you enroll in to make it more worth your while? For more information go to:

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TX Defensive Driving Comedy Wed, 15 Nov 2017 22:01:54 +0000 Everyone has a funny driving story. Some are unusual, some are silly – but no matter what type of driving story you have to tell, we’re sure that there’s some…

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tx defensive driving comedy
Everyone has a funny driving story. Some are unusual, some are silly – but no matter what type of driving story you have to tell, we’re sure that there’s some sort of entertainment value in it. And in the case that your driving story warranted a citation, there’s usually a defensive driving course that can help reduce any fines, offset ticket points, potentially lead to lower insurance premiums and, above all, just give you the proper refresher on how to drive safely the next time you might be in a similar situation.

With that said, here’s a look at some of the funny driving stories we’ve heard in our defensive driving courses from students over the years:

Speeding to the Hospital to Have a Baby

You can never prepare for the exact time a baby will arrive, which is why it’s important to have the hospital bag packed and waiting by the door to grab as you run out the door around the due date. But what happens when your wife goes into labor at home and you’re in such a rush to get to the hospital that you forget her? That’s what happened to one of our former students, as he was pulled over by the police for speeding. When he explained that he needed to get his wife to the hospital to have a baby, he expected the police officer to say, “Follow me,” and light up the squad car. But the officer gave a bewildered reaction and calmly proclaimed, “I think you may have forgotten something.”

In the end, mom made it to the hospital with time to spare and gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Um, That’s Not the Stick Shift

One of our students was taking their driving test in a manual transmission vehicle. The driving test instructor, per the usual, was sitting in the passenger’s seat. Things were going well until the student mistook the driving instructor’s thigh for the stick shift. Though a bit awkward at first, both the student and the instructor had a good laugh about it once they realized what had happened. The student wound up passing the test. Wink, wink.

Traffic Jam Karaoke

Though traffic jams aren’t usually met with excitement and laughter, that wasn’t the case with a recent student of ours. She was caught in rush hour traffic, combined with a traffic accident that blocked two of the three lanes of highway she was driving on. Needless to say, traffic wasn’t going anywhere fast as all the vehicles had to go from three lanes down to just one. But instead of letting the traffic jam get to her, this student cranked up the radio, rolled down the windows and changed the channel until she found a song she knew. Before she knew it, she realized that other drivers around her had done the same thing, and were belting out the same song. If you can’t beat the traffic, you might as well join it… in full-fledged song.

Ultimate Sledding

What do you get when you mix teenage hijinks with extreme sports? Ultimate sledding! One of our students told us a story about how he and his friends used to attach a sled and rope to his friend’s truck hitch and then they’d take turns sledding through neighborhoods after a nice snowfall. His fun came to an end one day when a resident phoned the police. They got off with nothing more than a warning, but were told that if they were caught again they wouldn’t be as fortunate. Oh well, albeit a bit dangerous, it sounds like a fun way to shovel the snow!

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Is Comedy Traffic School Legit? Mon, 23 Oct 2017 20:20:59 +0000 Being nabbed for speeding, driving recklessly or another traffic violation is no laughing matter. However, you can enjoy plenty of laughs at . You read that right. Comedy traffic school…

The post Is Comedy Traffic School Legit? appeared first on MyImprov.

comedy traffic school legit
Being nabbed for speeding, driving recklessly or another traffic violation is no laughing matter. However, you can enjoy plenty of laughs at . You read that right. Comedy traffic school is legit, and an absolute blast. So, don’t enroll in any old NY defensive driving course after you receive your ticket. Improv Comedy Traffic School & Defensive Driving lets you reduce the points on your driver’s license and keep your auto insurance rate in check while keeping you thoroughly entertained. This is the engaging defensive driving course you are looking for.

Have Fun While You Learn how to Drive in a Defensive Manner

Ask anyone who has participated in Improv Comedy Traffic School and they will testify it is as legit as it gets. There is no sense attending a boring traffic school class when you can be thoroughly engaged and humored via an online course or in-person classroom course. Think of how nice it will be to have fun, laugh and smile while learning about how to best prevent accidents and tickets. Plenty of studies have been conducted to gauge the effectiveness of these nontraditional defensive driving courses. Each has determined comedy traffic schools really do prove highly effective at minimizing subsequent traffic tickets and accidents.

Safe Driving is Certainly Serious Yet It Doesn’t Have to be Boring

You will learn all the rules of the road and the best strategies to avoid accidents and tickets at This is undoubtedly serious subject matter yet the serious nature of safe driving does not have to be dreadfully boring. Comedy traffic school makes learning about how to drive defensively humorous, entertaining and enjoyable. This creative approach to teaching defensive driving strategies is exactly what you need to be fully engaged with the course material and drive in the safest manner possible, and yes – it will also count towards New York’s Insurance Law and provide a 10% reduction for three years on your current liability, no-fault and collision premiums.

Addressing the True Causes of Accidents

Research shows most auto accidents are the result of human error. The driver’s lack of attention, wrong attitude or other flaw is almost always the true cause of the subsequent vehicle damage and driver/passenger injuries. Improv Comedy Traffic School used this research as the basis for our unique approach to teaching defensive driving. In fact, we relied on psychologists who understand the unique psychology of driving to help formulate our course material and approach to teaching. The best part is the material is delivered with a heavy dose of humor. We have successfully converted fairly dry information into highly intriguing, funny and engaging material that successfully addresses the real causes of accidents.

Approved by the Experts

These Defensive Driving education courses are approved by the state of NY, NY DMV and all NY Insurance companies. Numerous jurisdictions across the United States have approved our material and approach. So, don’t hesitate to sign up for a defensive driving course with Improv, especially if you received a ticket in
New Jersey,
New Mexico,
Virginia, or
New York.
You can rest easy knowing the traffic school experts are fully on board with this unique way of teaching defensive driving tactics. If the authorities have given comedy traffic school the green light, you should too! This is the entertaining traffic school course of your dreams.

Have a Laugh While Learning Safe Driving Techniques

We teach all the important aspects of defensive driving without boring you. The bottom line is those who teach traditional traffic school courses are quite boring when compared to our comical instructors online and off. Though other schools certainly know a lot about traffic and the laws of the road, they are not exactly the most engaging teachers. Improv serves traffic school with a smile.

They know how to present this somewhat boring material in a manner that keeps you fully interested – and interested learners are more likely to absorb class material and ultimately become better drivers.

The post Is Comedy Traffic School Legit? appeared first on MyImprov.

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