How To Archives | MyImprov Defensive Driving Wed, 29 Nov 2023 09:34:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Archives | MyImprov 32 32 210546214 How to Teach a Teen to Drive Fri, 30 Oct 2020 17:17:30 +0000 The time comes in every teen’s life where they learn how to drive a car. This ceremony is a milestone in their life because it grants them the freedom one…

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How to teach teen to drive

The time comes in every teen’s life where they learn how to drive a car. This ceremony is a milestone in their life because it grants them the freedom one gets from driving wherever they want, whenever they want.

This means the responsibility of educating your teen falls on you, the parent. You know how to drive, but do you know how to educate someone on how to drive?
Before you ride shotgun with someone with zero driving experience, and while they’re taking an online drivers education course, understand what to expect and how to plan when teaching your teen how to drive a car.

At What Age Should You Teach Your Child to Drive?

When your teen gets old enough, they will be expected to learn how to operate a car and get their driver’s license. You should show your child how to drive a car around the age of 16.
Around this age, teens want to go places. Whether it’s on dates or hanging out with friends, your teen will have a social life developing, and this is the best time they can learn to use the family van.

But you do not have to wait until your teen is 16 years old to drive. Some teens will express interest at an earlier age. You can decide whether they’re ready to learn based on their curiosity and competency.

How Do I Teach my 16-year-old to Drive?

Many parents don’t know how to help their kids learn to drive. When you trust your teen and you believe they have the ability to build this new skillset, you can start the teaching process. There is a lot that goes into teaching your teen how to operate a vehicle. So, here are 13 tips to help you show your 16-year-old how to drive:

1. Get them excited about driving

When your teen is excited to learn, they will become more willing to listen. Excitement goes a long way when learning new skills. It encourages people to take initiative and go the extra mile to understand something. So, when you show your teen the importance of operating a car, they will become excited, knowing that it’s the next step toward personal freedom. When they’re ready, the teaching can begin.

2. Create a practice schedule

You and your teen should commit to a practice schedule. Look at a calendar and choose several days in a week to block off time for driving. Then, decide how long you want them to practice. Make sure you’re setting these days and times in advance to hold you and your teen accountable.

3. Make goals for every session

Set a goal every session. By setting a goal, you have a clear objective when your teen gets behind the wheel. This will help break down a possibly overwhelming lesson plan. Also, goals will help your new driver focus on one lesson at a time.

4. Set a comfortable pace

As the parent, you set the pace. But you should consider where your teen is in their learning process. When you take into consideration the pace of your teen, then you can work with them at a pace that is comfortable to them. When your teen is comfortable, you can ensure a safer lesson without triggering anxiety from being overwhelmed.

5. Start small

Remember, the only driving experience your teen has is from watching you, the movies, or from playing video games. In other words, not much. They are a new driver, so you should show them the basics first. Everyone remembers maneuvering a car in an empty parking lot for one reason: it’s easy. Start them in an empty parking lot with little to no obstacles and have them familiarize themselves with the vehicle. Then, your next lessons can build upon this key first step.

6. Always encourage safe driving

Seat belts, rearview mirrors, and getting the seat adjusted are a few things teens should do when sitting in the driver seat. Parents should always encourage their teens to practice defensive driving and taking the extra steps to be safe while on the roads. Road safety is one of the most important lessons parents can teach their student drivers.

7. Show them good habits

Keep in mind, your teens will look to you for guidance on how to conduct themselves behind the wheel. A new driver will look to a seasoned driver to know what to do on the road. If you practice bad driving habits, then, chances are, your teen will too. Understand which habits make good drivers and emulate those. By doing so, you will introduce them to safe driving habits. That reassures them, and it reassures you that your teen will be safe on the roads.

8. Drive in good weather conditions

Practice driving in appropriate weather conditions. If it is their first time behind the wheel, don’t have them go on a busy highway during a torrential downpour. Keep them comfortable and you will have a comfortable ride. If the weather conditions are too harsh on a scheduled driving practice day, then you should consider rescheduling.

9. Be clear and specific

New teen drivers are prone to information overload. If you give them generic direction, then your teen might not understand what you’re referring to, which can result in a collision. When you’re giving them instructions or directions, refrain from using “right” as an affirmation. Instead, use “correct” or “yes.” Also, give them advance notice when you would like them to make a turn or other traffic maneuver. This will reduce misunderstanding and the risk of an incident.

10. Don’t forget to cover parking

There’s one thing you should remember to focus on: parking. So, how can you teach your teenager how to park a car? Familiarize yourself with the three types of parking:

● 90-degree parking
● Angle parking
● Parallel parking

When you’re comfortable with these maneuvers, schedule time with them to show them how to park. Don’t forget to make sure you understand the correct handling to park properly. This will help your teenager to know what to do to safely and successfully park the car.

11. Challenge them

One of the best ways people improve in a skill is by being challenged. This forces them outside of their comfort zone (the empty parking lot). When they overcome the challenge, their driving skills improve, and their self-confidence does too. So, when you’re scheduling practices, think about how you can challenge your teen driver.

12. Test their knowledge

As they start driving on the roads, test their knowledge. Ask them what the speed limit is, how many cars are approaching them, or which is the best lane they should be in at the moment. This will train them to look for important information while driving, such as road signs and how fast they’re driving.

13. Have patience

We want our teenagers to be the best at everything. But one flaw all humans have is the inability to be perfect right away. Teaching your teen to drive takes time, so when you’re driving around lamp posts in a parking lot or switching lanes on a highway, remember to be patient with your child. If they make an error, don’t get angry, or if they feel nervous, don’t push them too much. By doing so, you keep them motivated to improve.

How Does a Scared Teenager Learn to Drive?

Not all teenagers are enthusiastic about driving. In fact, some are downright terrified. Understanding the rules of the road for some can be overwhelming.
Before you push your teen to operate a car, you should see how comfortable they are with the idea. Some teenagers are scared to get behind the wheel. In this situation, here are some tips you can use to help a scared teen driver:

Hear their perspective

When someone is scared, their brain tells them they’re in danger. If your teenager is scared about driving, then they are perceiving a danger surrounding it. That’s why you should hear their perspective. Let them know that you understand their fear. This will help them feel heard so they can start overcoming this fear.

Show them the importance of driving

When they’re ready to listen, show them the importance of driving and the empowerment it brings. They may be letting the fear outweigh the excitement that comes with learning a new skill. Show them the perks of driving, and it can turn something scary into something exciting.

Expose them to driving and reinforce positive development

Introduce driving to them in small bite sizes. You can introduce them to the car without switching gears or leaving the driveway. When you create a safe environment for your teenager, they will let go of the fear they had about driving. Also, positively reinforce good behavior. When they show interest or start driving, you should encourage them. This will help them develop driving skills.

Be patient and let them show interest

The last thing you want to do is pressure your teenager into driving. This will turn them off from learning and create a dangerous environment for them and yourself. Work at a comfortable pace and remember to be patient. Don’t lose your temper and encourage secondhand road rage. Helping your scared teenager takes time, which requires patience from the parent.

Enroll them into a driving school

Finally, you can enroll your teenager into driving school. Professionals can help your teenager become comfortable with operating a vehicle. They have experience working with students from every background and skill level. By doing so, you are guaranteeing them a safe educational experience.

Final Thoughts on Teaching a Teen to Drive

Your teenager has reached a milestone in their life. They’re learning to drive so they can embrace a greater sense of freedom. As a parent, this is an exciting time to show your teens the important skills necessary to help them become better drivers. Always be patient and considerate when you are teaching your teen how to operate a vehicle. When you do, you help your teenager to drive better and create a safer road for everyone.

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]]> 0 52174
3 Signs it Might be Time to Replace Your Windshield Wipers Fri, 07 Dec 2018 21:31:24 +0000 Have you ever been driving through a rainstorm and your windshield wipers were so old and worn that you couldn’t see in front of…

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Have you ever been driving through a rainstorm and your windshield wipers were so old and worn that you couldn’t see in front of you? Windshield wipers are meant to be changed periodically for this very reason. In fact, it is one of the things you learn when you take an online defensive driving course for driver safety.

It is important for your safety, as well as that of your passengers to know when windshield wiper replacement is needed and how to install windshield wipers on your vehicle. Believe us when we say that waiting until your windshield wipers are so bad that you can’t see during an unexpected rainstorm is not a good idea. Here are some telltale signs that it is windshield wiper replacement time:

Replace Your Windshield Wipers When…

  1. There is streaking or hazing on your windshield during snow or rain
  2. They are making a loud or chattering noise, which indicates they are not working to clean the window smoothly
  3. The rubber on your windshield wipers is cracked or split or the metal arm is cracked or bent out of shape

Typically, windshield wipers need to be replaced every 6 months unless you are having any of the above issues before that time. Clean windshield wipers that are functioning properly are crucial for driving safely in any season.

If you are not sure about properly maintaining your vehicle properly for safety, consider taking an online traffic school and defensive driving course like the ones offered at the Traffic School by Improv Comedy Club. These helpful classes can be taken by drivers of any age to ensure you and your passengers are always safe & prepared for anything that might happen while driving. The experienced team at Traffic School by Improv Comedy Club knows that driver safety is no joking matter, so they offer a variety of online traffic school classes to ensure everyone can best the best driver possible…and have a little bit of fun while learning road safety.

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]]> 0 45503
How to Parallel Park in 5 Steps Fri, 30 Nov 2018 17:03:57 +0000 One of the most difficult things to master when learning how to drive is parallel parking. Unfortunately, we all must know how to parallel park in order to earn our…

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One of the most difficult things to master when learning how to drive is parallel parking. Unfortunately, we all must know how to parallel park in order to earn our driver’s license. Parallel parking can be a bit overwhelming at first, but with these instructions and a little bit of patience, you should be able to master the art of parallel parking in a jiffy!

Follow These Steps to Perfectly Parallel Park Every Time

  1. Once you find your parking spot, signal your intention with your blinker and position your vehicle so that the back tires of your car are aligned with the back bumper of the car you intend to park behind
  2. Shift your vehicle into reverse, and turn your wheels as far as they will go to the right
  3. Slowly back up into the parking space and stop when your vehicle is at a 45-degree angle
  4. Next, turn your wheels all the way to the left
  5. Continue to reverse and back up into the spot until your vehicle is parallel with the curb

Your vehicle should now be safely parked within a foot of the curb and will get better over time as you become more experienced. Don’t hesitate to practice at home using cones or cardboard boxes to mark your “parking spot.”

Perfect Your Parallel Parking to Avoid Parking Tickets!

If you should happen to receive a parking ticket due to your lack of parallel parking skills, you should definitely consider enrolling in a defensive driving traffic school. An online accredited defensive driving school can help reduce points on your license, as well as keep your auto insurance rates down. In addition, an online traffic school can also help teens who are just learning to drive and parallel park become safer more educated drivers.

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How to Fight a Handicapped Parking Ticket Thu, 29 Nov 2018 20:57:08 +0000 If you have had the misfortune of receiving a handicapped parking ticket, you know how that can negatively affect your license points and even lead to an increase in your…

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If you have had the misfortune of receiving a handicapped parking ticket, you know how that can negatively affect your license points and even lead to an increase in your auto insurance rates. If you are looking for tips about how to fight traffic tickets to reduce license points, there are several ways, including taking a state-approved traffic school course.

Getting a Handicapped Parking Ticket is a Serious Offense in Most States

Most states view handicapped parking violations among the most serious types of traffic tickets and give harsh penalties. Fines for getting a handicapped parking ticket typically range from $250 to $450, in addition to the license points you may receive with your traffic ticket.

When and How to Fight a Handicapped Parking Ticket

If you have received a handicapped parking ticket and you have a valid parking permit, simply request that the traffic ticket be dismissed by completing the Affidavit of Compliance that came with the ticket and send it to the county parking enforcement offices. If you have no permit, you will need to use the following defenses in order to fight a handicapped parking ticket and possibly avoid the penalty:

  • Indicate the lack of proper signage
  • Prove the handicapped space is redundant
  • Show that you were not parked in a prohibited spot

Consider a State Approved Traffic School Course for a Reduction of License Points

If you have received a handicapped parking ticket, consider an accredited state-approved traffic school course for a possible reduction of license points and auto insurance rates. Most states offer a reduction in license points and possible fines once a driver has completed a defensive driving class. Register online here today to get started!

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]]> 0 45473
A How to Guide on Fixing Brakes Thu, 29 Nov 2018 19:13:57 +0000 An important part of driving safely is making sure your car is always in tip-top shape. One major pointer for driver safety is to make sure the brakes of your…

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An important part of driving safely is making sure your car is always in tip-top shape. One major pointer for driver safety is to make sure the brakes of your car function properly. When you hear that tell-tale squeak when you hit the pedal, you know it’s time to consider fixing brakes on your ride.

Why Do Brakes Squeak?

Brake squeaking is a common warning sign that you might want to consider fixing brakes on your vehicle. This annoying and potentially dangerous squeaking can be caused by a variety of conditions including:

  • Worn brake pads
  • Glazed brake pads and rotors
  • Damaged anti-rattle clips or shims
  • No pad insulation
  • Faulty or no rotor surface cut

Fixing Brakes That Squeak

Fixing brakes that squeak can be an easy fix in most cases. Here are a few ways to end the squeaking and ensure your vehicle is driving safely:

  • Change the Pads – Changing the pads to ones made from a different type of friction material such as ceramic or metallic pads can stop the noise.
  • Spray the Pads – A quick spray of a simple aerosol, which is sold at most auto parts stores, can reduce squeaking by spraying it on the brake pad’s friction material.
  • Add a Shim – Adding some Teflon shims to decouple the piston from the pad can stop squeaking brakes. Be sure to place the shim between the brake pad and the caliper’s hydraulic piston to be effective.
  • Make Some Adjustments – Coating the back of the brake pad’s backing plates with brake grease will give a quick but temporary fix, as it will wash away eventually due to rain and road dirt.

Driver Safety and Defensive Driving at Traffic School

If driving safely is a priority for you, consider a driver safety class at an accredited online traffic school. Take advantage of our free express registration and get going in less than one minute. Get started with your defensive driving course today!

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]]> 0 45466
Find Your CA Court Thu, 18 Oct 2018 19:28:54 +0000 The immediate feeling one usually gets after receiving a traffic ticket is anger. Then sadness. Then maybe confusion because you do not know what to do next. Let us take it from here. The first step…

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ca traffic school court
The immediate feeling one usually gets after receiving a traffic ticket is anger. Then sadness. Then maybe confusion because you do not know what to do next. Let us take it from here.

The first step to handling your ticket is to contact the court that gave it you. From there – you can either pay the ticket fine, pay the ticket fine plus a traffic school administrative fee (we highly recommend this to avoid having points go on your record), or you can fight the ticket.

Lets get you to step one:

Find Your Court

Superior Court Location Contact Pay Ticket
Alameda Location Contact Pay Here
Alpine Location Contact
Amador Location Contact Pay Here
Butte Location Contact Pay Here
Calaveras Location Contact Pay Here
Colusa Location Contact Pay Here
Contra Costa Location Contact Pay Here
Del Norte Location Contact Pay Here
El Dorado Location Contact Pay Here
Fresno Location Contact Pay Here
Glenn Location Contact Pay Here
Humboldt Location Contact Pay Here
Imperial Location Contact Pay Here
Inyo Location Contact Pay Here
Kern Location Contact Pay Here
Kings Location Contact Pay Here
Lake Location Contact Pay Here
Lassen Location Contact Pay Here
Los Angeles Location Contact Pay Here
Madera Location Contact Pay Here
Marin Location Contact Pay Here
Mariposa Location Contact Pay Here
Mendocino Pay Here
Merced Location Contact Pay Here
Modoc Location Contact Pay Here
Mono Location Contact
Monterey Location Contact Pay Here
Napa Location Contact Pay Here
Nevada Location Contact Pay Here
Orange Location Contact
Placer Location Contact Pay Here
Plumas Location Contact Pay Here
Sacramento Location Contact Pay Here
San Benito Location Contact Pay Here
San Bernardino Location Contact
San Diego Location Contact Pay Here
San Francisco Location Contact
San Joaquin Location Contact
San Luis Obispo Location Contact
San Mateo Location Contact Pay Here
Santa Clara Location Contact
Santa Cruz Location Contact Pay Here
Shasta Location Contact Pay Here
Sierra Location Contact
Siskiyou Location Contact Pay Here
Solano Location Contact Pay Here
Sonoma Location Contact Pay Here
Sutter Location Contact
Trinity Location Contact Pay Here
Tulare Location Contact Pay Here
Tuolumne Location Contact Pay Here
Ventura Location Contact Pay Here
Yolo Location Contact Pay Here
Yuba Location Contact Pay Here

Once you’ve paid your ticket and the option to take CA traffic school, you can now take the course in person or to take it online, CLICK HERE

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]]> 0 44976
Check Your TLC Application Status Wed, 10 Oct 2018 23:05:49 +0000 In New York, if you want to operate a Taxi business or be a Taxi or Uber driver, you need to have completed a defensive driving course and your must…

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tlc application defensive driving

In New York, if you want to operate a Taxi business or be a Taxi or Uber driver, you need to have completed a defensive driving course and your must have a TLC license. TLC means the Taxi and Limousine Association, an agency created in 1971 and tasked with regulating and licensing New York’s taxicabs, for-hire vehicles, and commuter vans. This association has a board whose commission consists of nine members, eight of them don’t receive a salary. The only salaried person is the chair, and his duty is to preside over the public commission meetings.

Notably, TLC regulates and licenses more than fifty thousand vehicles and more than one hundred thousand drivers. Also, the agency performs emissions and safety inspections of the cross to fourteen thousand taxicabs, three times every year. Moreover, the agency makes biennial inspections of all their TLC-licensed vehicles, making it the most active licensing regulatory agency in the U.S. Want to know how to get TLC license? Easy! Apply for TLC license by following the steps below.

Submitting an Online License Application

TLC has an official website where you can submit your license application online. You can do this by downloading and filling out the TLC application form. This way, you can easily retrieve and turn in your TLC application without much hassle.

You can complete the application by selecting the “apply for a new license” button which is located on the left side of the page. After which, you will be required to select the “type driver” application you are seeking. The driver license types include Street Hail Livery (SHL) driver, for-hire, and medallion. Select one amongst these. Upon receiving your application number, save it or memorize since you will need it when completing the rest of the license requirements. You should then regularly check your TLC application status.

Steps to Acquiring TLC License

There are several steps you need to follow before acquiring your TLC license. However, TLC license requirements are cheap and essential. If you do everything properly, you will no longer have problems with the NYC traffic department. The steps for TLC new application are listed and expounded below.

Upgrade your License

In New York, you will get an NYC license after successfully completing your driving course. To complete the TLC license application, you first need to upgrade the NYC license to become a class E license. This is essential if you plan to drive taxis around the city. The upgrade can cost you between $21 and $28, depending on your age and driving experience.

Take a Defensive Driving Course

To keep your license in good standing, you will need to take a defensive driving course every 18 months. The defensive driving course only takes six hours in New York. It includes information about safe driving and traffic laws. You can either take an online course or an in-person one which makes it very convenient. The cost varies from $30 to $40 depending on the company you choose. After finishing the course, you will get the certificate within seven business days.

Get a Medical Exam

The TLC agency requires all drivers to be fit to ensure that they can drive vehicles safely. As such, you need to visit your physician to get a comprehensive physical examination. After the examination, the physician will fill out and stamp the medical report. This medical exam report can be downloaded and printed from the TLC website.

Take a Drug Test

You can take a drug test anywhere within New York, but it is recommended that you take it in an area near the TLC office. To get the test, all you need to do is to show your driving license and pay a $26 fee. After that, a urine sample will be taken, and the results of the test will be forwarded to TLC. If you successfully pass all of your tests, you will get your TLC Certification.
If you wish to operate or drive for an Uber business in New York, Uber TLC is a necessity, and you can only acquire it by following the above-described procedure. Remember to check your TLC new application status regularly in case additional information is needed.

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]]> 0 44774
Get AAA Roadside Assistance Now, Call for Triple A Towing Wed, 10 Oct 2018 19:26:12 +0000 It is a fact that vehicles break down or other incidents may happen on the road causing your journey to come to a halt.…

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traffic school aaa roadside

It is a fact that vehicles break down or other incidents may happen on the road causing your journey to come to a halt. If these events happen, remember to use one of the lessons learned from CA traffic school online, and use your AAA card. Fortunately, with AAA member services, you can be back on the road in no time. Here is why you should consider Triple AAA insurance for your roadside assistance needs.

24/7 Customer Service

AAA customer service is available around the clock to take care of your needs when on the road. Moreover, the company has fast response units; able to come to your rescue within a short time upon making a distress call. You are assured of assistance whenever you need it.

Get Assistance Wherever You Are

Triple A auto insurance has branches spread out across the country. If you have been wondering, ‘Is there a triple A near me? Then worry no more. You can access the roadside service wherever you are across the USA and Canada in no time. Enjoy peace of mind on the road knowing that someone has got your back covered.

In addition, you can use the Triple A service even if you are carpooling with a friend or family member. The triple A membership provides the benefits to members and not a given vehicle. It means that if you are with someone who has car problems; you can help them get roadside assistance with your card.

Towing assistance

Triple A towing offers to tow your vehicle when it is immobilized due to a mechanical, electrical failure or due to an accident. The vehicle is towed to the nearest garage for fixing. This saves you from spending lots of time on the road trying to fix a problem or waiting for a service center technician to fix your car. The service also guarantees your safety, which comes in extra handy if your vehicle breaks down near an unsafe location, woods or in foul weather. Triple A prioritizes calls made by people in dangerous and unsafe places to get them out of danger as soon as possible.

Prompt Service

All members should always have the AAA phone number with them when they are on the road. This enables them to call AAA swiftly when they run into problems on the road. There is always someone on the other side waiting to respond to their needs or answer their questions.

Enjoy Great Discounts with Your Card

In addition to roadside assistance, you can use your Triple A card to get discounts at selected retail centers, movie shops and gas stations among other areas. You can locate these AAA preferred partners by connecting to the AAA mobile app. You will just click to find a hotel near me or other service provider and you will get directions to the nearest service provider.

Keep Your Card with You Always

If you are asking, ‘Can I use AAA without my card?’ You cannot use the service without the card. However, if you have a friend traveling who has a card with him, he or she can ask for assistance using his or her number. Fortunately, you do not have to carry a physical card. There is a Triple A digital card that you can carry with your AAA app. It is easy to use and very convenient.
Consider enrolling for Triple A service as soon as you leave the traffic school. It will save you from wondering, ‘Is there road assistance near me?’ as you will get quality roadside assistance service wherever you are. As a member, you only need your card and Triple A phone number: 800-AAA-HELP (800-222-4357) and your road problems are sorted.

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]]> 0 44755
CA DMV Appointments Tue, 09 Oct 2018 17:02:55 +0000 Wait times at DMV offices across California are often measured in hours. Extended wait times have become so commonplace, the issue has gotten the attention of state legislators. Antiquated computer systems, understaffed offices, and the requirement…

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CA DMV traffic school

Wait times at DMV offices across California are often measured in hours. Extended wait times have become so commonplace, the issue has gotten the attention of state legislators. Antiquated computer systems, understaffed offices, and the requirement for California drivers to go to the DMV in person for basic requirements that are fulfilled online or through the mail in many other states have all been identified as major issues, to the surprise of no one who has stood in a line halfway around the block on a summer day waiting to submit a half sheet of routine paperwork to avoid a fine or ticket. Whether California’s lawmakers act to improve the situation or not, there are many simple measures you can take to minimize your wait or avoid a trip to the DMV altogether.

How to Minimize Your Wait

Many Californians appear at the DMV with proof of traffic school completion to mitigate the cost or insurance impact of a ticket. It’s not necessary to go to the DMV or to court in California to drop off proof of traffic school completion. However, it’s a great idea to go to traffic school if you get a ticket and traffic school is offered as an option. In California, completing traffic school in the time specified on your ticket can eliminate the cost and insurance impact of a moving violation if you have a valid drivers’ license and you aren’t driving commercially on a commercial license. The full list of specifics and a complete list of certified traffic schools can be found on the California Courts website.

Preparation Help Immensely

If you’re unsure whether you have to take a trip to the DMV, you should visit the California DMV website to make sure you’re required to go before you waste time in line. The California DMV website is well organized and easy to use. There’s a chance whatever business you have with the DMV can be taken care of on the website. If not, you can print the forms you need for your appointment, saving time once you get to the DMV office and eliminating the chance of waiting hours for your turn in line only to discover they don’t have copies of the form you need in stock (it happens). Most importantly, if you determine you must go to the DMV in person, you can schedule an appointment time on the DMV website.

Schedule an Appointment

Scheduling an appointment on the California DMV website is very easy. You can schedule most types of transactions online. If you’re not sure which DMV office is closest to you, there’s an interactive map with all current DMV offices and their hours. You might discover there’s a DMV close to your house that is newly opened or that you didn’t know about before. Once your appointment is scheduled, you can change or cancel it easily. The one problem with the appointment system is the slots at some offices fill up weeks or months in advance, especially for popular times. If your chosen office doesn’t have an appointment that’s convenient or timely for you, it’s worth checking other nearby offices; you might be able to find a slot that works for you at an office that’s slightly farther away than your usual one.

If you’re unable to schedule an appointment and have to wait in line with everyone else, there is one tool that can help you avoid the worst of the line delays: has a page that automatically tracks wait times in most California DMV offices.

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]]> 0 44714
How to Stop Teens from Texting While Driving Tue, 09 Oct 2018 00:24:36 +0000 Your teenage son or daughter is driving a car. Simply thinking that or saying those words aloud might fill you with a little pride and a lot of worry. You…

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california drivers ed texting while driving

Your teenage son or daughter is driving a car. Simply thinking that or saying those words aloud might fill you with a little pride and a lot of worry. You think, or at least hope you impressed them with the gravity of the responsibilities involved with getting behind the wheel and the consequences of mistakes or lapses in attention for other drivers, pedestrians, their passengers, and themselves. You sent them to a solid prep program like a certified California Drivers Ed class. But they don’t know what they don’t know, and all you can do is hope they don’t fill in the gaps in their knowledge the hard way.

Receiving a Text While

You can picture it clearly; your son or daughter is late for something and driving a little faster than they probably should. Maybe they blow through a yellow light that’s really red. They approach another intersection in the distance when their phone buzzes and beeps, the face lighting up with the message, “Where are you? We’re about to leave. Hurry up.” Your child picks up the phone and tried to type the standard “OMW”, but they hit the wrong keys. They look down for three seconds to correct their text.

Visualizing the Worst Has Happened

At 45 miles per hour, the car travels over 200 feet. By the time they look up, there’s a crosswalk, an intersection, and a red light in front of them. There is no way the teen driver can possibly stop in time. What happens now? Do they hit a pedestrian? When you picture that, do you picture the carnage first, or the months and years in and out of jail and court for your child? Do they enter the intersection and get hit by another car? Or do they whiz right through the empty intersection, feel shook up for a while, but in the back of their mind think maybe they’ve been wrong to be so conservative and nothing bad will ever really happen to them?

Did You Know There Are Apps to Help?

All those scenarios are bad, though some are obviously worse than others. Fortunately, there are proven, effective measures to keep teenagers (or anyone, for that matter) from texting while driving. On the iPhone, iOS 11 and later has an embedded Do Not Disturb While Driving feature. This feature blocks incoming calls, messages, and stops notifications when the phone is traveling at driving speeds on a road. It will send an auto-reply or message to the sender if programmed to do so.

If you’re a parent, you can set your child’s phone so this feature is impossible to turn off. This free feature embedded in the operating system is one of the best available, but many others are similar in functionality, albeit easier for a teenager to disable. Driving Detective, a free app for Android phones, is very effective, as are a host of other apps, most of them free. AT&T, Verizon, and most major cell phone carriers have or are developing similar driving apps that block some or all incoming transmissions. Apple’s software is still the only one that requires an outside password to disable, but most are effective.

A Responsible Parent

An innate sense of responsibility, a good head on a teenager’s shoulders, and a good driver’s education class are all important, but when temptation strikes, and other measures break down, the most effective way to make sure teenagers don’t text and drive is to make sure the phone itself is disabled while it’s in motion.

The post How to Stop Teens from Texting While Driving appeared first on MyImprov.

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